PageA2________________________________________ _____ Œ,I ' Millions More Movement Takes Place This Saturday ;jjjortlanì> ©bsCrUer ________________________ New Orleans Beating Victim Baffled D oesn't know Goal to fight poverty and injustice why officers The organizers of The Mil­ bands and sons. attacked Those orchestrating the lion Man March will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the historic event with The Mil­ lions More Movement, sched­ uled for Saturday at the Na­ tional Mall in Washington, D.C. The Millions More Move­ ment will focus on mobilizing men, women and youth into an effective national movement with the goal of transforming American society and elimi­ nating poverty and injustice. The march will focus on em­ powering poor people to help themselves, beginning with the knowledge that in numbers comes strength and a com­ mon purpose to effect change. The gathering takes place on the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March, which peacefully mobilized two mil­ lion black men in order to help them be better fathers, hus- event include Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, Dr. Dorothy Height and the National Council of Negro Women, Bruce Gordon and the NAACP, Mark Morial and the National Urban League, Russell Simmons and the Hip- Hop Summit Action Network, Dr. Charles Steele and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Reverend Jesse Jackson and the National Rain- bow/PUSH Coalition, the Rev­ erend A1 Sharpton and the National Action Network and Congressman Mel Watt and the Congressional Black Cau­ cus, among a multitude of ce­ lebrity leaders. The National Director of the Millions More Movement is Washington, D.C. pastor the Reverend Willie Wilson. (A P) - A retired elementary te a c h e r w ho w as re p e a te d ly punched in the head by police in an incident caught on videotape said Monday he was not drunk, put up no resistance and was baffled by what happened. Robert Davis said he had re­ turned to New Orleans to check on property his family owns in the storm-ravaged city, and was out looking to buy cigarettes when he was beaten and arrested Saturday night in the French Quarter. Police have alleged that the 64- year-old Davis was publicly in­ toxicated, a charge he strongly denied as he stood on the street com er where the incident played Saturday, October 15, 2005, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Crowne Plaza Hotel - Lake Oswego 14811 Kruse Oaks Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Participants should wear shorts or skirts for screening. Registration is required and space is limited. 11 HealthyLees An E d ucational * Event » vnus - \— — _ _ Cx Register bv calling 888-LEG -CU RE or visiting r*»n» l>» VNUS Mnd.:«l Tnchnologi«»« ofl-omQ y»t< Ihn ClMur • O « m.nmMlIv proeedu«« »er ihn ©» thc unrtnhying eau»M o» vcocosc »«in« VNUS. the VNUS loflo nnd Cto»ur« •r« rnpmtvind and er irad«n>afk» ol VNUS Mndnal TnchnotoQ«» C o w *tt** ZOOS VNUS Madtcal T«i-h>K)k,gtM. Ine. AH Rtyli’n ft*c«'v«