Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 05, 2005, Page 4, Image 4

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    œi’1 Jlortlanò © b sm ier
Page A4
October 5. 2005
Opinion articles do not
necessarily reflect or represent the
views o f The Portland Observer
O pinion
Diversity at its Best
I w as d riv in g h o m e fro m w o rk w h en a m o st u n iq u e
situ atio n h ap p en ed . I had ap p ro a ch ed th e in tersectio n o f
N o rth east M artin L u th er K ing B o u lev ard an d L o m b ard w hen
m y ey e cau g h t a su b u rb an b lo c k in g traffic.
Inside the tru ck w as an A sian m an try in g to m o v e the
v eh icle by h im self. S u d d en ly , th ree y o u n g H isp an ic m en
a p p e ared an d tried to push the su b u rb an o u t o f th e street. T h e
v eh icle w as on an in clin e and b arely m o v ed . T h e n an A frican
A m erican m an sto p p ed to help. W h en I sto p p ed , he to ld m e
to g o around! I rep lied , “N o, I am h ere to h e lp !” I ’m sure he
w as p u zzled that m e, a sm all p etite C a u ca sia n w o m an w earin g
je a n s an d flip flo p san d als w as g o in g to m ak e an y d iffe ren ce
w ith th is cu rren t situation.
A s a cu ltu rally d iv e rse g ro u p w ith n o lim ita tio n s o r rese r­
v atio n s w e w o rk ed d ilig en tly to m o v e th is m a ssiv e tru ck from
h arm s w ay. N ow th at is w hat I call d iv ersity ! W e w ere an o d d
b u n ch , w o rk in g to g eth er. N ot m any th in g s w ere said, b e­
ca u se w e w ere all there on a m issio n , w ith the sam e p u rp o se
to h elp a fellow p erso n in need.
I left the scen e in aw e k n o w in g that so m eh o w , the w o rld
is ch a n g in g and it w as satisfy in g to m e to k n o w that w e can
co u n t on those aro u n d us to help us not b ased o n co lo r, sex,
o r creed , b ut on th e b asic h um an need that w e all need each
o th e r an d w e are all here to h elp each other.
T h is ex p e rien c e left m e feeling ca lm and p eacefu l and w as
d efin itely the g ran d fin ale to a p erfec t day!
Brenda Richards
North Portland
Making Poverty A Priority
M arian W right E dei . man
O ne o f the unexpected side
effects of Hurricane Katrina is
that the storm opened up a
n a tio n a l c o n v e r s a tio n on
poverty. K atrin a ripped the
blinders o f denial o ff on the
chronic, quiet, invisible tsu­
nam i o f poverty that afflicts 37
million Americans, including 13 mil­
lion children. People were forced to
see what poverty looked like on the
clear pictures on their television
screens: fam ilies w ho d id n 't have
enough m oney to own a car or have
a credit card or enough cash to pay
fo r a n o th e r w ay o u t o f th e
h u r ric a n e ’s p ath ,
f a m ilie s
le ft
s tra n d e d w ith o u t
food, water, or shel­
ter w hen the storm
T he pictures of
Hurricane Katrina’s
poor victim s w ere
hard to ignore. They put a vivid and
desperate face on w hat is really a
constant, daily crisis for m illions o f
people in our rich nation. All over
the country, poor fam ilies and ch il­
dren are being left behind as the
benefits o f a stead ily g row ing
econom y fail to trickle down.
Bush can change misguided, unjust policies
The day after H urricane K atrina
hit, the U.S. Census Bureau released
the latest data on A m erican pov­
erty show ing that in 2004, poverty
increased in our rich country for the
fourth year in a row. The num ber of
A m erican children living in pov­
erty has grow n by 12.8 percent over
the last four years, and is now over
13 m illion. T his m eans 1.5 m illion
m ore children w ere poor in 2004
than in 2000.
As these num bers were being
released, w as our governm ent re­
sponding by announcing a federal
em ergency m anagem ent plan to
deal with child and fam ily poverty?
