O ctober 19, 2005 Œ1k JJortlattò © bseruer Page B2 Michael E. Harper, Sr. L aw & JusTiCE Civil Rights Pioneer Remembered STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES 9W5SWB.irtxir.SuHe KW HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON. BrtLuxLC «97219 (503)221-3050 DOMONIQUE'S / Hair Stylist Wanted Domonique's Hair Design Looking for a Professional Stylist to join our team. 503-286-3758 Contact Teresa at: 222 N. Killingsworth,97217 r i n o m i I < i ll« iiK l^ hlr< pra< Ih < e n te r I e n a n te t Uin m «n li« t en te r • AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES • ON THE JOB INJURIES • NECK PAIN • BACK PAIN • HEADACHES • WELLNESS CARE • SPORTS INJURIES h w a lth t h r o u g h • W? accept most insurance plans. • No referral required. (AP) — V ivian M alone Jones, one o f tw o black students w hose effort to enroll at the University o f A labama led toG eorge W allace’s infam ous "stand in the schoolhouse door" in 1963, died Thursday. She was 63. Jones, who w ent on to becom e the first black to graduate from the school, died at A tlanta M edical C enter after suffering a stroke. A retired federal w orker who lived in A t­ lanta, she grew up in M obile, Ala. She had enrolled at historically black A labam a A&M U niversity in H untsville when she transferred to the U niversity o f A labam a in 1963. The m ove led to then-G ov. W allace’s infam ous stand in defiance o f orders to adm it black students. Jones and Jam es Hood, accom pa­ nied by then-D eputy U.S. A ttorney G eneral N icholas K atzenbach. enrolled after W allace Portland, OR 97213 (503) 493-9730 40 rounds of gunfire spray neighborhood A north Portland neighborhood erupted in gunfire when a police pursuit on foot led to the exchange Martin J. Codino, DC FIND YO U R T H R IL L ON 1, B LU E B E R R Y LANE Portland’s first ZERO IMPACT Community IMAGINE A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY OF SPACIOUS, AUTHENTIC CRAFTSMAN-STYLE HOMES, RIGHT IN THE HEART OF ELIOT Imagine your dream house with full length balconies facing a common green, edible pathways, organic gardens, secured underground four-car garages, open space designs for extended family living, solar panels, hydronic heat, rainwater harvesting, and Platinum Earth Advantage-all standard. From mid-400’s. Thursday, October 27,6-8 pm, Billy Reed’s Restaurant COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING Come for thrills and blueberries! Create the community of your dreams Reserve your place in B L U E B E R R Y L A N E . VILLAGE GREEN HOMES Sustainable for Generations www.villagegreenhomes.org RSVP: 5 0 3 6 0 3 9 9 0 1 Billy R e ed’s R e sta u ra n t is lo cated a t 2 8 0 8 M a rtin L u th e r K in g Jr. Blvd. n ess.” She recalled that she and Hood w aited in a car until W allace read his proclam ation. Fi­ nally, w hen he stepped aside, she said, that allow ed them to enter the university. "I was never afraid. I did have som e appre­ hensions in my m ind, though, especially hav­ ing gone to segregated, 'sep arate, but eq u al’ schools,” she said. Jones said her religious beliefs gave her confidence to persist, and she graduated in 1965. “G od was w ith m e,” she said. Vivian Malone Jones Police Return Gunfire in Foot Chase • Treatment for auto injuries covered by most insurance carriers. Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, just one block north o f Sandy Blvd. 4317 NETillmook St. finished his statem ent and left. At an appearance last year in M obile, she recalled m eeting w ith W allace in 1996, when the form er governor w as in frail health. He died in 1998. “I asked him why did he do it,” she said. "H e said he did w hat he felt needed to be done at that point in tim e, but he w ould not do that today. At that point, w e spoke - I spoke - o f forgive­ Jones was one student Wallace blocked at door A frican A m e ric a n A llia n c e fo r H o m eo w n ersh ip (AAAH) P resen ts 6 th ANNUAL AFRICAN AMERICAN HOME BUYING FAIR .cP' Saturday, October 22, 2005 10am - 2:30pm FREE TO THE PUBLIC Emanuel Hospital Atrium • 501 North Graham, Portland • Visit With Over 40 Home Buying Professionals • Attend Free Homebuying Workshops Check our website for schedule of workshops • Affordable 1” Time Homebuyer Programs • Activities for Youth Enter to win great prizes...