September 28. 2005 Minority & Small Business Week Page B 16 Bureau of Land Management Lends Hand A diverse workforce is essential to providing services to the culturally and linguistically varied populations that visit and work with the Bureau oj Land Management (BLM) facilities and land management programs. BLM’s ability to achieve continued success in sustaining the health, and productivity o f our public lands is enhanced by ensuring we have a di­ verse workforce. Diversity is an essential factor that contributes to the goals and strategic objectives of our organization. Paul Rodriguez: I began my career with the BLM in 1990 as a Forestry Technician in the Student Co-op program. Currently, I am employed in the Coos Bay District as a Realty Specialist. My duties include timber sale layout, tree planting, contract inspection, tree climbing/conecollection, and participation in the wildfire program. My career with the BLM has been both challenging and rewarding. I have a great deal of respect and concern for our environment. My duties as a BLM em­ ployee make it possible for me to participate in the establish­ ment and management of a healthy forest for current and future generations. Norverv Tate: 1 have been with the BLM since 1987. 1 am a forester and 1 presently replant forest trees that have been cut tor logging. My duties include serving as project inspector on contracts such as pre-commercial thinning, tree planting and stocking survey contracts. Some of my other duties include firefighting which allows me to travel all over the country and to meet people from various backgrounds. This is the only job that 1 know of where you can get paid COMCAST W O RKPLACE H IG H -S P E E D IN T E R N E T d e s ig n e d f o r B U S IN E S S . to have a picnic lunch in the woods. Lakisha Sloan: This agency is a great place to work. As a high school student at Benson, the BLM gave me the opportunity to explore our forests as a YEI/Youth Employment Program participant. I interned while attending Portland State Univer­ sity and upon graduation was hired as a Land Law Examiner. I review proposals, offers and applications for use of public lands and minerals for completeness and compliance with laws, regulations and procedure. I also travel to offices in forested areas in and around Oregon, assessing environmen­ tal conditions and public concerns. I enjoy working with this agency because though there is plenty of office work, there is always a breath of fresh air in the field, literally. F a s t e r S p e e d = , H ig h e r P r o d u c t iv it y -£ Bi siM .ss Shits H i:" ]- FOR PEOPLE WITH BIG PLANS AND GROWING BUSINESSES. SAVE OVER $ 1 .0 0 0 ON A W ID E RANGE OF BUSINESS BANKING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. •V Bank ot the West, vow b usiness is inn b usiness Not only will you enjoy personalized set vice .«id quirk deeism n m aking, but limn now through November 4th. w e re offering new R usm esslm h lin e of Credit at a rate ot Prune ♦ 0".> and no initial lees on new B iism esslank lanes and lo a n s Ihere's also no soivico i liaige and no m inim um balance toi a whole year on new B usiness Cheeking accounts, plus big savings on many more pioducls and seivices We ve leeeived the W b liieeiiwn.h fxiellence Award loi oveiall eustom ei satisfactio n in in s : ’e ss banking, so von II know you re m good han d s Gteat seivice and over $1 000 savings e ” an the m odiiets you need now that s p i.l good business Io see what we can ilo loi you. , •;> | '.i.l step by a biauch. m visit www bankotthewest i om P ro fe s s io n a l In sta lla tio n ! C a ll 1 -8 6 6 -8 4 5 -1 1 2 2 w w w .c o m c a s t.c o m i.K I I W i l l II (comcast l!( S k ;S ,\\I.S I I Sttw W 'M to n w .iid Rn« « vsmo «. »w I w W r*». I m a—mfem on low a . hi.« «#»«* w mt an- m MW jn.1 r .w«o» o< CwncM Onto»