Page A 3 œ*îl ^Jortlanb (©bseruer O c to b e r 12. 2 0 0 5 T Champion In and Outside Ring I f you are a small business owner interested m doing business with the government, this event is for you! This is your one opportunity each year to untangle the complex system o f bidding on government contracts. Meet with government buyers; learn firsthand how other small businesses found success in competing for government contracts Expand your business opportunities! Gouemor’s marketplace Conference KEYNOTE S peaker : Former Governor. Barbara Roberts W orkshops : • Networking Know-How "Marketing Your Business Through Interpersonal Relationships" • Basics of Doing Business with the Government "What Government Buyers are Looking For" 2005 • Technology Tools: "Making the Internet Work for You1" “The Gateway • Get Up-to-date with Purchasing Rules and Procedures: "What's New in Government Purchasing7" to Government Contracts” • How to Get Started: “A Beginner s Guide to Doing Business with the Government" Jimmy Bang Bang' Walker continued • Information Session: "ODOT Oregon's Billion Dollar Business Boom" N o v e m b e r 10 W il s o n v il l e , OR from Front A m e r ic a n s , a n d e v e n tu a lly fo u n d e d th e N o rth w e s t D e ­ fender in 1962. W hen the N orth­ w est C lario n fo ld ed , W alk er to o k o v e r an d re n a m e d h is n e w s p a p e r th e C la rio n D e ­ fender, w hich featu red his o u t­ spoken e d ito ria ls on race re la ­ tio n s, am ong m any o th e r social issu e s. The activist eventually retired in the 1990s after w orking as a longshorem an for more than 20 years, during which he was a mem­ b e r o f th e I n te r n a tio n a l O ne on O ne S essions : R egister O n l in e : A historical photo shows Jimmy ‘Bang Bang' Walker kicking off his campaign for State Representative. L o n g s h o re and W a re h o u se Union. S u rv iv o rs include W a lk e r’s sons, Jam es Jr. o f M ill V alley, C a lif., and Z elton o f A tlanta; d a u g h te r s D e b r a L e a r tin e W alker o f R ichm ond, C alif., Freda W alker o f north Portland, and R on n etta W alker-B ey o f W in sto n -S alem , N .C .; brothers Ivory W alk er o f H ayw ard, C a ­ lif., and H arvey B lack o f A t­ lanta; sisters D enise B row n o f V ancouver and Gail H u g h le y o f T ucson, A riz.; eig h t g ra n d c h il­ dren; five g re a t-g ra n d ch ild re n ; and m any n ie c e s , n e p h e w s, co u sin s and friends. An energetic service was held last Saturday at the Jefferson High School auditorium to pay tribute to W alker’s life and legacy. from Front School o f Law. She worked as a trial law yer in general p ractice for eight years and served on the W o rk m en 's C om pensation Board as an ad ­ m inistrative law ju d g e for tw o years previous, keeping up her com m unity activism . Due to a state law that re ­ quired m andatory retirem ent for ju d g es at age 75, she left the bench in 1992. Still, she stayed active in retirem ent, serving on n onprofit boards and state bar com m ittees. She is survived by her hus- band Carl; tw o brothers; tw o sis­ ters; three children; and seven grandchildren. A public service w as held Tuesday in Saint P h ilip th e D ea­ con E piscopal C hurch in N orth­ east Portland. The fam ily asks that rem em brances be m ade to the church in her honor. • Participate in buyer one on one meetings and visit government booths $35 before October 21 $65 after October 21 • Get individual advice on responding to RFPs or bidding on projects 503.378.5336.503.378.3583 ww w.govm • Learn who has upcoming contracts, and how to do business with the agency or entity you know is looking for your business A d s po n s o r e d by : the O r e g o n L o it e r * Don’t spend s10,000 - 20,000 -*30,000! on windows ANY SIZE WHITE VINYL DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW Oregon’s First Black Judge continued • How to Survive and Thrive in the Growth Phase “Getting In Staying In" Call Today! C-j Q 1 XM v -r INSTALLED Compare at $600 lKdelarts Oregon 503-289-2949 Washington 360-891-2949 Toll Free 1-866-301-2949 QUALITY • NO GIMMICKS • NO HIGH PRESSURE • NO M IN IM U M FREE ESTIMATES ' küâL Clip TIPS Ad a Give It To A Friend • Welded Frame & Sash • Glass Breakage Warranty (opt.) • Full Lifetime Warranty (opt.) • DP 50 Rated-173 mph Wind • Call Us Before You Buy V |Y M BIA As a trade ally of the E n cr Board Votes to Build School The Portland School Board voted Monday to build a state-of- the-art elementary school to serve New Colum bia, the brand new n e ig h b o rh o o d re p la c in g th e formerColumbia Villa housing de­ velopment in north Portland. The $ 16 million school will replace the