íl’e Jo rtlanò (©bseruer_____________________ September21.2005 Page B6 S ports Home’ Not So Good for Saints (A P )— The New York G iants topped the displaced New O r­ leans Saints 27-10 Monday night. It was a Saints home gam e being played in New Jersey due to the flooding in New Orleans and dam ­ age to the Superdom e. Aside from a few superficial touches, it d id n ’t look, sound or feel like home. The New York G iants, visitors in name and jersey color only, had no com plaints. Playing be­ fore 68,031 of their fans Monday night in the com fort o f their own ballpark, the G iants beat the Saints in one o f the most bizarre "hom e” settings in sports his­ tory. NFL nomads with no stadium a fte r th e d a m a g e to th e Superdom e and New O rleans caused by Hurricane Katrina, the Saints were given a home game here by the league. Historically more successful on the road un­ d erco ach Jim Haslett (25-17 go­ ing in), they co u ld n 't overcom e critical m istakes in falling to 1 -1. In the first half alone, the Saints com m itted 11 penalties for 72 yards, including an illegal con­ tact by Sedrick Hodge that ne- No Home Found Yet For Hornets (AP) — Finding a temporary home for the New Orleans Hor­ nets is one of the N BA ’s most pressing concerns as the opening of training camps draws near. The New Orleans Arena es­ caped serious damage from Hurri­ cane Katrina, but the Hornets were told it could take up to six months before the city’s ready to accom ­ modate their return. League offi­ Y A M Y A M ’S S O U T H E R N C O O K IN G Blazers Sign Blake to Offer Sheet Lood for threat from perimeter The Portland Trail Blazers signed restricted free agent guard Steve Blake to an offer sheet on Monday citing his skills as aperimeterthreat. Terms of deal were not disclosed. Blake, 25, has spent the last two seasons with the Washington W iz­ ards, who have until Sept. 28 to match the Trail Blazers’ offer. The 6-foot-3 Blake, a member of M aryland’s 2002 NCAA champi­ onship team. Due to an ankle sprain, he played in only 44 games last season and averaged 4.3 points. The Wizards selected Blake in the second round of the 2003 NBA draft. He was Mary land’s all-time leader in assists with 972, fifth best total in the NCAA and fourth highest in Atlan­ tic Coast Conference history. 7 o the 7 oaten f Proudly Presents Every Day Lunch Specials Giants running back Tiki Barber cuts between New Orleans Saints defensive tackle Brian Young and cornerback Jason Craft as he runs for a touchdown Monday in East Rutherford, NJ. (AP photo) gated a third-dow n sack and set up the G iants’ third touchdow n, In all, the Saints had six turn- (A P) - Snoop D o g g ’s new youth fo o tb all league is a hot item in S outhern C alifo rn ia. T w o years ago, S noop b e ­ gan co ach in g his s o n ’s team in the O range C ounty Ju n io r A ll-A m erican Football C onfer­ e n c e , lu rin g c h ild re n from o th e r sq u a d s w ith h is s ta r pow er. The rap p er and som etim e a c to r a ls o m a d e p e r s o n a l phone c a lls to draw in top ta l­ en t, and last year his R ow land R aid ers w ent u n defeated en rou te to a league c h a m p io n ­ sh ip . Snoop, w hose real nam e is C a lv in B ro a d u s , is ta k in g th in g s to the next level this y ear, c re a tin g his ow n S o u th ­ ern C alifo rn ia league. He lo w ­ ered fees for jo in in g a team from $175 or m ore to $100, w hich co v ers the cost o f c leats and pads. He also loosened resid en cy req u irem en ts. overs, 13 penalties for 92 yards and allow ed four sacks. At least the Saints’ other seven home games will be played closer to home: four in Baton Rouge, La., and three in San Antonio, where they train. Monday Through Friday 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM © © 2PCS Catfish 1 wing W/FF & Toast.........................