Page b 2 _______________________ ___ JJort lattò (ßbseruer September 21. 2005 L aw & J ustice More Outrage Over Stealth Racial Profiling Report The A m erican C ivil Liberties Justice D epartm ent to bury an Union has joined several other unfavorable governm ent report prom inent civil rights groups in on racial profiling. “Suppressing this report w on’t calling called upon Attorney G en­ eral A lberto G onzales to investi­ make discriminatory profiling go gate the apparent attem pt by the away: it's a fact of life for millions of 11 0 h Id you like to own your own home? Would you like to refinance your current home, to lower your monthly payments? 'flood Credit ■ Refinance Bad Credit • Purchase ■ Mortgage Late o.k. First-Time Buyer 100% Financing Option Available & No up front tees! I DO IT ALL! C’.IAZ // / can't do it - NOBOI.)} C all me today ! 503.72 2 .8878 Charlotte Martin 222 \ . E . 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LOVESEAT & CHAIR _______ $135.00_______ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 A m e ric a n s,” sa id C a ro lin e Fredrickson, Director o f the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. “ If we want toeliminate discrimination in law enforcement, it is vital that law makers and the public have this information. We urge Attorney General Gonzales to look into this matter immediately.” At issue is a survey o f police conduct, com piled by the D epart­ ment o f Ju stice’s Bureau o f Jus- tice Statistics. Earlier this year, as the report was near com pletion, Law rence A. G reenfeld, director o f the agency, subm itted for re­ view a news release to announce the findings. G reenfeld was told to delete language that h ig h ­ lighted findings that black and Hispanic drivers were subjected to searches, arrests and use of force more often than w hite driv ­ ers. A fter G reenfeld refused, no release was issued, and the sur­ vey w as p o ste d w ith o u t a n ­ n o u n c e m e n t to th e J u s tic e D e p a r tm e n t’s W eb site . Greenfield was later removed from his position as director o f the agency. The ACLU noted that the action surrounding the Greenfeld demo­ tion follows an alarming trend by the administration to conceal or dismiss information - often critical of government actions - that is col­ lected by independent agencies or review boards. The report found that blacks and H ispanics were roughly three tim es more likely to "experience police threat or use o f force” d ur­ ing interaction with the police, alm ost three tim es more likely to be arrested, and three tim es more likely to have their person or their vehicle searched. Ministers Want Bush Censured For incompetent hurricane disaster response, relief M inisters for Racial, Social and Economic Justice joined a broad coalition o f activists last w eek calling for C ongress to bring charges to reprim and and censure President George W. Bush for the handling o f the Hurricane K atrina disaster. The coalition said Bush’s incom petent and ineptitude leadership resulted in hun­ dreds of deaths and unbelievable human suffering o f U nited S tates’ citizens. “ M ore and more lives are being lost in the afterm ath o f K atrina,” says national presi­ dent of the group, the Rev. Graylan S. Hagler. “T his is, to say the least, c rim in a l n e g ­ ligence to the h ig h e st deg ree. T he p re si­ dent in his n eg lig en ce o f the A m erican people in the G u lf C o ast has c o m m itte d a serious breach o f o ffic ia l d u ties as head o f state and it begs the qu estio n w h eth er he should c o n tin u e to lead this c o u n try ,” says Rev. H agler. “The U nited States system o f governm ent requires that we have a strong and indepen­ dent president. This is an extrem e circum ­ stance and an overw helm ing m ajority of A m ericans now lacks confidence in the president’s leadership. ■ w r IN o V A woman cradles her son waiting to be rescued from the New Orleans Convention Center on Sept. 2, five days after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. His leadership has shown a w anton d isre­ gard for the lives o f A m ericans resulting in an unim aginable disaster and a national and international em barrassm ent to this coun­ try.” The m inisters also charged the Bush ad­ m inistration w ith racism . “ M any o f those suffering are black and poor and we cannot deny that race played a factor in the slow, uncoordinated and incom ­ petent response o f the governm ent,” says Rev. Luther Holland o f C hicago’s C ongrega­ tional Church o f Park M anor. The hurricane catastrophe disproportion­ ately affected blacks and brought attention to the stark racial and econom ic inequalities that exist throughout the nation. County Identifies Sex Offenders director. “The predatory sex offender website lets people know w ho’s out in Multnomah County has launched a the community and gives us another predatory sex offender website contain­ way to involve the public in keeping ing over 180 local individuals who are neighborhoods safe.” Officials said offenders on the site are currently on probation or post-prison su­ pervision and have been designated as not wanted, unless otherwise noted, and the public should not attempt to appre­ “predatory” sex offenders. N am es, photographs, address and hend them. If an offender is listed as other information about each offender are “w anted,” anyone who sees that of­ searchable by zip code, offender name fender should call 9 11. A sex offender is designated as “preda­ and other variables. The website also in­ cludes information about sex offender tory” if the offender has been convicted supervision, information for victims and of sex offenses and demonstrates a ten­ explanations of sex offender registration dency to victimize or injure others, based on a risk assessment tool that is used laws. The website address is statewide. Only a small portion of Multnomah “ An informed public helps us super­ C ounty’s nearly 900 sex offenders on vise offenders more effectively, said supervision are designated as preda­ Joanne Fuller, corrections department tory. Website gives photos Bank cameras show three suspects in a series of identity theft crimes over the past six months. Bank Cameras Spot Suspects Investigators from the Regional Economic Crime Inves­ tigation Center are seeking the public’s help to identify three suspects responsible for more than $20,000 in iden­ tity theft-related crimes in the past six months. The suspects have gone into several banks and retail businesses presenting checks and credit cards stolen during business burglaries that occurred throughout Portland and Southwest Washington. The three suspects are acting independent o f each other and may or may not be aware of each other’s activities. The suspects may have used wigs, hats, and make-up in an attempt to disguise their identity. If you have any information on this case, call Detective CatherineCarroll at 503-823-0456. SUBSCRIBE NOW! The Portland Observer--Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication—is a member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association, Serving Portland and Vancouver. □ Yes! I'd like a year’s subscription to The Portland Observer: ___ individual - $60 ___Institutions, organizations - $75 _ Intem aitional-$75 □ I want to keep the presses rolling. 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