aging and crow ded Ball Elem en­ tary School. The school district will be ob­ ligated for only about $9 million of the total construction cost be­ cause o f partnerships that include the Housing Authority o f Port­ land, city of Portland, Boys and Girls Club of Portland, private fundraising and use of federal New t,: •/. , ■■■■ ■ M arket Tax Credits. A Boys and G irls Club is planned on the site. “With capital dollars so scarce, we want to use this experience as a model to come up with creative solutions for important projects in other neighborhoods in our sc h o o l d is tr ic t,” sa id D avid W ynde, school board co-chair. Trust •f O rtfon Inc BBB 8U»L DIMO INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION ‘Simply the Best for Less’ 2511 N Hayden Island Drive • Next to Jantzen Beach Supercenter A frican A m e ric a n A llia n c e fo r H o m eo w n ersh ip (AAAH) Presents 6 th ANNUAL AFRICAN AMERICAN HOME BUYING FAIR • I Measures Target Downtown Crime “This is not a cam ­ ment for a targeted paign a g a in st the group o f high risk, young, the poor or chronic criminal of­ our hom eless. It is fenders who are re­ not a crim e to be sp o n sib le for h u n ­ hom eless in P o rt­ dreds o f the crimes land, and we must M ayor Tom Potter has an ­ committed downtown. never lose our com ­ The mayor also an­ nounced a series of tough new passion or our will­ crime fighting measures designed nounced that the City ingness to help those to restore the confidence of down­ willspend$1.3 million w ho c a n n o t help town residents as well as make Port­ to set aside 57 jail beds themselves. In a city to jail individuals until land more welcoming to visitors. where 30 percent of A downtown Public Safety Ac­ their arraignment in Mayor Tom Potter o u r h o m e le ss are tion Committee with six police offic­ Court when they are ers will work with residents, busi­ arrested on one of seven specific children, we cannot and will not ness owners and police to target crimes downtown, including bur­ turn our back on their needs,” the Mayor said. specific problems and find quick, glary, drugs and prostitution. “ But while homelessness is not Finally, the South Park Blocks effective solutions. The group’s first efforts will be focused on Pio­ w illhavea9p.m .curfew . Cityresi- a crime, dealing drugs on a dow n­ neer Courthouse Square and the dents will still be allowed to walk town street is. While panhandling through the park, but anyone loi­ is legal, aggressive panhandling Bus Mall. Additionally, the City will spend tering, harassing visitors or using can quickly cross the line. And we will not tolerate either." $500,000to pro v ide i m mediate treat- the park to camp will be arrested. Mayor takes steps to restore confidence Saturday, October 22, 2005 10am - 2:30pm FREE TO THE PUBLIC Emanuel Hospital Atrium • 501 North Graham, Portland • Visit With Over 40 Home Buying Professionals • Attend Free Homebuying Workshops Check our website for schedule of workshops • Affordable 1s' Time Homebuyer Programs • Activities for Youth Enter to win great prizes...$5.000 Down Payment/closing Cost Coupon, and more! (Rules will apply. Must be present to w in ) GUNDERSON A G R E E N B R IE R C O M P A N Y Gunderson Inc., a mature manufacturing based company, is seeking conscientious, dependable individuals to work as: o Fitter/W elders o Maintenance Mechanics o Associate Design Engineers Gunderson offers a competitive wage and excellent benefits. The selected candidates will be required to complete a pre-employment drug screen and/or physical. If you would like more information on these positions, please visit our website at L An Equal Opportunity Employer For more information call 503-595-3517 Sponsors include: Bureau of Housing & Community Development, State Farm Insurance, Fannie Mae, Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center The SkannerNews Group, Multnomah County, Albina Community Bank, Portland Development Commission, Washington Mutual, Oregon Housing & Community Services, American Family insurance, Oregon Department of Veteran Affairs, and Northwest Natural. ffl’r Jlnrthutb (Observer Established 1970 USPS 959-680 __________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland, OR 97211 EoiroK-iN-CHicr. PueusHca: Charles H. Washington Entmit: M ichael Leighton Rrrtimm: Katherine Blackmore D istkm ution M anauf . i i : M ark W ashington C kfativf D ikf . ctok : Paul N eufeldt O fficf M anaufk : Kathy Linder Send address changes to Portland Observer, P 0Box3137, Portland, OR 97208 Subscriptions are $60.00 per year 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 news@portlandobserver. com subscriDtiont& classifieds