^ ^ o r t l a n ù (Db s e ruer October 12, 2005 C lassifieds o UNIVERSITY OF OREGON R eligion Assistant / Associate Vice Provost The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIE&D) °# fgo ^ University of Oregon This position assists the Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Bilingual (English/Spanish) and Diversity in providing leadership, Non-bilingual positions guidance and direction for equity $2,512 - $3,055 / month and diversity matters concerning Closes October 21, 2005 faculty, students and staff of the UO community. This Assistant Cartographer I Vice Provost will provide high-level $2,773- $3,373/ month professional support for a diverse Closes October 28, 2005 array of projects in clu din g coordination of the Oregon Temporary Community Health Emerging Scholars Program and Nurse II (Part-time) the U ndergraduate Support Bilingual - English/Spanish Program. Responsibilities include $29.74 $35.17/h our assessment, composition and Open Continuous planning of w ritten reports, Temporary Mental Health correspondence and oral communications; presentation of Specialist I (Mental Reconation Therapy) - workshops, and related events at the discretion of the Vice Provost; Part-time and representing the University of $20.99-$25.51/hour Oregon and the Vice Provost at on Closes October 21, 2005 and off campus events. This Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) position serves as a resource to 846-4898 for information or see the campus and surrounding our website: www.co.Washington, com m unities with a prim ary or.us. County application and emphasis on recruitment and supplemental application forms enrollment matters concerning required. Women, minorities, and Latino/Hispanic communities and people with disa b ilitie s are other non-traditional populations. encouraged to apply. Researching, writing, submitting and managing grants are regular APPLY TO: responsibilities of this position. Washington County Human Resources Division Doctorate or first professional 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 degree is preferred, a Masters Hillsboro, OR 97124 degree is required. Exceptional Administrative Specialist II o UNIVERSITY O F O R EG O N Office Manager — University of Oregon Labor Education & Research Center in Eugene. Responsible for supervising day- to-day office operations, including supervision of staff, managing information technology systems, and fiscal and grant oversight. Requires fiscal m anagement experience, including dem onstrated experience in accounting, budget management, and ability to analyze budgets and recommend budget strategies; expertise with spreadsheets and com plex database programs; dem onstrated experience o pe ratin g and m aintaining information technology systems, in clu din g determ ining departm ent and user needs, upgrading hardware and softw are, tro u blesh ootin g hardware and software problems, and providing user support; excellent communications and interpersonal skills and ability to interact effectively with a diverse group of faculty, staff, students, and university and union officials; demonstrated management and su p ervisory skills. Salary $38,000-$45,000. Application information available at Human Resources, 5210 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210; (541) 346-3159, TTY (541) 346- 0852; on the web http;// candidates without a Masters degree but who have equivalent professional experience and advanced graduate coursework w ill be considered with the expectation th a t they will complete a Masters degree within 18 m onths of em ploym ent. Substantial experience working with education in itia tive s, including partnerships with higher education in stitu tion s that include advocacy for diversity and equity is preferred. Experience in creating and conducting equity w orkshops is preferred. Experience in working with Latino/ Hispanic and other underrepresented populations is required. For application instructions, supplem ental questions and complete job description refer to h ttp://h r.u oregon .ed u /iobs/ posting #5085. The Business Recycling Specialist for the Office of Sustainable Development is responsible for providing technical assistance to businesses to improve recycling, waste prevention and sustainable purchasing practices. Duties include conducting site visits to help businesses better understand recycling processes, coordinating services provided by recycling collectors and identifying markets for hard to recycle items. Additional duties will include assisting with various solid waste- related com m ittees and developing marketing information and reports on program goals and objectives. N otedjazz pianist Bill Mays and his trio will kick off the W arner Pacific College “C on­ certs in the C hapel” series in a special W ednesday evening concert on Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in M cGuire Auditorium on campus. As former musical director for Sarah Vaughan, Mays has performed with such elite jazz players as Gerry Mulligan, Ron Carter, Sonny Stitt and Phil Woods. As an accompanist, he has also worked with Andrea Bocelli, Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, and Mel Torme. Tickets