O c to b e r 5. 2 0 0 5 ^jortlaxxh ©hsvruer F ood Page A 5 E ating Fish for H ealth, F atty A cids H elp H eart as those with heightened risk of cardiovascular disease. T h ere’s a reason why Om ega- th a t g r o w 3s are called essential fatty acids. They have im portant roles in b o d y ’ s c e lls m aintaining a healthy heart and N ot all fa ts are c re a te d are necessary for cell develop­ equal...especially since research ment and growth. Since the hu­ c o n s is te n tly su g g e sts that man body cannot m anufacture Omego-3 fatty acids from fish and O m ega-3s, they must be supplied shellfish boost heart health. Ac­ through the diet. cording to the American Heart For optimum heart health, the Association, Omega-3s benefit American Heart Association rec­ people with healthy hearts as well ommends eating fish, and particu­ H a s f a t t y a c id s f A l SAFEWAY l < larly fish high in Omega-3», such as salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, mackerel and albacore tuna, at least two times a week. Fish is a good source o f protein and does not have the high saturated fat that meat products contain. O m ega-3s from fish and sea­ food seem to protect against heart disease in several w ays, includ­ ing m aking the blood less likely to form clots, preventing heart beat abnorm alities and low ering high levels o f triglycerides (a type o f fat in the blood that can in­ crease the risk o f heart attacks when its levels are too high) Baking, broiling, grilling, poach­ ing, steaming, microwaving and sauteing in little or no fat are the preferred cooking methods. For people of all races and ethnic backgrounds who want to stay in good shape, eating plenty of fish and shellfish is part o fa healthy diet that includes other w holesom e foods and plenty of fruits and veg­ etables. In g re d ie n ts fo r life. R A N C H E R 'S n TENDER ANGUS i Grilled Salmon Wlth Vinaigretteand Asparagus Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak lb r S i. Boneless Whole Pork Loin Sold whole in the bag. lb Bone-in. CLUB PRICE (Courtesy of Red Lobster) „ SAVE up to $3.50 lb. SAVE up to $3.80 lb. CLUB PRICE (M akes 4 servings): 4 8-10 oz. pieces o f fresh salmon fillets, skinless • 1/2 cup canola oil • McCormick’s Season All • I lb. fresh asparagus spears, medium size • Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Vinaigrette (see recipe below) • 4 portions of your favorite rice recipe (Red Lobster suggests a wild/ white rice blend) 79 Sun-D ried Tomato Basil Vinaigrette Recipe: 6 oz. canola oil 1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped • 2 oz. red wine vinegar 2 tbsp. red onion, diced • 2 oz. sun-dried tomatoes in oil, 1 tsp. fresh garlic, minced finely chopped • Salt and pepper to taste iL, 10 CLUBPRICf y Manor House Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillet M 4-lb. resealabte frozen bag forS 7.16. SAVE up Io $1.2016. « Frozen. M oist. Rich. Terrific for grilling. SAVE up to $4 00 lb. lb CLUB PRICE e P R E P A R A T IO N Grilled Salmon: using a wire whip the canola oil, Lightly brush both sides of fil­ red wine vinegar, chopped sun- lets with oil and season with dried tom atoes, fresh basil, red M cCormick’s Season All. onions and minced garlic. The Pre-heat your grill to medium- ingredients should be mixed until high heat. When hot, grill the fish incorporated for 4-5 minutes until well markets. Whip in salt and pepper to taste. Turn the salmon fillets over and Warm the vinaigrette slightly. continue grilling another 5-6 min­ utes or until your fresh fish turns a For a stunning presentation: Place a portion of rice in the lighter color and flakes. center of a plate, followed by the Grilled Asparagus: grilled salmon. Measuring from the tip, cut the Then layer the asparagus next to stems off the asparagus about 5” the fish and rice. down. Discard the stems. Pick two pieces of asparagus Coat the asparagus in 3 tbsp. oil, and criss-cross them over the fish. adding salt and pepper to taste. S p o o n a p p ro x im a te ly tw o Grill the asparagus for about 1 ounces of the warm vinaigrette over minute, then roll and grill for an­ the salmon. other minute (or until tender). Serve with a lemon wedge. Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Vinaigrette (makes 8 ounces): In a large bow l, mix together Golden Delicious, Granny Smith or Jonagold Apples QQ Fresh Crisp Large size. Club Price: 50c lb. lb SAVE up to $2.58 on 2 lbs. CLUB PRICE klHp * IV L /I SAVE up to $2 00 lb CLUB PRICE G e t a f lu s h o t a t o u r P h a r m a c y a n d r e c e iv e a c o u p o n b o o k Medicare Part B accepted. w o r t h o v e r s 2 5 0 ( w h i ie s u p p lie s la s t ) . S t o p b y t h e P h a r m a c y o r v is i t s a f e w a y . c o m f o r f lu s h o t lo c a t io n s . fOOTBfl/Z W S Off A Chardonnay is a great accom­ paniment to this preparation. tu te -, >, : ■ IVL/U Potato Chips n to 1 1 5 -o z Selected vaneties SAVE up Io $2 99 on 2 c u iiim ic i FRF F BUY U N t. GET ONI Tree Top Apple Juice JL wJL/ JL-/ 64- qz MJUU (M U W R W X ’I Miff Selected varieties. SAVE up to $319 on 2 IV - Preparation methods are many stuffed, fillets or steaks) at thickest part, allow 10 minutes per inch for fresh fish and 20 minutes per inch for frozen fish. Fish is ready when it is opaque and flakes easily. Be careful to not overcook it. Cooking M ethodsi Fish can be cooked in a variety of ways, depending on the type of fish: Firm fleshed fish such as mahi- mahi or tuna are great sautded in a skillet, poached, broiled or grilled. Oily fish, such as salmon, are better on the grill. Delicate flesh fish, such as catfish, grou­ per or tro u t, are great fried, poached or sautded. B ak in g , b ro ilin g , g rillin g , microwaving and sauteing in little or no fat are the preferred cooking methods. Poaching or steaming also are two healthy cooking methods since you can steam fish or shrimp in beer or wine and then add your favorite herbs. selected varieties SAVE up to $2 89 m 2 PLUS OVER S 25O IN COUPON SAVINGS Wine Pairing: Versatile Seafood Makes Healthy Eating Easy Safew ay SELECT M edleys j 4 9 to 5.9-oz package, CLUB PRICE Tailgate Special! Americans love seafood. It’s a great source of protein that is high in heart-healthy essential Omega-3 fatty acids, winning kudos for its contributions to a healthy diet. Seafood also tops the charts for its versatility. It’s easy to prepare and amenable to seemingly count­ less preparations, from the simplest to the most exotic. Why then are some people timid about cooking it at home? Perhaps they fear not getting the freshest fish, overcooking it, undercooking it. or simply not knowing where to begin. Red Lobster chefs, who prepare more than 141 million meals a year, offer some tips to txxist the confidence of even the most timid at-home chefs: Cook times: Fish are naturally tender and contain very little connective tis­ sue. U nlike meat, they require short cooking tim es at a high tem ­ perature. Measuring the fish (dressed or SniiSS Asparagus E^r IA few. mjyonf , get o N i Breyer's All Natural FREE i t ? Milena’s Family Size Pepperoni Pizza " Selected variétés SAVE up to $5 99 on 2 C IU .W W 99 30 :o 87-oz Powder Or 100-oz Liquid. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2 90 CLUB PRICE :99 Self-Rising Dough Ready in 20 Minutes or Less Feeds a Family of 4 Tide Laundry Detergent l«V 6 k it in w n if i m l roui prici per bollii 99 Columbia Crest. Gallo of SonomaorRod 750-ml bottle Selected varietals SAVE up to $212 & T CLUB PRICE Chicken Wings C 9 9 ose from 8BQ Buffalo SAVE «9 to 50« lb lb CLUB PRICE Available in the Deli 99 CLUB PRICE Tillamook Baby Loaf Lipton Side Oishes 4 »0 5 7-02 CLUB PRICE Shop at Home We Deliver s a fe w a y .c o m If Selected varieties. Cluo Pree. $100 ea SAVE up to $5 Of) ui 10 32-oz Selected vaneties SAVE up Io $4 30 OCTOBER J « win '»» mn »*• e«» win i n 7 I « 10 11 AI I IJMI1S ARE PER HOUSEHOID. PER DAY r lu availability N « re»pun»»ble k>r ivpopaph ä n rw i ä n r s l i ä J . Pnn,fd s s ä s s k ( "O G O i nBm, cu»iemer m uvjxirrhatr t ne hrv item rc m r v r rhe «tond irrm frer »objet! _ ou t Kurd ibf rviuLar * rrur' BOG() orten M t not 1/2 prue w in II only a ungir m pun hated. ih r Regular pme applm M jnuücturrn coupon» may be u