il?c^ßorthtnh ©bseruer PageBó October 12.2005 Dear Deanna! S ports 1 need som e h elp really fast. M y teenage d a u g h te r is a ju n ­ ior in high school and thinks she can d isre sp e c t me. I’m a sm all w om an and s h e ’s b ig g e r than I am . R ecen tly , she put her fin g er in m y face and s h e ’s sta rte d sh o v in g m e. I’ve n ev er hit my d a u g h te r but feel that now I need to. Is th ere a w ay to talk to her and bring her back dow n to earth w ith o u t g e ttin g p h y sic a l? -D e L e is a ; Indianapolis, Ind. Athletes Team Up for Katrina Help Former NBA Star and TV commentator Kenny Smith and WNBA player Swin Cash at the NIKE campus in Beaverton celebrating efforts to help children in Louisiana and M ississippi who were evacuated from their homes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Nike teamed up with Mercy Corps and Hands on Portland Monday to pack 10,000 ‘comfort kits ' to assist the Gulf Coast evacuees. photo by S teve D ipaola / colrtesy of W hen a c h ild g e ts p h y sic a l w ith a paren t, you have the op tio n to ch o o se a body slam , c o n v in c e d m e th a t h e ’ s a dro p kick in the ch e st o r a c h an g ed . S hould I give him an ­ karate ch o p in the th ro at. R e­ o th e r c h a n c e ? —Rebecca; Buf­ g a rd le ss o f y o u r d a u g h te r’s fa lo , N.Y. ag e, you need to m ake it cle a r Dear Rebecca: th at y o u ’re the paren t and she If you go back, be sure you w ill not be p lacin g h er hands have yo u r funeral arran g em en ts on you. Y ou can talk all you in o rd e r o r get read y fo r a life o f w ant, but if you d o n ’t send m ise ry . T h is m an tre a ts you the m essage w ith som e p h y si­ w o rse than a do g and has no cal force, y o u ’ll find y o u r face resp ect, care o r love for you. If c rack ed and on the g round. you m ade it o u t o f the situation, then you need to use y o u r brains Dear Deanna! I m ade m y se lf get out o f an and stay out. N o, you sh o u ld n ’t a b u siv e r e la tio n s h ip . I w as giv e him an o th e r ch a n c e to a s­ beaten , v erb ally abu sed , raped sau lt y ou, in su lt y o u r w o m an ­ and to rm en ted on a d aily basis hood o r risk k illin g you. T he fo r alm ost 3-y ears. I had c o n ­ w ritin g s on the w a ll—ju s t m ake vinced m y se lf th at 1 loved this sure you read it. NIKE Portland Championship Fight Possible Sharmba Mitchell weight, although he has previously won titles in three other weight classes. The opponent was ex­ pected to be Sharmba Mitchell, a former two-time world champion with a record of 56-4. If the match comes true, the fight would be the biggest for Portland since boxer Roy Jones came to town three years ago. KGW said an undercard for the Nov. 19 event would feature Andre Ward, who won a Gold medal at the 2(X)4 Olym­ pics. Real People, Real Advice A n advice colum n know n fo r its fearless approach Io reality based subjects! Dear DeLeisa: Boxing promoters postponed a W ednesday announcement on a major HBOChampionship Boxing event coming to Portland’s Rose Garden. According to sources quoted by KGW Channel 8, the event was to announce th a t F lo y d May weather Jr., considered one of the best fighters in the world, will have his next fight in Portland at the Rose Garden on Nov. 19. T he bout w o u ld be M ayweather’s first as a welter­ Ö ft: □ & m an and h is ab u se w as his w ay o f sh ow ing affectio n . I ’m at a point now w here I feel as if I ’ve m oved on. H ow ever, my ex -b o y frien d is now try ­ ing to com e back and h e ’s A sk D eanna is w ritten by D eanna M. Write A sk D eanna! Em ail: a skd ea n n a l @ or 264 S. LaC ienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: www, askdeanna, com DAKA HOME SERVICES Floyd Mayweather Jr. A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! Surgery Sidelines Stoudemire The Phoenix Suns will be w ithout all-star forw ard A m are S to u d em ire for about four months after he underwent surgery to re­ pair damage to his injured left knee Tuesday. The injury turned out to be far worse than the Suns expected when they an­ nounced Monday that team doc tor Thomas Carter wou Id perform what was termed “diagnostic” surgery. Stoudemire, who turns 23 next month, signed a five-year, $73 mil­ lion contract extension last week, the maximum allowed under the NBA’scollective bargaining agree­ ment with the players union. In a news release, the Suns said Carter repaired a joint surface de­ fect roughly one centimeter in di­ ameter on the inside of his left knee. “The surgery went well and other than the defect that we treated to­ day, Amare’s knee is remarkably and structurally healthy,” Carter said in the statement released by the team. “Given A mare’s age and the nominal size of the location of MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL PSU nearly pulled off the upset of the year last Saturday, as they went to Boise State and never trailed until mid­ way through the fourth period be­ fore finally losing to the Broncos, 21-14. Portland State returns to PGE Park having won five straight home and is 29-8 overall at home since the start of 1999 season. STAIRS (with other service) CALL TODAY - we make the loan process E ASY] There is no fe e or obligation to apply Each Area 360-433-2466 o r to ll f r e e 1-877-436-2466 or apply at RIB EXPRESS Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO/ BOAT/ R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT & STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON’S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sandwiches • Salads Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs SOFA--------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT --------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ----------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------- $ 5 .0 0 COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR I ■ I I I , 1 $135.00 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: Blame it on the Moon PC PA Winniiigstad I heatre 1 I I I SW Broadway 7:30 pm I i-¡day 11/04/2005 7:50 pm Saturday I I/O5/2OO5 2:00 pm Sunday 1 I 06/2005 w hile. W hy w aste one precious m o­ m e n t, let a lo n e y e a rs su ffe rin g n e e d le s s ly ? F in d yo u r freed o m th ro u g h good health N O W ... n a tu ­ rally . Find y o u r freedom through C h iro p ra c tic ...a n d make each day co u n t. I s n 't it tim e you stepped up to safe, e ffe c tiv e C h iropractic? Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2027 Lloyd Center Mall, Portland Oregon 97232 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 sponsored by funded by " " T a m u v/A2 - - L - - HOURS: 11 a m - 8 pm 1 la m -9 p m closed I la m -9 p m II am - 10 pm * * * N ew L ocation * * * Teat s of Joy Theatre Presents: Part 27. Chiropractic VS Migraines: Saying goodbye to the most menacing of headaches Sunday M onday T uesday Wed-Thurs Fri. & Sat. Try our new healthy & vegetarian menu items 5 4 1 0 N.E. 3 3 rd (503) 281-3949 : Can an y th in g be done for forget! The story had a happy, hut migraines? I’ve had them for the is n ’t it sad that it had such an u n fo r­ 0 years and I sincerely can’t take tu n ate beginning. So m any su ffer for so long w ith th eir pain. They literally it much longer. : I had a patient once ask the w aste years o f th e ir lives, w aiting, same question. Her concern, th in k in g that it is ju st a tem porary co n d itio n . L ife itse lf is a tem porary h o w e v e r, w as th a t C h iro p ra c tic m ight hurt. A fter b eco m in g a p a ­ co n d itio n . We are all here for only a tie n t, she began to m ake p ro g re ss. S lo w ly but su re ly the n a u se a tin g e ffe c ts o f the m ig rain e w ere le a v ­ ing her. O ne d ay , relax ed an d w ith ­ o u t p ain , she said to m e “ I c a n 't b e lie v e th at I w aited 20 y e a rs for th is!” T h a t’s one com m ent I ’ll never CATERING ALL EVENTS I I HALL. LOVESEAT & CHAIR An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession t=ï CANNON'S $ 1.50 Each SPINACÔLUMN A S erving O regon & W ashington $35.00 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) the defect, I am confident the microfracture procedure performed will allow a healthy and normal re­ turn to action.” Considered the cornerstone of the franchise, Stoudemire has im­ proved each year and was a main component of a team that won a league-best 62 games last season. The 6-foot-10, 245-pound for­ ward was fifth in the NBA in scor­ ing at 26 points per game last sea­ son, his third in the league. He averaged 30 points in the playoffs, 37 in the Western Conference f i ­ nals against Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs. $25.00 THE 9 Seeking to own? - N O W is your time! Let the H o m e O w n e rs h ip & M o rtg a g e Experts"" find your perfect loan. _______ CARPET CLEANING Vikings Home for Bobcats An important Big Sky Confer­ ence game looms large for both Portland State and 9,h ranked M on­ tana State as they will meet at PGE Park this Saturday night. Kickoff is 6:05 p.m. For the Vikings, a win would do no worse than vault them into a tie with the currently first place Bob­ cats. • Tired of renting? • No Rental History? • Trouble Saving? • Bankruptcy? • Bad Credit? • Foreclosure? • Zero Down? • Non Resident Alien? • Good Credit? • Investment Property? W l l o r t l a n b (P lu srrU rr 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 special performance of Cinderella October 15, 2005 Royal Durst Theatre Vancouver, Washington Tears of Joy Theatre Box Office: (360) 695-0477 or (503)248-0557