years Housing Program Expands Vision of PCRl Grand Opening rn m m u n itv service w rvir* community ‘City of Roses’ See Metro inside IJÎnrtlanh Established in 1970 Volume XXXV. Number 43 Week ¡n e Review Bush Nominee Backed Anti-Abortion Movement Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers pledged support in 1989 for a constitutional am endm ent ban­ ning abortions except when neces­ sary to save the life o f the mother, according to material given to the Senate on T uesday. As a candidate for the Dallas City Council, she also supported legislation restricting abortions if the Supreme Court ruled that states could ban abortions Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • October 19, 2005 TV Networks Take Asia Bell Case T he young couple had ju st started I to becom e com fortable with life, tak- I ing care o f five beautiful children. Heartbroken family asks witnesses to speak up “ It affected m y w hole fam ily. I d o n ’t have a w ife, my kids d o n ’t have a m o th e r... it affected us all,” Jam es said. “T he kids get em otional so m e­ tim es. T h ey ’ve been doing w ell in school, but they m iss their m other a lot." T h e fam ily has no id e a w ho co u ld ’ve carried out such a sen se­ less act o f violence or w hat m otives they m ay have had. T h ey ’re hoping that with m ore television exposure, som eone in the com m unity will step forw ard with information. T yrone also seeks to get the m es­ sage across “to sit and think before you do som ething. It’s not ju st tear­ ing up one person, it’s tearing up a fam ily. Ilo v e (A sia )a lo t. Ifanybody know s anything, say som ething.” D eronia Jam es, T y ro n e’s aunt, is the behind-the-scenes catalyst w ho helped place the fam ily 's case on the aforem entioned T V shows. D eronia’s m otivation began when T yrone asked her to do anything she could to help him regain his vision. So she w rote letter after letter, em ail after em ail, to as many television show s and organizations she could think of. At one point, 5(X)envelopes w ere sent to various facilities, asking for medical assistance to fix T y ro n e’ s eyesight. “ It ’ s an issue o f m aking an effort," D eronia said. "People need to get on board. Hard work pays o ff ev en tu ­ ally - it ju st took a lot o f letters and writing.” Sim ultaneously, A sia’s m other, Perlia Bell, was (and still is) leading a com m unity anti-violence cam paign. by K atherine B lackmore T he P ortland O bserver Saddam Lawyer Seeks Delay A fter nearly three years, the m ystery The lawyer for | | o f who killed 23-year-old Asia Bell-James Saddam Hus is finally attracting som e national atten­ sein s.ud l ues tion, both on A m erica’s M ost W anted day he will ask BTi * W| and the M aury Povich Show. a tribunal tor a Bt W T h ro u g h th ese ap p e a ra n c e s, the three in.mill | | | s victim ’s fam ily hopes to find ju stice to adjournm ent I Je® the w ell-know n but unsolved m urder * -JB o f the form er J that continues to shake the north and Iraqi dictator’ s trial for a 1982 m as­ northeast Portland com m unity. sacre. Saddam and seven senior On Nov. 20,2002 in the early evening, m em bers o f his 23-year regim e go Asia w as standing on the porch o f her on tr ia l W e d n e s d a y to fa c e hom e on N orth M ississippi A venue charges they ordered the killings and Jessup Street, when an unknow n o f nearly 150 people from the suspect fired num erous shots in her m ainly Shiite tow n o f D ujail fol­ direction. lo w in g a f a ile d a tte m p t on A sia was killed, her husband Tyrone S addam ’s life. James was blinded and Robert Mi Ihouse, Hurricane Threatens Florida a friend, w as w ounded. Police still haven’t found any suspects. T ropical Storm W ilm a strength­ T hree years later, Tyrone says he ened into a hurricane T uesday on do esn ’t feel fully alive. a path that could threaten storm - “ I d o n ’t understand why they did it,” battered Florida, tying the record he said. “W e’ve never been in any for the m ost hurricanes to form in gangs, we never did drugs.” an A tlantic season. L ong-range On the day his w ife was shot and his forecasts show W ilm a could hit vision w as taken from him, T yrone was western Cuba or M exico’s Yucatan celebrating his 26lh birthday with som e Peninsula before heading into the tim e o ff o f work. He was em ployed by G u lf o f M exico by Friday. O regon H ealth and Sciences U niversity Frontier Opens for Quake Aid as a building m aintenance engineer, and photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver A sia w as w orking in business accounts Members of the Bell and James family, including the four children (far right) of murder victim Pakistan on T uesday proposed with Legacy H ealth System s at G ood Asia Bell-James, rally support for the investigation into the unsolved killing that continues to allow ing K ashm iris to cross the continued on page A Samaritan. frontier dividing