Îlîe Jjortlanh (©hseruer Page B4 For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for valuable information on how to do business w ith the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: C lassifieds /B ids o IN IY M S IT Y O I OREGON Assistant / Associate Vice Provost The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIE&D) University of Oregon This position assists the Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity in providing leadership, guidance and direction for equity and diversity matters concerning faculty, students and staff of the UO community. This Assistant Vice Provost will provide high-level professional support for a diverse a rra y of p ro je c ts in c lu d in g c o o rd in a tio n of the O regon Emerging Scholars Program and th e U n d e rgra du a te S u p p o rt Program. Responsibilities include assessm ent, com position and p la n n in g of w ritte n re p o rts , c o rre sp o n d e n ce and oral communications; presentation of workshops, and related events at the discretion of the Vice Provost; and representing the University of Oregon and the Vice Provost at on and off cam pus events. This position serves as a resource to the cam pus and su rrou ndin g c o m m u n itie s w ith a prim a ry em phasis on recruitm ent and enrollment matters concerning Latino/Hispanic communities and other non-traditional populations. Researching, writing, submitting and managing grants are regular responsibilities of this position. Doctorate or first professional degree is preferred, a Masters degree is required. Exceptional candidates without a Masters degree but who have equivalent p ro fe ssion al e xpe rie n ce and advanced graduate coursework w ill be co n sid e re d w ith the e xp e c ta tio n th a t th e y w ill complete a Masters degree within 18 m on ths of e m p loym e n t. Substantial experience working w ith e d u ca tio n in itia tiv e s , including partnerships with higher e d u cation in s titu tio n s th a t include advocacy for diversity and equity is preferred. Experience in creating and conducting equity w o rk sh o p s Is p re fe rre d . Experience in working with Latino/ H isp a n ic and o th e r underrepresented populations is required. o October 5, 2005 www.portlandonline.com/omf/purchasing $ I N1VERS1TYO1 O R IG O N Office Manager - University of O re go n La b o r E d u c a tio n & R e se arch C e n te r in E ugen e. Responsible for supervising day- to-day office operations, including supervision of staff, m anaging information technology systems, and fiscal and grant oversight. R equ ires fiscal m anagem ent e xp e rie n c e , in c lu d in g d e m o n s tra te d e xp e rie n c e in accounting, budget management, and ability to analyze budgets and recommend budget strategies; expertise with spreadsheets and com plex database program s; d e m o n s tra te d e xp e rie n c e o p e ra tin g and m a in ta in in g information technology systems, in c lu d in g d e te rm in in g de partm e nt and user needs, u p g ra d in g h a rd w a re and so ftw a re , tro u b le s h o o tin g hardware and software problems, and p ro v id in g u se r su p p o rt; excellent com m unications and interpersonal skills and ability to interact effectively with a diverse group of faculty, staff, students, and university and union officials; demonstrated management and su p e rv is o ry s k ills . S a la ry $38,000-$45,000. Application information available at Human Resources. 5210 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210; (541) 346-3159, TTY (541) 346- 0 85 2; on th e w eb h ttp :/ / h r .u o r e g o n .e d u / io b s / . Application deadline October 17, 2005. AA/EO /AD A in stitu tion committed to cultural diversity. 0 _ C ity B ureau o f P u rch ases PORT OF PORTLAND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional government operating airports, marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing the region’s quality of life. To view current job openings and to access the application form, visit the Port's website at www.portofportland.com or call (503) 944-7400. The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to workforce diversity and affirmative action. A m ajor b roadcast c o m p a n y is se e k in g to fill a position that supports an outside sales staff of 20. Need a stro ng team player with solid work ethic, problem so lving skills and detail oriented, the position requires com plete understanding in W indow s Office Suite, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and other sales design software. Applicant m ust be able to m ulti-task concurrent projects. Fax resum e to: 503-417-7659 or Em ail to: resum es@ kxl.com . No Phone Calls. Equal O pportunity Employer. Request for Qualifications #05-12 City of Portland, Oregon PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Property Maintenance Services Flexible Service Contracts (As Needed Basis) October 3 ,2 0 0 5 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 y t) ICATHCRMAN maintenance technician We are the leader in the high quality compact multi purpose tool market. Join our positive, proactive team. We are seeking a person to troubleshoot and repair electro-mechanical equipm ent and systems requiring the isolation of the malfunction, disassembly of equipment and mechanical systems, machining of replacement parts when necessary. Also the use of drill presses, vertical mills, band saws, cut off saws, engine lathes, gas arc and tig welding equipment. We have a well established PM system where our maintenance mechanics work closely with production employees in solving problems as a team. Qualified candidates must have: • 5 yrs maintenance & machinist experience • Demonstrated record of troubleshooting and problem solving • Skilled in the use of drill presses, vertical mills, band saws, cut off saws, engine lathes, surface grinders. • PLC knowledge and Electric / electronic exp • Some welding experience helpful We offer competitive wages, medical/dental/vision care, 401K, Life Insurance, and more. Pre-em ploym ent drug and alcohol screening is required. Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V Fax resume and cover letter with wage history by October 10,2005 to 503-253-7830, email to iobs@leatherman.com or mail in to: LEATHERMAN TOOL GROUP, INC., P.0. Box 20595 Portland, OR 97392-0595 The Portland Developm ent Com m ission (PDC) is requesting qualifications for Property Maintenance Services to be contracted on an as-needed basis. From this RFQ firms will be selected to receive a th re e -yea r contract, with annual contract reviews. The full Request for Qualifications may be downloaded from the internet at www.pdc.us. obtained by telephone or FAX request to: Dion Glisan, Contract Specialist Portland Development Commission 222 NW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97209-3859 Phone 503.823.3363 FAX 503.365.3672 Putting people first - that's what sets us apart . At Providence Health System, offering understanding and respect to each and every patient is what we do best. Here, you w ill share your gift for helping others and make a difference every day, in a place that honors and brings out the very Itest in you. And that's what healthr are is meant to be. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address no later than 3:00PM , Friday, October 1 4 ,2 0 0 5 . Faxed copies will not be accepted Talunaka Washington o f P o r tla n d Contractors who are certified as Minority, Women or Emerging Small Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also recommended to utilize Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland Development Commission greatly values diversity in contracting and in the workforce, and encourages it contractors to do the same. Careers at Providence If you're dedicated to excellence and passionate about your work, then you deserve an outstanding career opportunity. You'll find this and more at Providence Health System Oregon. Providence is Oregon's second largest private employer. W ith state-of-the-art facilities in Portland, Newberg, Medford. Hood River, Seaside and M l. Angel, we enjoy a statewide reputation (or excellence in healthcare and for being a great place to work. When you're ready to pursue an outstanding healthcare c areer opportunity that offers more than a competitive salary and an excellent variety of Itenefils, consider Providence. Call our Regional Employment ( enter at SO 1-215-5770 or view current opportunities and apply online today! www.providence.org For a p p lic a tio n in stru ctio n s , su p p lem e n ta l q u e stio n s and complete job description refer to h ttp :/ / h r.u o re g o n .e d u / io b s / posting #5085. I t Providence Health System A c a r in g d if f e r e n c e y o u c a n f e e l Providence Health Sv*tom is an Equal Opportunity Employer To apply send letter of Introduction, resume, supplem ental question responses, and two references to: Dr. Charles Martinez Vice Provost for Institutional Equity & Diversity C/0 Jennifer Burton 1258 East 13th Eugene. OR 97403-1237 ypdivers@uoregon.edu Fax: (541)346-2023 This position is open until filled. To be assured full consideration, completed application materials should be received by 5:00 pm, October 7, 2005. ' The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Am ericans with Disabilities Act. I 1 Sfcx; OFFICE • RETAIL Martin Luther King Corridor Located in the Heart o f “ Portland /¿¿/‘¿¿¿/¿¿tic These are just a lew of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information arc available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that Includes t employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and o- | personal leave, membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement A e Plan (OPSRP): and opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings * ~ . »¿¿a * Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to f be equal opportunity employers. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES CHILDREN, ADULTS & FAMILIES • Principal Executlve/M anager G Human Services Delivery Area M anager Salary: $5,334 $7,857/month Announcement 41EHS5501 - Salem Position closes October 2 1 ,2 0 0 5 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) o’ rt» 30 For More Details OOOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation If great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to OOOT. Current recruitments include: ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL PARKING FACILITY Operator Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals Contact: Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon. Wed & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark. Portland. \dvertise with divo m ].lot tb m h (Ohi-c vu ci I Salary: $2,258 $3.12Vm onth Announcement #0C0T5990 Salem • Project Delivery Office Specialist Salary $1,913 $2,597/month Announcement 40CDT5989 Salem • Property M gm t. Coordinator Chuck or Mark Washington $8.00 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/Background check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. • Executive Assistant Salary: $1,913 • $2,597/m onth Announcement 40CDT5991 Salem • Property Distribution Fuel/Storeroom Manager Salary: $2,533 $3.554/m onth Announcement »0CDT5959 Salem ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Retaining Walls & Embankments Engineer Salary: $3.734 $5,347/month Announcement 40CDT5988 Salem • Traffic Analyst 2 Spaces Available Salary $3,223 $4.616/month Announcement ffOCDT5954 Salem • Survey Technician Salary: $1,918 - $2,698/m onth Announcement ffOCDT5955 Salem The Way to Oo Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these jobs Go to www ndot state or us/jobs for a comp ete copy of can 503-9864030 (TTY 503-986-3854] to request by mail. OOOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request: (503) 3786202. TTY 1-800-9936898 Working ® OOOT Joyce Washington Plaza e g o n J o b s