$5.50 2 Wings 1PCS Catfish W/FF & Toast.......................$5.00 © 2 Wings w/Whiting W/FF & Toa st........................... $4.50 © 2 BBQ Pork Ribs 2 Wings W/FF & Toast.................. $6.50 © 1 Hot Link 2 BBQ Pork Ribs W/FF & Toast.............. $5.50 © 2 PCS Whiting 1 PCS Snapper W/FF & Toast.......... $5.50 © 1 BBQ Pork Rib 1 Catfish 1 Snapper 1 Wing W/FF..... $6.50 © 2 PCS Catfish 3 Shrimp W/FF & Toast.....................$6.50 © 3 PCS Whiting Fish W/FF & Toa st........................... $4.50 All Side Dishes Is $2.50 With Any Above Combination [ y AMY a T t ^SOUTHERN > I COOKING BBQ / I I FREE 1 l Rap artist and actor Snoop Dogg talks to his youth football team son Cordell Broadus, 7. Fountain Drink / with purchase o f Lunch Special I Offer good thru 09/28/05 L—————————————————- 7339 MLK BLVD Portland, Oregon 97212 Phone: 503-978-9229 Fax 503-978-9228 Get Paid To Learn No skills required, just a willingness to learn Construction Trades www.bestOJT.com click on orientation Ducks Face No. 1 USC (A P)— The 24th ranked Oregon Ducks say they won’t change how they will prepare for Saturday’s game against the No. 1 Trojans at Autzen Stadium. Oregon coach Mile Bellotti said U SC’s talent is “very impressive" and their execution offensively is “almost flawless.” The Ducks will be working on kickoff coverage and the punting game in general, he said. The Trojans have been ranked No. 1 by The Associated Press in voting for the media for 22 con­ secutive polls. T hat's the longest streak ever. It will be O regon's first game against a team ranked No. 1 in 13 seasons since a loss to W ashing­ ton in ,992. And Oregon has lost all nine of its previous games against a No. 1 opponent, including three BBQ the Wooten f Snoop Dogg Sponsors Youth League Steve Blake cials have facilities in Baton Rouge, La. and Oklahoma City, and NBA spokesman Tim Frank said a deci­ sion on the Hornets’ temporary home is expected toward the end of the week. After that, the focus will move to the individuals - rather than teams - who spent the summer changing addresses. Michael Finley will be joining the defending champion San An­ tonio Spurs, Larry Brown will take over as coach of the New York Knicks, Ron Artest will be wel­ comed back to the Indiana Pacers and Shaquille O ’Neal will get a firsthand look at the changes made to two-fifths o f M iami’s starting lineup. We can help! 503-493-6027 j the L ittle Things th a t Make a Big .Difference' V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc. 40 DAYS or PURPOSE EMMANUEL TEMPLE CHURCH October 9 - November 20,h An Open Invitation To Come As You Are! Portland’ Emmanuel Temple Church Presents A Special Personal Spiritual Frowth Campaign Entitled: 40 Days of Purpose dedicated to: * Discovering your life’s purpose! * What on earth am I here for? * Is there more to life than simply sleeping, eating, family and earning a living? * After all this, am I still really happy with my life today? 40 Days of Purpose, commencing October 9'h through November 20"', is not about you. Rather, it is about what God wants to do in your life. Church m em bership or Church attendance is not a requirement. For more information call Emmanuel Temple Church in Portland a, 503.281.9666. Everyone is welcome. I G R A N D B A L L R O O M H IL T O N H O TE L S U N . O C T . 2L F I R S T B O U T 1 :OO P M T IC K E T S O N S A L E N O W naan »»«unit ohihk m t ic k e t m a s t e h . c o m u mi ticuiwiii« iiimiu MCIMIW F R E D M E V E R t G I JO E 'S , ft OHM M ill It HMM. C A L L S O 3 -2 2 A -A A O O G E N E R A L A D M IS S IO N $ 2 0 «»«•»" S 2 3 ««WF $ 1 O A LL A C C E S S P A S S WjJMiRBm R IN G S ID E S E A T S HJWEIISM MU Mi KWH $M )R T L A N D H IL T O N 9 2 1 S W 6 t h A V E N U E ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 - 1 6 1 1 w w w P o r t la n d h ilt o n . c