Page A6 ^lortlanb (iDbseruv October 5, 2005 Art Studios Open im Inside Peaks Its a great way fo r people to see what it is to see what goes into making art. Connie Earnshaw’s clay work and sculpture plays with color and pattern. con tin u ed fro m Front throughout the weekend. Prim arily inspired by collage work, G eraci uses found and hom em ade papers, along with w atercolor and acrylic paint, to form visual representa­ tions o f abstract sym bols from around the globe. For her, she said, “W ays o f bridging cultural gaps are the best w ays to connect. This is the way I choose to interpret that. 1 think there are sim ilarities cross-culturally. W hen used in conjunction with abstrac­ Tours occur Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, tion, it has a m odern aspect to it.” Oct. 16 for studios west o f the river. Studios As an instructor at the M ultnom ah Art will be open from 10a.m . to 5 p.m. C enter, G eraci hopes her teaching experi­ A $ 12 tour pass adm its tw o adults for ence will help others understand w here her both w eekends, and kids are free. The art is com ing from. package includes a studio map, a calendar “ It’s a great way for people to see w hat filled with photos o f participating artists’ it is to see w hat goes into m aking art. Most w ork and contact inform ation for those tim es you go to a gallery, you see som e­ interested in purchasing artw ork. thing having on the wall, but the artist is not there. You may ap p re­ ciate it, but there are a lot o f things about it you d o n ' t know and can ’ t ask about,” she said. "P eople will have these a-ha m om ents w here th in g s c o m e to g e th e r . It d e m y s tifie s th e p ro c e s s an d m akes people more aw are o f w hat goes into the art. It’s not ju st slapping som ething on the can ­ - Portland Open Studios Tour artist Sharon Geraci v as.” T he Portland O pen Studios T our will take place Saturday, Oct. 8 and T hose w ho bike to at least five studios Sunday, O ct. 9 for studios east o f the are also eligible for a draw ing to win a new W illam ette River. T o avoid S u n d ay ’s Port­ bike painted by a Portland O pen Studios land M arathon, com m uters on 1-5 are en ­ artist. couraged to exit on L om bard Street to reach M ore inform ation on how to obtain tick­ all the studios in north and northeast Port­ ets and tour guides are available at A rt land. M edia stores and at several o ther locations T he second h alf o f the O pen Studio by visiting . Sharon Geraci's collage artwork is made up o f found and homemade papers mixed with watercolor and acrylic paint. TV Poet Nipsey Russell Dies Boxing Illustrated put Thad Spencer on the cover in Novem­ ber 1967. N ip se y R u s se ll, O fficer A nderson in w h o p lay ed the Tin the 1961 television M an a l o n g s id e series “Car 54, W here D ia n a R o s s a n d are Y ou?” He also M ichael Ja ck so n in appeared in the 1994 “T h e W iz” as p art o f film version. a d ec ad e s-lo n g c a ­ He becam e a fix­ re e r in stag e, te le v i­ ture on popular tele­ sion an d film , d ied vision gam e and talk S u n d ay . H e w as 80. show s, w here he was T he actor, w ho had w elcom ed for his po­ been suffering from e tic d e liv e ry th a t cancer, died at Lenox Nipsey Russell earned him the m oni­ Hill H ospital in Los ker the “poet laure­ A ngeles, said his longtim e m an­ ate o f television.” He also took ager Joseph Rapp. his signature four-line poetry on B o rn in A tla n ta , R u s s e ll the road for readings and perfor­ launched his television career as m ances. Liquor Commission Sets Forum for Local Concerns T h e O re g o n L iq u o r C o n tro l C o m m issio n w ill co n d u c t a p u b ­ lic m eetin g n ex t w eek to ad d ress local issu es in n orth an d n o rth ­ east P o rtlan d . T h e m eetin g w ill tak e p lace W e d n esd ay , O ct. 12, from 4 -5 :3 0 p.m ., at the Q u een o f S h eb a R e stau ran t, 2413 N .E. M artin L u th er K ing Jr. B lvd. “W e ’d like to m eet so m e o f o u r n eig h b o rs an d d isc u ss issu es o f co n c ern in an in fo rm al q u e s­ tion an d a n sw e r sessio n w ith the co m m u n ity ,” said R udy W illiam s, O L C C d e p u ty d ire c to r. “ W e Local Boxing Great Earns Due con tin u ed fro m Front the decades that passed before being nam ed to the Hall. “ It’s a good thing, but they sh o u ld 'v e done it years ago.” After winning many professional bouts over the years, Spencer rose to the highest point o f his boxing career when he w as scheduled to fight M uham m ad Ali at the Cow Palace in San Francisco in 1967 - but the m atch was scrubbed when A li’s title was stripped by the gov­ ernm ent before the fight w hen the boxer refused to be drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. Spencer believes that, given the chance, he w ould o f beaten Ali. Thus, the legend o f both men lives on. A biographical film is in the works on T had Spencer’s career, to be directed by Rebecca Rodrigue/.. It’s slated for release m id-2006by First R ound Film s o f Vancouver. Government Advocates Wanted The Oregon Commission on Black Affairs and the Oregon Advocacy Commission is re­ cruiting state residents for its mission and other state boards and commissions. The 0C B A monitors and ad­ vocates for existing programs and legislation designed to meet the needs of African American and black Oregonians. It also acts as liaison between the com- w ant to h ea r w h at you h av e to say an d try to a n sw e r an y o f y o u r q u e s tio n s.” P o ssib le d isc u ssio n to p ic s in ­ clu d e a new liq u o r store fo r n o rth ­ east P o rtland, O L C C p o licies and p ro ced u res, liq u o r licen sin g an d reg u lato ry issues. sA state liq u o r store on M artin L u th er K ing Jr. B o u lev ard w as clo sed sev eral m o n th s ag o afte r the p riv ate c o n tra c to r w as a c ­ cu sed o f violations. F o r m o re in fo rm atio n , call the O L C C at 5 0 3 -8 7 2 -5 0 0 2 . I couldn't have done it without I didn't know who I was anymore.. munity and government entities Citizen representatives on all state boards and commissions solicit the public’s views through community meetings, hearings, surveys, questionnaires and com­ munity discussions. For information and applica­ tions, contact Everette Rice, OCBA commissioner at 503- 741-4002, ext. 312 or e-mail Everette.L.Rice@n Arrest Follows Day Care Probe 69-year-old R aym ond M adrigal their hom e from 1988 to 2005 and is facing five counts o f sodom y and that M adrigal had contact with the three counts o f sex abuse in co n ­ victim s through the day care. After nection with the investigation o f a com pleting the investigation, d e­ day care located at 2605 tectives arrested M ad­ S .E . I 7 5 lh P la c e in rigal who was then in­ Gresham. dicted by a M ultnomah T h e in v e s tig a tio n County G rand Jury. began in late July when I n v e s tig a to r s are the M ultnom ah County se ek in g in fo rm atio n C hild A buse T eam re­ from anyone w ho may ceived inform ation from have had a child at the tw o children w ho had day care. A nyone with stayed at the day care inform ation is asked to several years ago w hen Raymond Madrigal call Portland Police Bu­ they were approximately reau D etectiv e John five years old. Russell at 503-988-6441. Investigators determ ined that T h is in v e stig a tio n is c o n tin u ­ M adrigal’s w ife ran the daycare in ing. You are no t alone. If you need som eone to talk to about your g a m b lin g , there is help. It’s free, c o n fid e n tia l and it works. Call 1-877-2-STOP-NOW Or v is it for: • W arning Signs ( • Treatm ent C enters • How to G et H elp • Reaching O u t »