$5,000 Down Payment/closing Cost Coupon, and more! (Pules will apply Must be present to win.) Vaida several times. o f some 40 rounds of Homicide detec­ firepower. tiv es believe that A uthorities said a p p ro x im a te ly 40 M archelow Vaida, ro u n d s w ere e x ­ 18, was seriously in­ changed, with offic­ sured when he was ers firing the major­ shot by Portland po­ ity of rounds. Detec­ lice officers around tives also believe the 11 p.m.Oct. 12. officers unsuccess­ Two v e te ra n fu lly d e p lo y e d a gang enforcem ent T aser prior to the officers said they at­ Marchelow Vaida shooting. tem pted to contact After Vaida was shot, police said Vaida near the intersection of North F re m o n t S tre e t and N orth evidence indicates that he was con­ Vancouver Avenue. He fled and a scious, alert, and talking on his cell short time later, fired several shots phone while he was lying on the at the pursuing officers, police said. ground with his loaded handgun Officers returned fire and struck nearby. Youth Officer Gets Life Sentence Michael Lee Boyles, a juvenile probation officer convicted of sexu­ ally abusing five boys under his su p e rv isio n , w as se n te n c e d Oct. 13 to life in prison. Boyles, 50, worked 11 years for the Oregon Youth Authority. He also faces lawsuits in civil court that also makes claims against the state of Oregon. During Boyles’ four-week trial this summer, prosecutors intro­ duced evidence showing that OY A officials heard complaints about Boyles’ behavior from parents and Michael Lee Boyles cused of making false statements in located in Baton Rouge, La. As a order to qualify for $2,000 in disas­ result, a FEMA check for $2,000 ter relief payments by the Federal was mailed from a government of­ Emergency Management Agency. fice in Texas to a post office box In order to qualify, a person must controlled by Miller in Portland. have suffered damage to property Investigators are gathering evi­ as a result of the hurricane. Appli­ dence relating to numerous other An indictment by a federal grand cants are required to identify the checks sent to Portland which may jury charges a Portland man with specific property which suffered also be based on fraud. A criminal indictment is only an mail fraud in the receipt of $2,000 in such damage. allegation and not evidence of guilt. T he indictm ent alleges that disaster relief monies designated I f con victed. Mi Her could face up to to survivors o f hurricane Katrina. Miller falsely represented that he 20 years in prison and a fine. Harold Allen Miller Jr.. 41, isac- suffered such damage to a property Charged with stealing Katrina cash Rape Suspect Found Guilty Case Before 4 4 -y e a r-o ld K evin R om ond W alls, the su sp e c t in a M arch 10 sexual a ssa u lt on M t. T a ­ bor, w as c o n v ic te d F rid ay by a M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty ju r y on eight m easure 11 fe lo n ie s in ­ c lu d in g , rap e, so d o m y , u sin g a w eapon in a c rim e and k id n a p ­ ping. P o lice said in a d d itio n to the M t T a b o r sexual a ssa u lt. W alls w as c o n n e c te d to o th e r sexual a ssa u lts by D N A and is b e ­ lieved to be a serial rap ist. He is sch ed u led fo r se n te n c in g n ex t m onth. Judge Joe Brown Kevin Romand Walls Advertise with diversity u 1,1 in n rfh ttth © b sv v n ev Sponsors include Bureau of Housing & Community Development. State F irm Insurance, Fannie Mae. Legacy Emanuel Hospital A Health Center, The Skenner News Group. Muttnomah County. Albina Community Bank. Portland Development Commission. Washington Mutual, Oregon Housing A Community Services. American Family Insurance Oregon Department ot Veteran Affaire and Northwest Natural other caregivers as early as 1995, but took no action to remove him from his job. Police said that under Boyles’ supervision, the children were fre­ quently placed in the foster home of a Boyles acquaintance, so that they would be available for sexual abuse. During sentencing, one of his victims looked directly at him and said: “I will forgive you. But I will never forget, and knowing you are in prison makes me a very happy person.” Local Man Accused of Fraud For more inform ation call 503-595-3517 www.aaah.org Police said because Vaida re­ fused to obey num erous com ­ mands, officers deployed at least two less lethal beanbag rounds. The Bureau’s Special Emergency Reaction Team was activated to arrest him, and SERT medics pro­ vided the initial medical assistance. Initial information indicated that there might have been a second suspect involved in either the shooting or foot pursuit, but detec­ tives now believe Vaida was the sole suspect involved. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Detec­ tive Bryan Steed at 503- 823-0395 or Detective Lynn Courtney at 503- 823-0451. Cull so V2XK-OO33 ads@portlandobservei.com A case involving two Port­ land area residents will be featured on the Thursday, Oct. 27 episode of “Judge Joe Brown.” A woman from Milwaukie will stand before the judge to claim that her ex-boyfriend ran up her credit card within months after they starting dating, which included credit bills for teen pom. Viewers can watch the no- nonsense, no-holds-barred judge lay down the law during the upcoming episode at 1:30 p.m. on KWBP channel 32 or cable channel 3.