Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 19, 2005, Page 3, Image 3

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    October 19. 2005
Page A3
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Deadline for Local Katrina Survivors
assistance to
run out
Under Federal Emergency Management
Agency guidelines, survivors of Hurri­
cane Katrina in the Portland area will have
just a tew days to fi le for Individual Assis­
FEM A regularly establishes a deadline
for affected persons in natural disasters to
rile for Individual Assistance aid. The
deadline for Hurricane Katrina-related
applications is Oct. 28.
In some cases, FEM A may extend dead­
lines for all applicants or on a case-by­
case basis forextenuating circumstances.
Applications can be processed online at
www.fema.gov/register.shtm. by calling
I -800-621 -FEM A (3362) or in person at the
Family Resource Center, the former Wash­
ington High School site serving Hurricane
Katrina survivors.
The multi-agency center at Southeast
14,h Avenue and Start Street will continue
to assist hurricane survivors with applica­
tions and other support services Tues­
days through Saturdays, 9 a m. to 5 p.m.
As of Oct. 10, a total of 786 hurricane
survivors had received services at the
center. Survivors are receiving assistance
with housing, education, employment,
health and mental health services. Ser­
vices are provided at the center by staff
from Multnomah County, Oregon Depart­
ment of Human Services, American Red
Dear Deanna!
My fiance cheated before we were
married and I recently learned that
h e’s still seeing the woman he
cheated with. 1 want to get out of
th e re la tio n s h ip but feel we
should go to counseling. I find it
hard to forgive him because I’m
scared h e’ll do it again. W hat
should I do about this? —A nisha;
W ashington, D.C.
Dear Anisha:
You had your w arning signs be­
fore you got married and you knew
what you were getting yourself
into. M ost women that are in tune
with their relationship know when
their mate is cheating. You should
seek professional counseling not
only for your m arriage but your­
self as well. If it d o esn ’t work
y o u ’ll be able to breathe instead
o f sharing your spouse or w alk­
ing aro u n d being scared and
w orrying about a man.
Cross, and the Community Welcoming
The City of Portland, Portland Public
Schools, Social Security Administration,
US Postal Service. Head Start, the H ous­
ing A uthority of Portland, and 211 -Info
are among the agencies involved in ef­
forts to support hurricane survivors
who have arrived in the local m etropoli­
tan area.
The center provides survivors with a
single location where they can be linked to
the services they need, including a case
manager. A current priority is registering
survivors with FEMA so that they may
become eligible to receive federal assis­
For information on donations and vol­
unteering, visit www.21 linfo.org or call
211 or 1-800-SAFE-NET.
My boyfriend revealed to me that
h e’s gay. On the outside every­
thing about him is m asculine,
strong and reflects a genuine man.
We do th in g s to g e th e r as a
couple, have great intim acy and
often talked about having ch il­
dren. How in the world did I miss
the signs and should I stay in this
re la tio n sh ip ? --A n o n y m o u s;
Augusta, Ga.
Real People, Real Advice
Dear Anonymous:
An advice column known for
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
In these days, you c a n ’t judge a
book, man or woman by its cover.
T here’s too many em otional and
health risks if you choose to stay
in this relationship. You d id n ’t
miss the signs because you sim ­
ply d id n ’t know to look for any.
However, you should applaud his
honesty because most down low
men are liars and do n ’t tell the
w om en about th e ir life sty le .
Count your loss, be thankful for
the blessed revelation and keep it
on talking. - M s . Tate; Dallas,
Dear Ms. Tate:
I h ear you talk in g but like a lot
o f u ptight p aren ts, you need to
rem ove the corn cob from you
Dear Deanna!
know w here. You know good
I am appalled at the response you and w ell th at you w ere p ro b ­
gave D eLeisa in Bronx, NY in re­ ably touched with a sw itch, belt,
gards to her hitting her child. o r e x te n sio n cord as yo u r p a r­
T here is a way that children can ents k ept you in check. T o d a y ’s
be disciplined w ithout physical baby b o o m ers are taking over
force. In essence, you are sup­ b ecau se they lack physical d is­
porting child abuse and I feel you cip lin e . Y o u ’re not the sharpest
could have suggested a method knife in the d raw er but there is
o f discipline that focused strictly a big d iffe re n c e betw een d is c i­
Filmmaker Spike Lee has plans to make a documentary examining how race
and politics collided in the aftermath o f Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Lee
plans to use “factualjournalism" in his look at the events, which has become
a huge issue for political activists because thousands o f black and low-income
people were stranded amid violence and lawlessness after the wreckage.
Powerball Jackpot Reaches Stratosphere
pline and ch ild abuse.
Dear Deanna!
Katrina Inspiration for Next Spike Lee Film
With $340 mill ion up for grabs i n
the second-biggest lottery jack­
pot in U.S. history, people are trek­
king to convenience stores and
other outlets in 27 states, including
Oregon to buy their tickets.
of hitting all six numbers are 1 in
W ednesday' s Powerbal 1 jackpot 146 million. The biggest lottery
climbed into the stratosphere after jackpot in U.S. history is $363 mil­
20 straight drawings in which no lion, won by two ticketholders in
one won the grand prize. The odds Illinois and Michigan in 2000.
D e p a rtm e n t
o f T ra n sp o rtatio n
Oregon businesses are finding new
opportunities for growth with the Oregon
Department of Transportation's OTIA III
State Bridge Delivery Program.
The bridge program will repair or replace
more than 300 bridges in the state. It is
also designed to stimulate Oregon’s
Design and construction firms, materials
suppliers, cafés, hotels, hardware stores,
supermarkets, and other specialty
contractors are receiving a much-needed
shot in the arm, too.
To learn more, visit ODOT's web site at
http://egov.oregon.gov/ODOT/HW Y/
And it's working.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
u ’H’H'. askdeanna, com
Michael Minor, pictured above, and his
firm Michael Minor & Associates, secured
contracts to mitigate construction noise
on eight bridges on Interstate 84.
¡N E W
S Q U A S H & P U M P K IN
Did you know that not all w inter squash are created equal? Visit us
this weekend and w e ’ll show you why. Squash come in every shape
and size imaginable. Some are better suited for soups and pies,
others best baked with a little butter and eaten as a light entrée
or side dish. This weekend w e ’ll set the record straight. Some of
our favorite local grow ers like Gathering Together Farm, Mustard
Seed Farm, and Siri & Son Farm will be stocking our stores with
the freshest, most beautiful local w inter squash available. These
growers wait until their crops have just the right amount of sugar,
and are packed with flavor, before they’re delivered to our stores.
Our Demo Team will be offering you tastes of some old favorites,
encouraging you to discover some new gems, and of course,
sending you home with the recipes. How does squash soup,
squash enchiladas, squash fritte rs and pumpkin pie sound? Or,
sample each variety of squash just as it is... decide which ones
you'd like to stock up on for the fall harvest.
From buttercup to red kuri, sweet dumping to spaghetti, acorn
to delicata, and gold nugget to pumpkin - there’s nothing more
com forting than sweet, satisfying squash.
N O W O P E N ! A R B O R L O D G E AT N O R T H
IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B O U L E V A R D
N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 2 8 8 3 8 3 8
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m