are $10 general ad­ Allie Kilpatrick-Brown A hom ecom ing celebration was held at the N ew Hope M issionary Baptist Church M onday for Allie Kirkpatrick Brow n, a Portland resi­ dent w ho passed aw ay on Oct. 3 at age 77. On Jan. 7 ,1 9 2 8 , she was bom to the union o f T hom as C. W hite and Sally Dee W estly-W hite in Provi­ dence, a com m unity o f H ope, Ark. T h e f a m ily r e lo c a te d to T exarkana, Ark. in 1934, when her tw o brothers, Carl L. W hite and Charlie W hite, were bom. Both pre­ ceded her in death. A fter graduating high school, she continued her education in beauty school and becam e a beau­ tician in 1948. In 1949, she made her w ay to Portland after the Vanport Flood. She met O rdw ay T yler in 1950 and they united in m atrimony. They Bill M a ys had tw ochildren, Felita Y vette Tyler and O rdw ay T yler II. O rdw ay preceded her death in 1961 and in 1967, she met A nthony Kilpatrick, who she married in 1968. They w ere m arried 28 years. A n­ thony Kilpatrick preceded her in death in 1991. In 2001, she m arried Robert (Bob) Brown. She w as very happy and they did a lot o f things together. A llie w ore many hats: a beauti­ cian, counselor for Planned Parent­ hood, a grocery clerk, and a hom e provider. She opened a hat shop and loved seeing w om en in hats. She w as a proud w ife, mother, grandm other, great grandm other, aunt and friend. She was proud to be a C hristian. She loved fishing, traveling, cooking, gardening, church func­ tions, and fam ily gatherings. She enjoyed her children, grandchildren In Loving Memory Allie Kilpatrick- Brown Charlie H. Wyse, Jr. Funeral services were held Satur­ day at Bethel A .M .E. C hurch for C harles (Charlie) H. W yse, Jr., a long­ tim e Portland resident w ho died on Oct. 1 at age 85. Charlie had been a m em ber o f the church for 50 years. He was bom on Dec. 27, 1919, in Brenham , Texas. He moved to Port­ land in 1945 to w ork at the shipyards Racial Health Disparities Addressed resum e, su p plem en tal question responses, and two references to: Dr. Charles Martinez Vice Provost for Institutional Equity & Diversity C/0 Jennifer Burton 1258 East 13th Eugene, OR 97403-1237 vpdivers@uoregon.edu Fax: (541)346-2023 ...MUSIC! Enjoy a merging o f the senses. ..a union with O neness, a collective experience ol Spirit All ate welcome. No expectations. Come as yourself. Follow your path. e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffir m a tiv e a ctio n in stitu tio n c o m m itte d to cultural diversity a n d co m p lia n ce w ith th e A m e r ic a n s w ith D isabilities Act. I HE HARMONY CENTER A Church fo r the Un-Churchly Sundays 10AM to noon at the Center Ring 5339 SE Foster Rd (near Powell & 52nd| /503-579-6420 www.hannonycenteroforegoii.org T ~ ri T A K E A C T IO N O N 1-5 C O N G E S T IO N It's time to pin down a solution to reduce congestion on the Interstate Bridge. Work with us to identify concerns and ideas to move our region into the future. what do you think? Saturday, October 22 OPEN HOUSES: Tuesday, October 25 * 11:00a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Jantzen Beach SuperCenter on Hayden Island Clark College, Gaiser Hall Room Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (central m all area) PSU 2 58 C, Vancouver 4134 N Vancouver Avenue, Portland Thursday, October 27 * ■ Project overview presentations each evening at 5 pm and 6 45 pm Can't make an Open House? Visit w w w cotumbianvercrosstng org to complete an issues survey or send us your comments in writing A funeral w as held M onday, Oct. 3 in F in ley ’s Sunset H ills M ortuary for Virginia E. Froembling, w hodied Sept. 29 o f a heart attack at age 75. She w as b om Dec. 23, 1929, in San F rancisco and w as raised in P o rtla n d . S h e g ra d u a te d fro m W ashington H igh S chool and w as an insurance w riter for N orth P a­ cific Insurance. In 1956, she married H arvey “D ick” Froem bling. She raised her fam ily in north­ east Portland and w as a su rv iv o r o f the V anport flood. She w as preceded in death by her son, Rick. S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e h e r h u s ­ ban d ; d au g h ter, Je a n n ie R o b erts; b ro th er, R o b ert L eig h to n ; th ree g ra n d c h ild re n ; an d th ree g re a t­ g ran d c h ild ren . D elo res W y se; fiv e g ra n d c h ild re n , R a y m o n d W y s e , J r ., L a J o y c e B ow den, D ana W yse, Jo sh u a W y se-E ld er an d C liffo n te C h an ey ; and three g rea t-g ran d c h ild ren , Pre- C harlie H. cio u s Jo n e s, A rm an i an d Jerem y W yse, Jr. W yse. H is son, R ay m o n d W y se, Sr., d ied in 2004. A rra n g e m e n ts w ere m ad e by Skyline. R em em brances can be sent to the A m eric an D iab e te s A sso ­ ciatio n . during W orld W ar II, and was a logger, a construction w orker, and then a custodian for the Oregon State O ffice building for 15 years. He retired in 1984. C h a rlie is su rv iv ed by his w ife o f 62 y e a rs, B e rn ic e T ay lo r- W y se; son W illia m (R h o n d a) W yse; d a u g h te rs L o r e tta B o w d en , T an z i T o u ra y and Slow down and sm ell the Virginia E. Froembling and great-grandchildren to the full­ est. H er father, m