Join us for the
Minority Enterprise Development
(MED) Week Awards Luncheon
Just the opposite: T he Bush A d­
m inistration and C ongress were
proposing additional tax cuts for
the w ealthiest and budget cuts in
program s that serve low -incom e
children and fam ilies. T he persis­
tent and grow ing high level o f chi Id
poverty reflects conscious, m is­
guided and unjust choices. How
can the Bush A dm inistration and
C ongressg iv een o rm o u stax breaks
to the w ealthiest A m ericans w ho
have benefited m ost from the eco ­
nom ic recovery w hile seeking to
underm ine the guarantees and cut
the budgets for M edicaid, food
stam ps, and other program s that
assist poor children w ho continue
to be left behind?
M ore than 7 out o f every 10 poor
children in 2004 had at least one
em ployed parent. W orking hard
and playing by the rules is not
hit, President Bush said, “W ithin
the G u lf region are som e o f the most
beautiful and h isto ric places in
A m erica. As all o f us saw on televi­
sion, there is also som e deep, per­
sistent poverty in this region as
well. And that poverty has roots in
a history o f racial discrim ination,
w hich cut o ff generations from the
opportunity o f A m erica. W e have a
duty to confront this poverty w ith
bold action. So let us restore all that
we have cherished from yesterday,
and let us rise above the legacy o f
President Bush is still correct to
say that poverty is w rong and un­
worthy o f A m erica’s promise. Now
is his opportunity to translate that
assertion into action.
en o u g h to lift fam ilies o u t o f
poverty. Even if a parent w ith one
child w orks full tim e at the federal
m inim um w age, w hich h asn ’t been
raised since 1997, the fam ily still
lives in poverty. Poverty affects all
kinds o f fam ilies and child poverty
has risen significantly am ong all
racial groups. Extrem e child pov­
erty, defined as living with an an ­
nual income below $7,610 for a fam ­
ily o f three, increased by a terrible
20 percent betw een 2000 and 2004
and now affects alm ost 5.6 million
F ar less w ealthy industrialized
countries have com m itted to end
child poverty, w hile the United
States is sliding backw ards. We
can do better. W e must dem and
that our leaders do better.
In an address to the nation from
N ew O rleans 17 day s after the storm
Marian Wright Edelman is chief
executive officer and founder o f
the Children's Defense Fund.
We have a plan for college.
Featuring Guest Speaker
Martin Luther King III
We will celebrate and recognize
outstanding small minority-
owned businesses in Oregon
and Southwest Washington
at the awards luncheon.
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That's why families all over Oregon are investing with the
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Ourrtbewr me
This plan helps Oregon families achieve the
dream of higher education. Its flexibility and
outstanding tax benefits make it an ideal
choice when saving for college.
Possibility in »very direction '
State Treasurer Randall Edwards.
Plan Administrator
Provwfc-sir» I H ealth S yxt*m
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caring d lffaran c e yaw «an I
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Impregilo Healy
Joint Venture
w i i i£*
The Oregon College Savings Plan is administered by Oregon State Treasurer Randall Edwards.
The plan Is managed bv Oppenheimerl-Tmds, Inc., a registered investment advisor and distributed by OppenlietmertTinds Distributor. Inc., a
registered broker dealer Some stales offer favorable tax treatment to their resklents only II they invest in the state's own plan If you ate not
a resident of Oregon. you mav want to Investigate wlietlier your state offers Its residents a s29 plan with alternative tax advantages The tax
b ill exempting ra n itn g i on qualified withdrawals from Federal income taxes expires December A1. 20 Id. requiring Congress to take furtlier
action tn extend those provisions beyond that date N o t FOIL in s u r e d n o r g u a r a n t e e d a n d m ay l o s e v a lu e . Please read the Plan
Dweriplkin and Participation Agreement prior to Investing (x>r more infnrm aikm regarding investment objectives, risks and expenses
Oregon state tax deduction for contributions of up to »2000 per tax filin g
'Tax free withdrawals for qualified expenses.