Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 19, 2005, Page 14, Image 14

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Bettye L avette -- Soul sensation Bettye
Lavette will perform with Liv Warfield on
Thursday, Oct. 20 at 9 p.m. at the Doug Fir
Loungeon 830E. Burnside Street. Tickets
are $12 advance and day of show. For
more information, call 503-231 -9663.
S h o rt S h o rt F ilm Festival -
host to “Museum After Hours,” a series of musical
perform ances and social gatherings held every
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. until Dec. 14. Sultry rock
band Dirty Martini will perform on Oct. 19and funky
hip-hop group Dr. Theopolis will take the stage Oct.
26, followed by a donut eating contest. Admission is $5 tor
museum members and $8 general admission. For a schedule
and other information, visitwww.portlandartmuseum.org.
information, visit www.zonkerfilms.com
or www.hollywwxltheatre.org.
Firehouse A rtE x h ib it —ThelnterstateFirehouseC ultural ~
The Portland
International Short Short Film Festival, a B ettye Lavette
showcase o f films that clock in at 10 min­
utes or less will be held Friday, Oct. 21 and Saturday, 22 at
the Hollywood Theatre on Northeast Sandy Boulevard. For
Center will feature “Intersec­
tio n s:
A rtists
Firefighters,” a mixed-medium
art exhibit featuring local art­
is ts ’ view s o f v a rio u s
firehouses, through Oct. 27.
The IFCC Gallery is open from
11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays
through Fridays and noon to
O hm ega W atts -- In a record release
celebration for Portland’s Ubiquity
Records, Ohmega Watts will perform
with Blue Scholars and DJ Kez on Fri­
day. Oct. 21 at 9 p.m. at the Doug Fir
Lounge on 830E. Burnside Street. Tick­
ets are $ 10 advance and day of show. For
information, call 503-231 -9663.
--The Norman
Sylvester Band plays every Tuesday at Q hm ega Wgtts
8 p.m. at the Tillicum in Beaverton and
every Thursday at 9:30 p.m. at the Candlelight in Portland.
The band plays at Clyde’s in Portland at 8:45 p.m. on Friday,
Oct. 21 ; the Candlelight again on Friday, Oct. 28 at 9:30 p.m. :
Hoppers in Portland at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29; and
the Cascade B ar& G nll in Vancouver on Friday, Nov. 18 at
9:30p.m. For information, visitwww.normansylvester.com.
N o rm a n Sylvester Band
M useum - In celebration of the renovated
Mark Building, downtown’s Portland Art Museum will be
P o rtla n d A r t
October 19, 2005
in Il''|îo r t la n ô (iDbecruer
First United Methodist Church on 1838 S.W. Jefferson. The
set will include selections from Beethoven including “Fi­
nale from The Creatures of Prometheus,” “Variations and
Fugue in E-flat major" and "Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major.’’
Form oreinform ation.callw ww .colum biasym phony.org.
Fox Chase Family A rt w alk —The second annual Fox C hase
Family Artwalk will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 9:30
a.m. to 6 p.m. in the neighborhood o f N.E. 30lh and
Killingsworth Streets. Featured activities will include bal­
loon artists, free dance classes, children’s crafts, face
painting and more. For information, visit www.foxchase.info.
H ip-hop Dance Classes - Vancouver-Clark Parks and Rec-
iiy friendly
reation .g
is hosting
hosting fam
friendly hip-hop
hip-hop dance
classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach
rhythm, technique, coordination, agility, combina­
tions and teamwork through urban dance moves. For
more information, call 360-696-8236.
A r m W resiling C om petition- Shoe Gazer Arm Wrest­
_____ _
Sultry rock band Dirty Martini
4 p.m. on Saturdays.
ing competition at T iny’s Coffee 2033 N.E. Martin
Luther King Jr. BI vd. every Friday from 8-10 p.m.
G ypsy C lasses -- C aravan Studios offers classes
in belly dance, A frican dance and more. Visit the web
w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
M asks of A frica - Tribe of the Winds
Gallery , located on 2217 N.E. Alberta St.,
presents “A Different Face: Masks of
Africa” through Oct. 23. More than 40
artists are represented through the tradi­
tional mask exhibit, brought in by Achille
M asso m a. F or in fo rm a tio n , v isit
C olum bia Sym phony O rc h e stra - Portland's Columbia
Symphony Orchestra will perform on Friday, Nov. 4 at the
O n th e R a d io -- S o u l an d h ip -h o p w ith K evin
B erry fro m 7 to 9 p.m . M o n d ay s at 9 0 .7 F M /K B O O .
C h e c k o u t th e C o m m u n ity P o tp o u r r i ta lk show
fro m 7 to 8 a .m . M o n d a y s, W e d n e s d a y and F r i­
d a y s at 1480 A M /K B M S . C o u n t y o u r b le s s in g s
w ith M e lo d ie s fro m H e a v e n fro m 6 to 10 p.m .
M o n d a y s th ro u g h F rid a y s at 1290 A M /K K S L .
A fric a n A m e ric a n H e a lth R a d io W ed . n ig h ts on
1290 A M /K K S L .
Ongoingand Upcoming Music
• The Blue Monk on Belmont plays live jazz every Sunday night at 9 p.m.
For a schedule, visit www.thebluemonk.com.
• Thom City Improv, featuring members of Oldommion, Quivah, The
Chosen and The Black Notes perform every Tuesday at 10p.rn.at Conan s
at 3862 SE Hawthorne.
• Interstate Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate.
• The Black Notes play Thursdays at the Candlelight Room.
• Mel Brown plays jazz at Jimmy Maks on Tuesdays and Thursdays and
25% Off
Used CD's,
DVD's & Vinyl
l u i >X1 CM
Fridays and Saturdays at Salty’s on the Columbia.
. A Community Unity Breakfast is held every third Thursday at SEI at
• Skip Elliott Bowman JazzTrio plays Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon at
Hannah Bea’s, on northeast MLK Jr. Blvd. and Shaver.
• R&B and live funk bands perform weekends at the Interstate Firehouse
Offer Good Thru 10/31/05
This entitles you to one piece
of Double Bubble Gum
or One Atomic Fireball
Offer Good Thru 10/31/05
: Î
Cultural Center.
. After work, stop by The Red Sea, 381 S.W. 3ri Ave. from 5 to 9 p.m.
W ednesdays.
• D on’t miss Reggae Thursdays at Savannah’s at First Thursday
celebrations at 8 p.m.
• DJ <)G ONE spins R&B at Savannah’s on Fridays.
• Savannah’s Restaurant welcomes Ron Steen Jam Session Sundays at
,- > in e w
• Live Reggae Fridays and Saturdays at Montego Bay, 1239 S .W .
• Politics and Poetry is every first and third Thursday at AJ Java s
Internet Café from 6 to 8:30 p.m. C hicago Style Steppin is from 6:30