other, tw o hus­ bands, two brothers, all o f her aunts, uncles, and great grand­ daughter Jalen Benton, preceded her in death. She is survived by her loving husband Robert; a devoted daugh­ ter Felita Y. B urton-L yD ay; tw o loving sons, O rdw ay T yler II and M a rk S ta d a m ir e ; s o n -in -la w W ilbert LyD ay; daughter-in-law T racey Stadam ire; 14 grandchil­ dren; 6great-grandchildren; a host o f extended fam ily m em bers; her godson Terry O verton; 1 niece; 4 nephew s; and a host o f cousins and friends too num erous to count. Longtime Resident Remembered Approxim ate M onthly Salary; $3,295- $5,077 Application deadline is 4:30 pm, Monday, October 24, 2005 mission and $7 students and seniors, and are available at the door or at the Jazz Society of Oregon by calling (503) 708-2242. Portland Wife, Mother Dies at 77 To apply send letter of introduction, This position is open until filled. To be assured full consideration, completed application materials h r .u o r e g o n .e d u / io b s / . should be received by 5:00 pm, Application deadline October 17, October 7, 2005. 2005. AA/EO/ADA institution T he U niversity o f O regon is a n committed to cultural diversity. Business Recycling Specialist Bill Mays Trio Opens Concert Series Also, look for a protect timeline, opportunities for community involvement, and sign up on the project mailing list fot meeting notices and other updates The public open houses are part of the project scoping phase of the Columbia Rivet Crossing Protect in compliance w ith the National Environmental Pokey Act. Meeting facilities are wheelchair accessible and children are welcome Individuals reguinng reasonable accommodations may request w ritten material in alternative formats or sign language sion and co m m itm en t to e lim in a te racial h ealth d isp a ritie s. The Oct. 14event will begin with T h e c o n fe re n c e is a u n iq u e a luncheon and address by Dr. e d u c a tio n a l o p p o rtu n ity in the G ibbs, follow ed by tw o w orkshops sta te o f O re g o n an d w ill ad d d i­ and a closing dialogue panel d is­ rect v alu e to th e p ra c tic e s o f p h y ­ cussion, which offer the opportu­ sic ia n s and o th e r h ea lth p ro fe s­ nity to earn continuing education sio n a ls. In te re ste d p a rtic ip a n ts units. m ay earn up to 4 .5 c o n tin u in g T h e f ir s t w o rk s h o p , tit le d ed u c a tio n u n its, issu ed by the “ H ealth d isp arities: W ha, can W e O H S U S ch o o l o f N u rsin g C o n ­ D o ? ” w ill be c o n d u c te d b y . tin u in g E d u ca tio n P ro g ram . P h y ­ M c K e ev e r and D r. G ibbs. Dr. sic ia n s an d p h y sic ia n a ssista n ts R osa C o lq u itt and Fred M iller o f m ay se lf-c la im C a te g o ry II c o n ­ the O reg o n H ealth & S cien ce tin u in g ed u c a tio n units. U n iv ersity w ill co n d u ct the se c ­ T o register for the conference, ond w o rk sh o p , “ E q u itab le C u l­ c o n ta c t th e A fric an A m eric an tu rally C o m p eten t H ealth C are Health Coalition at 503-413-1850or S e rv ic e s.” T hen co n fe re n ce w ill ninan@ aahc-portland.org. R egis­ clo se w ith a panel d isc u ssio n , tration fee is $150, w hich includes “H ow can we m ake a d ifferen ce?" lunch, tw o w o rk sh o p s, an d the to cre ate a c o m m u n ity -w id e vi- panel discussion. con tin u ed fro m M etro 40 DAYS or PURPOSE EMMANUEL TEMPLECHURCH O c to b e r 9 - N o v e m b e r 20 ,h G Open Invitgtivn T q Come As You Are.' P ortland’ E m m anuel Tem ple C hurch Presents A Special Personal Spiritual Frow th C am paign Entitled: 40 D ays o f Purpose dedicated to: * D iscovering your life’s purpose! * W hat on earth am I here for? * Is there m ore to life than sim ply sleeping, eating, fam ily and earning a living? * A fter all this, am I still really happy w ith my life today? 40 Days o f Purpose, com m encing O ctober 9,h through N ovem ber 2O '\ is not about you Rather, it is about w hat G od w ants to do in y o u r life. C h u rch m em b ersh ip or C h u rch atten d an ce is not a requirem ent. For m ore inform ation call Em m anuel Tem ple C hurch in Portland at 5 0 3 .2 8 1.9666. Everyone is welcome. interpreters by calling the protect team at the numbers listed below by October 19.2005, or calling Washington Stare's TTY telephone num ber 1 800 -8 33 -6 3 88 To learn more about this position, or to apply online, visit our website at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5"’ Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 * ¿ Habla usted esparto!' Interpretes estarán disponibles el sábado 22 de octubre de las 1 1 0 0 am a las 2 0 0 pm en iantren Beach SuperCenter para hablar sobre el proyecto con usted. Para solicitar servicio de interpretación para las reuniones del 25 y 27 de octubre, por favor llame tinco días antes de la fecha de la reunión al 360-737-2726 o al 5 03-256-2726 o escribe feedbackWcolumbiarivercrossing org. C o lu m b ia R iv e r ICROSSING 700 Washington Street. Vancouver, WA 98660 (3 6 0 )7 3 7 -2 7 2 6 oc(5 0 3 )2 5 6 2726 V Tnniportifiofl X " of Oregon &W SDOT I \d\citisc wiih iln c n ty in ^ » ìtrrtk u ib B ^ b ^u rtiv v ('.ill 5 O 3 -2 8 X -O O 3 J a d s @ p o rtlu n d i> b sc i\c i co m