3'l?‘’ JJnrtlatth ffihserucr September 28. 2005 Page A9 Evidence Gathered in Unsolved Murder African immigrant killed one year ago Jabbie was killed the day after testifying about the attack before a M ultnom ah County An unsolved murder one year after the slay­ ing is bringing new pleas for help in solving the crime. worked as a m edical transportation aide. Washington was eventually convicted of misdemeanor assault and is serving a two year Mohamed Jabbie, 33, a member of Portland’s African immigrant community, was gunned jail sentence. He has not been charged with murder. Grand Jury. A former resident o f Sierra Leone, he lived in Portland for several years and had down inside his apartment near the Clackamas Town Center at 88(X) S.E. Causey on Sept. 24, 2004. Washington Jr. Mohamed Jabbie the same time. There are people in the African American ton Jr. and people associated with him are D etective Dan Kraus, it’s believed that the m otive in the assault was jealousy because community that have critical information in the case, he said. W ashington assaulted Jabbie just a few Jabbie had a friendship with W ashington’s Kraus said anyone with information should weeks before the murder. The victim also had a form er girlfriend who he had met through work. contact him at the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office at 503-557-5811. not realize the keys had been taken from the car. Additional keys were stolen that open lock­ ing mailboxes found in apart­ ment complexes and on neigh­ borhood streets. The Postal Service has be­ gun changing locks, but until then any mail left in a locking receptacle is vulnerable to theft. The Police Bureau and Postal Service are advising citizens to take mail into a post office, a postal contact station or hand deliver mail to a letter carrier. Murder suspects still at large The family of Chauntee Lamont Johnson, a 28-year-old man who was shot and killed this summer, will be holding a barbecue dinner in northeast Portland on Satur­ day, Oct. 8 to raise a rew ard fund to help in the arrest of his killers. The dinner will be held from 1 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. at M allory Church. 3908 N.E. Mallory Ave. An entrée choice o f pork ribs or chicken, along with a side of greens, po­ tato salad, cornbread and des­ sert, will be served for $10. To place an order, call 971 -322-5866. C ontributions can also be made Jefferson Schools Summit on Saturday A Parent, Community and Youth Summit is planned for north and northeast Portland on Saturday, Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Jefferson High School, in hopes of empowering parents, students, and community members to support quality pub lic schools in the Jefferson cluster. The 11 schools in the Jefferson to th e M a k a y la C h a u n te e Johnson fund at any W ashing­ ton Mutual Bank. Two men are still being sought for Johnson's death. They were seen in a blue 1991 Ford Escort in the parking lot of Sun’s Market on Southeast Division Street on July 22 around 7:50 p.m. Three of the numbers on the Oregon plate are 575, and the car has a spoiler on the trunk, low-profile tires and custom wheels. Anyone with information on this case can cal I Crime Stoppers anony­ mously at 503-823-4357. EGON cluster are: Beach, Boise Eliot, Chief ing session will focus on parent Joseph, Faubion, Humboldt, King, and com m unity involvem ent in Vernon, & Woodlawn Elementary the schools, and the afternoon Schools; Ockley Green andTubman session will focus on a com m u­ Middle Schools; and Jefferson nity w orkshop for the m iddle High School. s c h o o ls and h ig h s c h o o l. The sum m it has been orga­ For more inform ation or to regis­ nized so that participants can at­ te r fo r th e e v e n t, e -m a il tend the m orning session, after­ JeffSchoolsSummit@ yahoo.com, noon session, or both. The morn- or call 503-247-8299. SHOE BRANDS: Carlos by Carlos Santana • Reebok Coming soon Brand Jordan!!! Location: 1030 N. Lom bard, Suite A & B. Portland, OR 97217 [ urban APPAREL] (J Blocks east o f Interstate & Lombard) Open 7 days a week: M-Thurs 10am-6pm & Fri-Sun 10am-8pm Ph: 503.467.4607 SY M P H O N Y KALM AR, M U S IC D IR E C T O R Sultry and so p h isticated , the voice o f R oberta Elack was a rom antic standard of the 1970s. fall in love again with her hit ballads such as “The First Time Ever I Saw Your l ace,” “Killing Me Softly W ith His Song" and "Tonight 1 Celebrate My Love." Michael E. Harper, Sr. Applications due October 19, 2005. E-mail only; no phone calls please. Learn more about the Trust at www.mmt.org Akademiks • Apple Bottoms • BabyPhat Mitchell & Ness • Pelle Pelle Rocawear and Sean John O c to b e r 8-10 Meyer M em orial Trust In Accounting and four years of accounting experience. Individual must have strong computer skills and advanced knowledge of Excel. M ust also be detail oriented, organized, and have solid com m unication and analytical skills. Send succinct letter of interest with resume to: accounting@mmt.org CLOTHING BRANDS: John Morris Russell, conductor Accountant Qualified candidate must have BS Portland’s Hottest Hip-hop Apparel Store salutes minority businesses in Portland!!! C A R L OS C lassifieds Meyer Memorial Trust, a private foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life in Oregon and Southw est W ashington, seeks an experienced finance team member with a commitment to excellence. Responsibilities include financial statements, general ledger, accounts payable, reconciliations, and account analysis. URBAN APPAREL Johnson Dinner Raises Reward Stolen Letter Box Keys Found Hundreds of pieces of stolen mail, methamphetamine, forged checks, counterfeit money, and four keys to Postal Service boxes were seized from an apartment in the 4600 block of Northeast Killingsworth Street. The keys open some o f the blue-colored Post Office drop b o x es co m m o n ly found throughout the Portland area. They were stolen from a postal employee who had been the victim o f a car prowl. But the postal worker apparently did families in need through the local Salvation Army. This special event will be held Saturday, Oct. 1 at Community A.M.E. Zion Church - 3605 East 13th St., Vancouver. For more in­ form ation, contact Doris Ann Smith at 360- 891 -9072 or Karen Smith at 360-828-5944. Kraus says investigators continue to work A ccording toC lackam asC ounty Sheriff’s car vandal ized i n another unsolved cri me around "The Relations”, a family min­ istry, Broken Vessel Ministries and Community A.M E. Zion Church invite area residents to a night of musical praises in the name of Christ Jesus to help our sisters and brothers effected by hurri­ cane Katrina. All donations will be given to on leads and evaluate evidence that has been collected. Authorities said Michael Spencer Washing­ persons of interest in the investigation. Music fo r Katrina Relief TICKETS $ 2 7 -7 6 9045 SW Bartiur. Suite 109 PbulantLOR97219 (503)221-3050 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Kl<>3 HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. 1 40 DAYS or PURPOSE EMMANUEL TEMPLE CHURCH O c to b e r 9 -N o v e m b e r 20,h An Open Invitation To Come As You Are! Portland’ Emmanuel Temple Church Presents A Special Personal Spiritual Frowth Campaign Entitled: 503-228-1353 1-8OO-228-7343 ORKONmW »¡SXg] 1 w w w o rs y m p h o n y .o rg T ic k e t o ffic e: M on - Sat., 9 a.m.' - 5 p.m . G ro up sales: 5 0 3 -4 1 6 -6 3 8 0 9 2 3 S W W A S H IN G T O N . P O R T L A N D ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL SW MAIN & BROADWAY PORTLAND CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Graham Productions Presents ftiree Time Grammy , 40 Days of Purpose dedicated to: * Discovering your life’s purpose! * What on earth am I here for? * Is there more to life than simply sleeping, eating, family and earning a living? * After all this, am I still really happy with my life today? 40 Days of Purpose, commencing October 9lh through November 20th, is not about you. Rather, it is about what God wants to do in your life. Church m em bership or Church attendance is not a requirement. For more information call Emmanuel Temple Church in Portland at 503.281.9666. Everyone is welcome. THE spïnacolum N An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 25. Chiropractic and Fitness: The way to wellness in the eighties : I continue to hear that diet well as alcohol. Get plenty of exer- entire chemistry. Finally, always and exercising are helpful cise. For most people it only takes keep a healthy nervous system, in maintaining a strong body. But an hour or so a week to stay fit. Chiropractic is especially suited where do I begin? There is so Walking at a brisk pace with good for understanding the effect of much literature and when I ask my arm swing is excel lent. Rest is para- stress on the nervous system and doctor he seems unconcerned. mount. Everyone feels better after how to eliminate it. Total fitness How can I get started? a good nights sleep. In Chiroprac- canbeonly acall away and worth : A good way to begin is with tic, we will often recommend relax- so much more than just another the basics. Since 1895 Chi­ ation exercises as well. Have a joy- pain prescription. Isn’t it time you ropractic has been the leader ful in spirit. Scientists know now that stepped up to safe effective Chi- teaching the basics of health to our attitudes actually affect our ropractic? our society. Good health must include proper nutrition. A gen­ eral rule o f thumb is that foods 2027 Lloyd Center Mall, Portland Oregon 97232 high in fiber are best for you. Limit your meats and refined foods as Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 Q SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 2005 — 7:00 PM New H ope C o m m u n ity C h u rc h I 11731 SE S tevens R d. / P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97266 I 205 & S u n n y sid e R d. - A cross from C la c k a m a s Town M all (d o o rs open a t 6:00 pm ) B o n u s: For the first 200 people that buy their tickets directly from the prom oter will receive V IP section seating. To reserve your VIP seating, call Lorraine at 503-775-4316 T IC K E T S : $25.00 P resale / $27.00 At D oor Opening Guest: DaNell Daymon & A Royal Priesthood ■ A Flowers’ Chiropractic Office TIC KET OUTLETS: Christian Supply: Portland. Salem. Eugene Seattle and Spokane Music Millennium ftwo locations), Brister & Associates, Inc. 5O3-33I-75O7. Mrs. Brister 503-286-2775 mb . I Tickets Go On Sale in Outlets Fritlav. Aueust 19. 2005 — V