Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 19, 2005, Page 5, Image 5

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    ii!t ^lorthmù (©bsrruer___________________________ Pa&
‘ October 19. 2005
TV Networks
Take Case of
Asia Bell
Perlia Bell (from left),
Tyrone James, Deronia
James and Hollis
Strickland are the
mother, husband, aunt
and brother o f murder
victim Asia Bell-James.
With most crimes, the
community can solve it. We need
to stop being fearful o f each other.
We need to start coming together.
photo by M ark W ashington /
T he P ortland O bserver
- Perlia Bell, mother of murdervictim Asia Bell-Jame.
lice Department website, there are
more than 280 unsolved homicide
Naturally, the issue o f Tryone re­ cases in the city since the 1970s.
gaining his sight and the family
“T hey’re shutting their blinds
finding justice for Asia stuck to­ andclosing their doors to life,” Bell
said. “That’s why we have so many
‘T m glad it’s picking up because cases unsolved. With most crimes,
it's been a long time,” Deronia said. the community can solve it. We
“I became close to Asia before this need to stop being fearful of each
happened. We lost somebody that other. We need to start coming
was simply an all around good per­ together.”
son. It makes me feel
Bell has led a
sad and sometimes,
number of gather­
I get angry-but I’m
ings and marches in
riot try in g to be
remembrance of her
negative about it.”
daughter and oth­
1 For Perlia, deal-
ers affected by vio­
( ing with issues of
violence is all too
“ W e need to
familiar. Her bro­
work together. It
ther, Kern McClure,
takes numbers for
was beaten to death
change,” Bell said.
in 1996. The case is
“Portland is griev­
also still unsolved.
ing and we don’t
And just a week
h e a l. E v e ry d a y
before a “Stop the
there’s a shooting
Violence” rally last
or stabbing and we
^February, her 20- Asia Bell-James
just sit in front of
.'year-old nephew
our televisions and
Wilando Bell was shot to death watch the news, but that’s as far as
after confronting a gunman w ho’d we go. If there’s car show or a
robbed a liquor store. Her other basketball tournament or a wet t-
nephew, Willie Bell, was shot in the shirt contest, the streets are full of
arm during the same incident. people - but when you have a
Dominicke Sanders, 25, was even­ march against violence, there’s
tually charged in the killing.
only a handful o f people there.”
“Maybe we can get somewhere
Asia Bell’s story can be found
and get some stuff resolved,” Bell on the A m erica’s Most Wanted
said. “I hope it weighs on their w e b site
at w w w .a m e ric a s
hearts and they’ll want to d o some­ m ostw anted.com .
thing about it.”
The family was filmed for a
She sees that there are two kinds “Families in Crisis” segment for
of people - those who are witnesses, the Maury Povich show on Tues­
and those who claim they “didn’t day, and the episode is expected to
K see nothing” out of fear for their air on Tuesday, Oct. 25, although
1 own personal safety and the possi- the date and time is subject to
V'bility of being thought o f as a change. The Maury Povich Show
b “snitch.” A lot of people, she said, airs weekdays at 9 and 11 a.m. on
simply don’t want to get involved. Portland’s KWBP channel 32 or
" According to the Portland Po- cable channel 3.
*3 --
from Front
--- ---- ----.....—
Boneless W hole
Pork Loin
Sold whole in the bag
24 age group in the country. Penta­
gon officials have made it known
that they are looking to double the
number of Latinos enlisting and are
focusing hardest on areas with large
populations and low enlistment
In addition to the stepped up-
recruitm ent plan, the military also
is heavily advertising the citizen­
ship potential through enlistment.
Shortly before the beginning o f
the war, the Bush adm inistration
signed an executive order allow ­
ing noncitizen, perm anent resi­
dents to serve in the m ilitary and
to apply for citizenship in a fast-
track basis.
Mexicana Airlines is Mexico’s
leading airline with the most exten­
sive international routes. From its
operations hub in Mexico City, it
flies to more than 5 0 destinations in
North America, Central America,
South America and the Caribbean.
’ Moviegoers Help Food Bank
Local Regal Cinem as and mov­
iegoers helped fight hunger by
donating 89,882 pounds o f food
during the C ans Film Festival.
Thousands o f people brought
three cans o f food to Regal the­
aters on Sept. 22 in exchange for
a free movie ticket and popcorn.
“ C ans Film F e stiv a l g iv es
p eo p le a ch ance to help fight
h u n g er w hile h aving a great
tim e ," said R achel B risto l, e x ­
ecu tiv e d ire c to r o f the O regon
Food Bank.
SAVE up to $3.00 lb.
Pork Spareribs
B o n e -in .
SA VE up to $ 1 .0 0 lb
Red or Black
SAVE «« to S2.M ft.
R ib Crackers
9 to 16-02
Selected varieties.
Club Price: $2.50 ea.
All-American dassic - all beef
Lucerne Yogurt
3-02. Over 20 Navors
from which to choose.
Club Price: 40c ea
SAVE up to 50c on 10
H its I t a S M I w e t«
CtósPnce M e a .
SAVE uc lo $2 59 on i
with a savory mix of bell peppers,
onions and spices, topped with
Portland to Mexico
Flights Added
M ex ican a A irlin es has a n ­
nounced the addition of two weekly
flights from Portland.
Beginning Dec. I. a flight will
now be operating from Portland to
G uadalajara and continuing to
Mexico City seven days a week.
Boneless W hole
Pork Tenderloin
, Military Recruits Latinos
An analysis of news media re­
ports shows the U.S. military is
turning to Latinos to make up for
the rapidly falling recruitment and
enlistment numbers.
The website diversity.com re­
po rts that recru itm en t am ong
blacks, who make up nearly a quar-
ter of active-duty forces, despite
making up only 13 percent of the
‘ U.S. population, has dropped by 40
■' percent since the beginning of the
Iraq War.
It quotes findings from the Star-
Ledger in New Jersey that shows
the Pentagon has turned to Latinos
to make up the difference. Hispanic
men represent 16 percent of the 18-
SAVE up to S3 80 lb
Ingredients for life..
S A V E u p t o $ 1 .0 0
Tortilla Chips
Tombstone Original
or Brick Oven Pizza
Selected varieties
I6te 23-oz $efcw)flr«es
□ub Pice $2 50 b
SAVE op to $3 49 on 2
SAVE up to $11 95 on 4
Macaroni & Cheese
7.24-02. Original only.
Club Pnce: 60< ea
SAVE up Io $ 1 4 5 on 5
Shop at Home. We Deliver.
Chateau Ste Michelle,
Napa Valley Vineyards
or Sockeye
SAVE up to $ 5 12
Hersheys, Man or Nestle
Junbo fini Sue Bag I95to
28-02 Selected vaneties
W w supptecast
SAVE unto (1 9 0
s a ffe w a y .c o m
4. UMli) AW ITU nUUM-.in/l M, rr.M IMI
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