page C4 FOCUS October 19, 2005 in (©bseruer Young Dancers Perform 62 local children selected for performance A s a part an upcom ing perfor­ m ance o f the G reat Russian Sw an L ake by the M oscow Ballet, 62 local children have been selected to be part o f the O ct. 30 show ing at A rlene Schnitzer C oncert Hall. T h e ta len ted ch ild re n au d i­ tioned late A ugust at the Lloyd C enter, being selected out o f 129 participants. “W e were very im pressed with the num ber o f children who came out to audition for this production o f S w an L a k e ,” sa id R o m an A rkhypov, M oscow B allet’s dance instructor. “This production o f the G reat Russian Swan Lake is a beau­ tiful tribute to the classical tradition o f Ivanov and P etipa’s original cre­ ation. By incorporating some local children into our production, w e are sure that the program will be even more enjoyable.” After com pleting the eight-week rehearsals, the children w ill d em ­ onstrate their accom plishm ents in tw o perform ances on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., with children being divided into two perform ance groups for each show tim e. V isit w w w for ticket inform ation. Walking on th Earth, Wind & Fire Encore Moon at 0MSI The leg en d a ry b a n d Earth, W ind & Fire, h a s a n e w a lb u m fe a tu r in g s o m e o f hip h o p a n d so u l's b ig g e st sta rts Legends celebrate new album success Legendary band Earth, W ind & Fire released their 23rd career album Illum i­ nation on Sept. 20 and it debuted a, #32 on the Bill­ board 200 A lbum Chart, m arking it as their highest debut in 20 years. A nchored by founding m em bers M aurice W hite, Philip Bailey, V erdine W hite and Ralph Johnson, Illum ination offers an array o f stellar producers and guest artists that have gleaned profound inspiration from Earth, W ind & F ire’s extraordinary career. T he album ’s first single. Show Me the W ay featur- ing Ralph Saadiq, has been nom inated for a G ram m y. T he current single T rue G old is topping the charts at key radio stations across the country. C r o o n e r B ria n M c ­ k n ig h t’s fusion o f key el­ em ents from past Earth, W ind & F ire’s classic bal­ lads creates his ow n epic, “T o Y ou” on the album . O th er g uest artists fea­ tured on the album include W ill.I.A m (B lack E yed Peas), Raphael Saadiq, Big Boi (O u tK ast), sin g ers Sleepy Brown and Kelly R o w lan d (D estin y ’sC h ild ),F lo etry , V ik terD u p laix , and K enny G. T he album release com es o ff the heels o f Earth, W ind & F ire 's successful concert tour with C hicago, w hich resulted in a concert DVD. M a g n ificen t D esolation: W alking o n th e M o o n ," ta k e s view ers th ro u g h th e e x p e r ie n c e s o f 1 2 a stro n a u ts. T aking a trip through space has next to Buzz, right next to D ave, right next to G ene and Jack and all the others w ho w alked up there,” becom e more o f a reality with “Mag nificent D esolation: W alking on the M oon,” a docum entary currently H anks said. Based upon noted space scholar featured at the O regon M useum o f Dr. Eric Jo n es’ T he Lunar Surface Science and Industry (O M SI). Journals, a m assive archival data­ T hrough the eyes o f 12 astro­ b a s e w h ic h c h r o n ic le s th e nauts, view ers have a chance to m oonw alks as recounted by the experience a trip to the m oon from astronauts, “M agnificent D esola­ N A SA footage and live action ren ­ tion” brings the astronauts’ w ords ditions. Tom H anks narrates, recre­ to life by an array o f actors, includ­ ating the feats in an im m ersive en ­ ing Morgan Freeman, John Travolta, vironment. Paul N ew m an, M att D am on, M at­ “T he im ages projected on that thew M cC onaughey, and more. huge screen give the audience a C a ll 5 0 3 -7 9 7 -4 6 4 0 o r v isit never-before-seen chance to stand on the M oon right next to Neil, right w w nim ax.