Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 14, 2005, Page 8, Image 8

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    Advertise with diversity in
Ongoing and
Upcoming Music
îl! ' ^ J o r t l a n b ( j O b s v r u v r
call 503.288.0033
• The Blue Monk on Belmont plays live jazz every
Sunday night at 9 p.m. visit www.thebluemonk.eom.
• T horn C ity Im prov, featu rin g m em b ers o f
Oldominion. Quivah, The Chosen and The Black
Notes perf orm every Tuesday at 10 p.m. at C onan’ s at
3862 SE Hawthorne.
• Interstate Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234
N. Interstate.
• The Black Notes play Thursdays at the Candlelight
or email: ads (i1* poilktndobserver.com
J w H ttlC
• Mel Brown plays jazz at Jimmy Maks on Tuesdays
and Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays at Salty’s
on the Columbia.
• A Community Unity Breakfast is held every third
Thursday at SE1 at 7:30 a.m.
• SkipElliott Bowman JazzTrioplaysSaturdays from
10 a m. to noon at Hannah Bea’s, on northeast MLK
Jr. Blvd. and Shaver.
• R&B and live funk bands perform weekends at the
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center.
• After work, stop by The Red Sea, 381 S.W . 3rd Ave.
from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays.
• Don’t miss Reggae Thursdays at Savannah’s at
First Thursday celebrations at 8 p.m. DJ OG ONE spins
R&B at Savannah’s on Fridays.
• Savannah's Restaurant welcomes Ron Steen Jam
Session Sundaysat 8:30 p.m. Live Reggae Fridays and
Saturdays at Montego Bay, 1239 S.W. Jefferson.
7 a t&e
Proudly Presents
Every Day
Lunch Specials
Monday Through Friday
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
2PCS Catfish 1 wing W/FF & Toast.........................$5.50
2 Wings 1PCS Catfish W/FF & Toast...................... $5.00
2 Wings w/Whiting W/FF & Toast...........................$4.50
2 BBQ Pork Ribs 2 Wings W/FF & Toast.................. $6.50
September 14, 2005
1X111 ^Lì art lattò © bseruer
Page B2
Star ‘Passes for White’ in Play
Local production deals with racism
for her acting both in New Y ork and in
Portland. She has appeared in num er­
ous productions, includ­
ing “A in’t M isbehavin,”
"R aisin in the Sun" and
Sadie D elaney in “ H av­
ing O ur Say, “ for co l­
o re d g irls w h o have
c o n s id e r e d s u ic id e /
w hen the ra in b o w is
e n u f ’ and m any others.
She is also know n for
d irectin g several p ro ­
d u c tio n s at In te rsta te
Firehouse Cultural C en ­
T he plot o f the play
ter, Passin Art, and other
concerns the “fam ily se­
throughout the
cret” o f an elderly w om an
film a c tre ss w ho once
Phillips was the first
passed for w hite and the
A frican A m erican fe ­
d if f ic u ltie s
A f r ic a n - Brenda Phillips
m ale to receive the Best
A m ericans have faced in
a M usical W illam ette
film s, in a historical context, along with
E xcellence in Theatre
the fam ily conflict portrayed. “ Falling
Star” will bring to the stage a neglected in 1998-99 for "The C olored M useum ."
Tickets are $5 at the door.For more
period o f history.
Brenda Phillips has received aw ards inform ation call 503-837-5267.
L ocal a c to r and d ire c to r B ren d a
Phillips and her co-w riter Ginny Foster
will present a staged read­
ing o f their play "Falling
Star," about an A frican-
A m erican m ovie star who
“passed for w hite” in o r­
der to get w ork in early
The reading will be held
M onday, Sept. 19 at 7
p.m. at the W onder Ball­
room , 128 N.E. Russell
1 Hot Link 2 BBQ Pork Ribs W/FF & Toast..............$5.50
2 PCS Whiting 1 PCS Snapper W/FF & Toast.......... $5.50
1 BBQ Pork Rib 1 Catfish 1 Snapper 1 Wing W/FF..... $6.50
2 PCS Catfish 3 Shrimp W/FF & Toast................... $6.50
food. A $5 donation
will go toward Mercy
C orp, and the Red
Q 3 PCS Whiting Fish W/FF & Toast...........................$4.50
All Side Dishes Is $2.50 With Any Above Combination
V eterans for Peace
Chapter 72 present five
hours of local music
forpeaceat Kelly Plaza
Park on 4200 N.E.
Sandy Blvd. on Satur­
day, Sept. 17 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For
more information,call 503-493-2953.
