Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 21, 2005, Page 5, Image 5

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September 21. 2005
,r Positive
from Front
H aving traveled outside o f P ort­
land them selves, the trio is hoping
to e n c o u r a g e o th e r y o u th to
broaden their horizons, physically
and spiritually, by show ing them
w hat life is like in othercities. W hile
the M illion M ore March is the ulti­
m ate destination, it’s the conversa­
tion and sights along the way that
will help m ake the trip m em orable.
“If you d o n ’t get a chance to
leave here, you d o n ’t get a chance
to change. W hen 1 cam e back to
Portland, I w as a com pletely differ­
ent person,” said De G roove, a
form er student at Howard U niver­
sity. "Y o u ’ll get a chance to see the
spectrum o f our race. Y ou’re com ­
ing back w ith a story to tell.”
By being part o f the M illion More
M ovem ent, the youth will have an
opportunity to feel the pow erful
energies put forth by African Ameri­
can leaders such as M inister Louis
Farrakhan, Rev. A1 Sharpton, and
Rev. Jesse Jackson, am ong many
T he y o u n g P o rtlan d leaders
w ant kids to see an environm ent
where black people are making posi­
tive contributions. They say part of
the problem is that w hen people
have m ade a difference in their lives
through education and activism
they tend not to “return to the
‘hood,” w here they could serve as
encouraging exam ples to others.
“W e w ere seeing a lot o f youth
in our com m unity with no role m od­
els,” Friday said.
W ashington said the only dif-
ference betw een a college graduate
and a high school dropout is hav­
ing respectable associations with
other people. But if those people
have moved elsew here, youth d o n ’t
have the needed exposure.
A nother issue, they said, is the
prevailing inner-city problem of be­
ing raised in a broken home.
“W e com e from a generation of Tim Washington Jr. (from left), Xavier Friday and Omari De Groove are taking a group o f young men to Washington, D.C. for the
fatherless boys - they d o n ’t have Million More Movement.
photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver
fathers to look up to. It’s our re­
sponsibility to take these brothers
on the block and have them use
their intelligence for more than frac­
tions,” X avier said, m aking refer­
ence to drug use. T he issue ties into
one o f the fundam ental m essages
set for M illion M ore M ovem ent - to
be a father w ho takes tim e for his
Through the Portland Inspiration
Project, peer mentors can help youth
at a level different than what is set by
traditional com m unity leaders.
“W e try to be an exam ple for our
role m odels,” W ashington said.
“W ith this w hole project, w e’re try­
ing to change our thinking about
each other and ourselves.”
A fter their cross-country trip, the
group has plans for park functions
and working with the Boys and Girls
Club. A docum entary will also be
Rancher’s Reserve “Restaurant
created during the trip so that those
Cut” Top Sirloin Steaks
w ho couldn’t m ake it can view the
Boneless. Cap-off.
Or Sirloin Petite Steaks.
SAVE up to $ 1.70 lb.
SAVE up to $3.50 lb.
In order to m ake the trip acces­
sible to disadvantaged youth, the
group needs cash donations. T o
help out, call 650-799-7464 or visit
w w w .esface.com /tour for more in­
Pork Shoulder
Country Style Ribs
intim acy. I’m read y to end the
rela tio n sh ip b ecau se I see him as
a lazy, triflin g m an an d I ’m not
su p p o rtin g him an y m o re. W hat
d o I d o ? —A n o n y m o u s; L os
A n g e le s
Dear Anonymous:
Real People. Real Advice
\n advice coin inn known fo r
its fearless approach to retility
based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
I ’ve fa lle n victim to so c ie ty ’s
d o u b le sta n d ard that p erta in s to
d atin g . I ’m single and have no
in te n tio n s o f being in a re la tio n ­
s h ip b e c a u s e i t 's n o t on my
ag e n d a. I feel I should be able to
see as m any peo p le I w ant w ith ­
o u t bein g ju d g e d . W hy can men
go aro u n d the w orld and sam ple
ev e ry th in g but w hen w om en do
it, w e ’re c a lle d out o f o u r nam e
a n d e v e ry th in g e ls e ? —K arla; O r­
lan d o, Fla.
Dear Karla:
A man leaves his d irt in the street
b u t a w om an takes hers hom e.
