MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING $25.00 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) Each Area $35.00 $1 .SO Each Additional Services . AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING . AUTO/ BOAT/ RV CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT . SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $69.00 SO FA------------------------ $49.00 LOVESEAT ------------- $99.00 SECTIONAL $35.00 CHAIR OR RECLINER - $5.00 THROW PILLOWS — r I I I I September 28, 2005 Ì& Minority & Small Business Week Page B 14 COUPON SPECIAL AN Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT & CHAIR $ 1 3 5 .0 0 _______ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 MED Week Awards Luncheon Oct. 5 siums. corporate boardrooms, and university lecture halls. In 1986 Mr. King was elected to political office as an at-large representative of over 700,000 residents of Fulton County, Georgia. His tenure on the Board of C om m issioners was marked by strong ethics legislation, purifica The Minority Business Oppor tion of the county’s natural water tunity Committee will host its an resources, legislation regulating nual Minority Enterprise Develop minority business participation in ment Week Awards Luncheon on public contracting, and stringent W ednesday, Oct. 5 at the Oregon hazardous waste disposal require Convention Center from 11:30 a.m. ments. Mr. King is committed to the to l :30 p.m. For reservations, con tact Lisa Williams at 503-988-51 11, personal and educational develop ment of youth and has initiated extension 22596. The keynote speaker will be several programs throughout the Martin Luther King III Martin Luther King 111, president years to support and nurture young and chief executive officer ot the people. Among them are the King exercised negotiation and persua Summer Intern Program designed sion to reach a compromise be King Center in Atlanta, Ga. to provide employ tween Georgia legislators and lead The son of ment opportunities ers to change the state tlag that was the la te D r. Mr. King continued forhigh school stu an offensive and divisive symbol Martin Luther . . _ , r King Jr. iscar- hlS fight for JUSt,CC dents; Hoops for for many Georgians. In the 1980’s, rying the torch throughout the 1990’s by Health - a charity Martin King was incarcerated for lit by his father ad,iressins ¡fa moral b a sk etb all gam e protesting against injustices in in his dedica- a£taressl,JS moral he,d ,Q increase South Africa and for the release of tion to creating and political dilemmas of public aw areness freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. Mr. King continued his fight for and im ple- Haiti jyfigeria, Australia, o f newborns suffer- justice throughout the 1990’s by ing the affects of menting strate- substance abuse; addressing the moral and political gic nonviolent ond Sierra Leone and A Call to M an dilemmas of Haiti, Nigeria. Austra action to rid the hood - an annual event designed lia, and Sierra Leone. He has led world of social, political, and eco to unite young African American protests against the biased digital nomic injustice has propelled him males with positive adult role mod divide in the field of technology to the forefront as one of the els. One of Mr. King’s ongoing and has spoken to the United Na- nation’s most ardent advocates for collaborations is with the annual tionson behalf of individuals living the poor, the oppressed and the with the challenges of AIDS. In the Kindness and Justice Challenge disillusioned. spring of 2001, Mr. King hosted a sponsored by Do Something, Inc. An inspirational and motivating Utilizing the principles of Kingian series on the W isdom Network speaker, Martin King is equally cable channel entitled “The Wis- nonviolence, Martin King quietly comfortable in high school gymna- King family member to address group SE R V IC E S: Carpentry • Concrete Flatwork • Painting CL Fencing • Vents Plumbing • Residential Water Supply • Waste Finish Work Rehab Remodel and, B oanerges G roup , LLC- dba R ight W ay P ainting , LLC CCB: 159587 General Contractor 726 NE Roselawn Portland OR 97211 PO Box 11115 Office/Fax 503-281-0224 Ask For Sharon Maxwell Hendricks B.G will demonstrate when given the opportunity! dom of Dreams" The programs high lighted stories of individuals who were able to achieve extraordinary feats by steadfastly pursuing their dreams. In 1998 Mr. King began his ten ure as President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference where he aggressively fought in justice on many fronts. SCLC con vened police brutality and racial profiling hearings in several states that led to the passage of anti-racial profiling resolutions. The Stop the Killing-End the Violence campaign was the anchor for the successful Gun Buy-Back program that col lected over 10,000 weapons across the United States. In 2003, Martin King co-sponsored the 40th Anni versary of the historic March On Washington with human rights or ganizations from across the coun try. H isexperiencesasacom m itted son of the civil rights movement give him a unique perspective con cerning critical problems facing our nation and world. Mr. King was bom in Montgom ery, Alabama, the second oldest of four children to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King. Throughout his life, Martin King has been nurtured among in dividuals deeply committed to the struggle for human rights and a nonviolent society. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Morehouse College, and is the recipient of numerous awards and several honorary de grees. OAME Agenda Tackles Business Issues City permit process scrutinized A ssociation o f M inority En trepreneurs M inority E ntrepre neurs will hold its “Coffee and Issues” forum , Friday, Sept. 3 0 at O A M E .4134N . V ancouver Ave. (Skidm ore and V ancouver A v enue) from 7 a.m . to 8 a.m ., fol- lowed by netw orking until 8:30a.m . Paul Scarlett, interim director of the Bureau of Development Ser vices for the city of Portland, is the fea tured speaker. The Bureau o f D e velopm ent Services issues building per m its, perform s land u se r e v ie w s , p r o m o te s c o m p lia n c e Paul Scarlett with zoning code and s ta te a d o p te d c o n stru c tio n co d e. A ll sm all businesses in teract with this bureau at som etim e and the inform ation provided by Mr. Scarlett will in valuable. O A M E ’s S m a ll B usiness Profile will feature the Boanerges G roup, a small m inor ity-ow ned construc- tion contractor located in north east Portland, specializing in con crete flat work, fencing signs and guardrail. The ow ner is Sharon M axwell Hendricks. The forum is held to maintain communication between minority, women and emerging small busi nesses in Oregon and the general business community. To RSVP call 503-249-7744 or oam e@ oam Attendees are also encouraged to bring items to donate for a raffle. UNIVERSITY Portland State University is a nationally acclaimed leader in community-based learning. Teaching, research, diversity, and service form the cornerstone of Oregon's only public urban university W e offer more than 100 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees, as well as graduate certificates, continuing education and distance learning programs. The PSU campus is located along the tree-lined South Park Blocks of downtown Portland, in the heart of the city's population, economic, industrial, and cultural center. With a current enrollment of approximately 25,000 students, Portland State is Oregon's largest and most diverse university serving more students and conferring more graduate degrees annually than any other university in the state. PSU recognizes that diversity in faculty, staff, and student populations enriches the educational experience, promotes personal growth, strengthens communities and the workplace, and enhances an individual's personal and professional opportunities. As a public university we have a special responsibility to work for equity and social justice and to make our programs truly accessible to our diverse constituents. Our University values campus diversity and demonstrates this in campus programs and initiatives,- we particularly encourage members of historically under-represented groups to apply to positions. Portland State V/niversity invites you to view current openings on our website at Portland State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity institution and, in keeping with the President s diversity initiative, welcomes applications from diverse candidates and candidates who support diversity. T r