FOCUS October 12, 2005 page C3 in Il!' - P o r t l a n d ( J f t b s e r u e r Oance Series Opens Whitebird celebrates 8th year raphy and Freelon’s original songs and m usical interpretations o f Billie Holiday classics, subtly explore the layers o f Billie H oliday as an artist, social activist and self-proclaim ed “L ady,” dispelling the victim -only portrayal o f this legendary woman. H oliday, bom Eleonora Fagan in Philadelphia in 1915, died a short 45 years later, leaving a legacy that continues to shape the generations o f sin g ers and artists to com e. M usicians and dancers are vibrant partners in a collaboration that fo­ c u s e s o n H o lid a y ’s triu m p h s, strength and beauty. T ickets are $ 19 to $43 plus ser­ vice charge and available at all T icketm aster outlets and from the Portland C enter for the Perform ing A rts box office. A cclaim ed ja z z vocalist N nenna F reelonjoins m em bers o f Ronald K. B ro w n ’s o u tsta n d in g E v id en ce dance com pany to open the eighth season o f P ortland’s W hite Bird dance series on W ednesday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Arlene Schnitzer C oncert Hall. T he perform ance titled “B lue­ print o f a Lady: T he O nce and Fu­ ture L ifeof Billie Holiday,’’ will mark th e 9 0 th a n n iv e rs a ry o f B illie H oliday’s birth. H ailed for her captivating live perform ances, Freelon has been praised by the Los A ngeles Tim es as being “ in the very top echelon o f ja z z vocalists.” T he N ew Y ork T im es has de­ clared that Brow n is “one o f the leading contem porary dance m ak­ ers to em erge in the last 10 years. B row n’s outstanding choreog- Jazz singer Nnenna Freelon and members of Ronald K. Brown's dance company perform "Blueprint of a Lady: The Once and Future Life of Billie Holiday. ’ Ronald K. Brown/Evidence dancers bring an acclaimed ‘fireball Intensity’ to stage. J *. JJU JU THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. T B Î1 E T M ï o r o x s s JOE MISHKIN “ THE BALLOON GUY.“ food and beverage specials & more! 5736 N.E. 3 3 rd Ave. • Portland • (5 03) 2 4 9 -3 9 0 3 • O '