the territory with shake the north and northeast Portland community. India to help earthquake victim s - the latest sign o f cooperation be­ tw een the nuclear rivals since this m onth’s disaster. But the U.N. W orld Food Program w arned that 500,000earthquake survivors have services to a private contractor. It may ask devastated by the potential cost o f the court executive director o f SEIU Local 503. yet to receive supplies. the court to reconsider T hursday’s deci­ decision. T he local school system , already M any o f the custodians w ere long­ sion, but it cannot be appealed. racked by budget cuts, a lack o f support from tim e em ployees w ho w ere also resp o n ­ Lottery Up to $340 Million T he high court found that the firings were the State L egislature, and school closings, sible for a b u ilding’s physical plant in­ The lottery Powerball hasclim bed illegal because o f a state law requiring the says it has saved $ 10 m illion in the past tw o cluding its furnace and air conditioning. to a $340 mi 11 ion jackpot, making it by M ichael L eighton custodians to be school district em ployees. years due to the contracted services. M any w ere A frican A m ericans su p p o rt­ the second-biggest jack p o t in U.S. T he P ortland O bserver A 4-3 m ajority on the court cited a 1937 The ruling was praised by the Service ing fam ilies and local households. history. W ednesday’s Pow erball Portland school custodians w ho lost O regon law that defined custodians and E m ployees International Union, w hich rep ­ School district officials said they m ade clim bed into the stratosphere af­ their jo b s in an illegal firing three years assistant custodians in large school dis­ resented the custodians and contested the the decision to replace the w orkers in 2002 ter 20 straight draw ings in w hich ago m ay win back w ages and their jo b s tricts as essential services. school d istrict’s move. because they w ere faced w ith a severe no one won the grand prize. The back. Justice Paul De M uniz said the law was “W e look forw ard to seeing our m em bers financial shortfall. odds o f hitting all six num bers are T he Portland School District is still intended to m ake sure people hired in the get their jo b s back. And we hope that this “ It is disturbing to co n sid er spending 1 in I46m illion. evaluating the im pact from an Oregon schools presented no danger to school chil­ decision will m ake other em ployers think m ore o f our scarce dollars on custodial Obesity Surgery Very Risky S uprem e C ourt ruling that invalidated the dren and were approved by a Civil Service tw ice before they try to save a quick buck by services, rather than on educating our The chances o f dying w ithin a replacem ent o f3 0 0 cu sto d ian s with low er Board. outsourcing crucial services that O rego­ kids,” said C athy M incberg, the school yearafterobesity surgery are much cost w orkers by subcontracting janitorial Portland School District officials were nians need and deserve,” said Leslie Frane, district’s ch ief operating officer. higher than previously thought, even am ong people in their 30s and 40s, a study o f m ore than 16,000 M edicare patients found. A m ong 35- to 44-year-olds in the M edicare study, m ore than 5 per­ cent o f men and nearly 3 percent of w om en were dead w ithin a year, and slightly higher rates w ere seen in patients 45 to 54. wB. - I 1 Economic Justice for School Custodians Wholesale firings ruled illegal Historic Cemetery Victim to Vandals Headstones knocked over, paint poured on grass photo by K atherine B lackmorf / T he P ortland O bserver A headstone dating back to the late 1800s was knocked over by vandals last weekend at the Lonb Fir Cemetery in southeast Portland. Many other surrounding monuments were also affected. by K atherine B i ackmore T he P ortland O bserver It’s painful for Susie Bousha, m a n ag e r o f the L one F ir C e m ­ etery in so u th e ast P o rtlan d , to find v an d alism as she w alks t h r o u g h th e m o n u m e n ta l p a rk 's b eau tifu l g ro u n d s filled w ith g rass, flo w ers, trees and th e ir resp e ctiv e sq u irrels. “ I'm very territorial. T o have p eo p le b la tan tly d isreg a rd the h isto ric al sig n ific an c e o f this p la ce is ju s t h ea rtw re n ch in g ," B o u sh a said. M u ltip le h ea d sto n es, som e d atin g back to the late 1800s, w e re d a m a g e d re c e n tly by See related story on page A6 so m eo n e w ith n o th in g b etter to do. It ap p eared that the su s­ p ect started from on e d ire c ­ tion and tried to sec how m any tall, c o lu m n -sh ap e d m ark ers th ey co u ld k n o ck over. O n O ct. 8, b etw e en 10 a.m . and 1 p .m ., o th e r p eo p le had p o u red p ain t on the g rass, a p ­ p are n tly to m ark o f f an area in w hich they w ere film ing o r ta k ­ ing p h o to s. T h is re su lte d in d a m a g e d tu r f s u r r o u n d in g continued on page A6