Y ou need to be h onest and see
your lifestyle for w hat it is. Y o u 're
fo o tlo o se , fancy free and a r e n 't
resp onsible. W om en are expected
to b ehave w ith m orals and values
w hen it com es to dating and life in
g en eral. If you ch o o se o th e rw ise ,
as only a foolish w om an w ill, then
you d eserv e all the hard knocks
th a t co m e y o u r w ay.
Dear Deanna!
M y b o y frie n d has been a stay -at-
hom e d ad for too long. W hen he
lost his jo b I w as a team play er
c o m m itte d to k eeping th in g s to ­
gether. H e h elp s w ith the kids,
b u t I still co o k and clean. I t’s
been o v e r a y ea r and I 'm tired.
W e arg u e a lot and th e re ’s no
It’s too late to call him lazy and
triflin g b ec au se y o u 'v e already
had ch ild ren w ith him an d you
w e re n ’t m arried. Y ou sh o u ld ’ve
had w arn in g sig n s b efo re now
and th e re ’s no use co m p lain in g .
H e ’s n ot help in g you fin an cially ,
e m o tio n a lly o r sp iritu a lly so it
w o n 't m atter if y o u ’re to g e th er or
not. In o rd er to sav e the re la tio n ­
ship, sim ply d em an d that your
fre e lo a d e r get a jo b an d pull his
load o r get out.
Fresh. Grade A.
SAVE up to M il l.
Oscar M ayer Fun
Pack Lunchables
10 55 to 12.55-OZ
Selected varieties
SAVE up lo «.15 M 2
Red or Black
Seedless Grapes
California g row n
SAVE up to $2.00 lb.
Tomatoes on
the Vine
Large Hass
Ripened clusters
SAVE up to $2.00 lb
SAVE up lo $1.00 ea
S to c k Up fo r Your
N e x t T a ilg a te r!
Pick up tasty ribs from our deli
Dear Deanna!
M y best friend w an ts m e to b e a
bridesm aid in her w edding. I w ant
to d ec lin e b ecau se her fu tu re h u s­
band is ch e atin g . H e’s been se e ­
ing som eone else the w hole tim e
h e ’s dated m y friend. I d o n 't w ant
to tell her b ec au se it w ould break
h er h eart but 1 d o n ’t w ant h er to
m arry him eith er. D o 1 need to go
through w ith the w edding to m ake
h e r happy o r risk th e frie n d sh ip
b y te llin g h e r ?
-S h a n n o n ;
O m aha, N eb.
Butcher's Cut Chicken
Thighs or Drumsticks
Wisk Laundry
Warm Ups!
100-oz. Liquid
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $2 20
Dreyer's Grand
Ice Cream
Lucerne Yogurt
55toS-oz Over 20flavors
from wh«h lo choose
Club Price. 40« ea.
SAVE up to 50« onlO
175-qt. Se«cted varete
Club Pnce; $3 00 ea
SAVE up to $3 3» on 2
Dear Shannon:
Y o u ’re a lousy frien d becau se
you sh o u ld be ab le to tell y o u r
best friend an y th in g . Y ou w ould
be as gu ilty as the fu tu re h u s­
band if you know h e ’s ch eatin g
but w o n ’t tell it. T h e y ’re g oing
b efore G od w ith ad u ltery on the
plate and you can p rev en t th is by
being m ature an d d o in g the rig h t
thing. Pray for strength and w ords
o f w isdom as you g et the facts.
T ell y o u r frien d ab o u t th e situ a ­
tion and y o u ’ll be ab le to sleep
b etter at night.
ThU fl»**
Signature Soup
Tuscan Tomato
Basil Bisque
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannaI @yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
$ lu ^ J o r t la n b (O b s e rv e r
a d s Ö ’p o r tla n d o b N c iA c i n u n
Tortilla Chips
13-oc Selected varieties
SAVE up to $3 49 on 2
Stoutter's Meals
837IO2O-U âeKidnne»
to lte Conni* Duon
M tat SEV«
SAVE up to $4 95 on 5
Ranctio Zaliaco Dancing Bull
?50m' bottle
Selected varietals
SAVE upto$3 23
Club Price; S3.33 ea.
SAVE up to SA 98 on 3
Arrowhead Water
Oven Joy Bread
24 -p a ck , .5-lite r
SAVE v p tB $2 00
2 2 5 -0 7
White or Wheat
Club Pnce 50« ea
SAVE up to 98« «i I
Shop at Home We Deliver.
Advertise with diversity in
ill 5 0 3 2XN 0 0 .1 3
Ingredients fo r life
s a fe w a y .c o m
— '
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