Offer good thru 10/12/05
7339 MLK BLVD Portland. Oregon 97212
Phone: 503-978-9229 Fax 503-978-9228
A rm W restling C om petition - ShoeGazer Arm Wresting competition
at Tiny’sCoffee 2033 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. every Friday from
8-10 p.m. Both men and women are encouraged to attend.
T rip pin ' through T ow n - Take a trip through time to find the hottest
poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave.
O n the R adio - Groove to soul and hip-hop with Kevin Berry from 7 to
M asks o f A frica - Tribe of the Winds
Gallery, located on 2217 N.E. Alberta St., presents “A Different Faee:
Masks of Africa” through Oct. 23. More than 40 artists are represented
through the traditional mask exhibit, brought in by Achille M assoma.For
more information, visit www.tribewinds.com.
M t. Hood R ailroad - The Little Engine That Could, or a life-size replica
at least, will offer train rides at Mt. Hood Railroad on Sept. 16,17 and 18
along Hood River. A petting zoo, live music, costumed characters, story
reading, face painting and other children’s activities will be at hand. For
more information, visit www.mthoodrr.com or call 1-800-872-4661.
9p.m . Mondays at 90.7 FM/KBOO. Check out the Community Potpourri
talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. Mondays, W ednesday and Fridays at 1480
AM/KBMS. Count your blessings with Melodies from Heaven from 6
to 10 p.m. Mondays
through Fridays at
1290AM/KKSL. Tune
in to African Ameri­
can H e a lth R adio
W ed n esd ay nig h ts
on 1290 AM/KKSL.
Have a Ball - Kids will
have a ball at O M SI’s
new Innovation Sta­
tion by exploring the
human side of tech­
nology. For more in­
formation, visit W W W .
Falling S ta r - A staged reading of the play “Falling Star” will take place
on Sept. 19at7p.m .at the W onder Ballroom,located at 128N.E. Russell
St. Tickets are $5 at the door. For more information, call 503-827-5267.
ja z z
W orld A nim al Festival - A World Animal Festival will take place at the
Oregon Zoo on Sept. 24 and 25 and Oct. 1 and 2, featuring a showcase
on how various cultures of the world revere and celebrate animals. Local
groups will present performance art, crafts, educational activities and
art exhibits. For more information, visit www.oregonzoo.org.
Firehouse A rt E xhibit - The Interstate
Firehouse Cultural Center will feature
“ In te rse c tio n s:
A rtists
Firefighters,” a mixed-medium art ex­
hibit featuring local artists’ views of
various firehouses, through Oct. 27.
ThelFCC Gallery isopen from 11 a.m. to
6 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and
noon to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. For more
information, call www.ifcCTItts.org or
call 503-823-4322.
jam night
egon Food Bank, on Thursday, Sept. 22 lor all
show times except starred attractions. Bring three
or more nonperishable food items to any Regal Cinema
for free admission to a movie and a free smal 1 box of popcorn.
H ip-H op Benefit for H urricane K atrina — Local activists, hip-hop and
spoken word artists and community leaders will come together for a
benefit concert on Sunday, Sept. 25 from 5 p.m. to midnight at the
Roseland Theater on 8 N.W. Sixth Ave. Featured acts will include
Lifesavas, Cool Nutz and Maniac Lok, Mike Crenshaw, Sirens Echo,
Soul Plasma, Turiya Autry, DJ OG One, Starchile, DJ Chill and more.
Admission is free, but donations will be accepted, with all proceeds
going to assist those displaced from the hurricane to the Portland area.
S ing O ut for Peace --
FREE Fountain Drink
wz7/z purchase o f
Lunch Special
Septem berfest: Benefit for K atrina - The North
Star Coffeehouse on 7540 N Interstate Ave will host
"Septemberfest: Benefit for Katrina" on Saturday, Sept.
17 from noon to 7 p.m. The event will feature five bands and
Senior Safari -- The Oregon Zoo will hold a Senior Safari day on Sept.
9:00pm every Friday
20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., complete
with free admission for seniors and
their companions. Refreshments,
a petting zoo, animal talks and live
music is set to entertain. For more
information, call 503-226-1561 or
visit www.oregonzoo.org.
C ans Film Festival - Regal Cin­
emas presents the 25lh annual Cans
Film Festival, a benefit for the Or-
The Little Engine That Could
A m usem ent At Oaks
Park - Oaks Park in southeast Portland offers rides, picnic grounds,
roller-skating and family games on the banks ot the W illamette River.
Rides and roller-skating are open daily.
T im e to Jam - J a m Night, Portland’sever-popular comedy and variety
show is at Christian Performing Arts Center, 8131 N. Denver Ave. Shows
continue every Friday Night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by Mondemaj
Catering next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Dinner is $ 13 and
tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12. For dinner
reservations, call 503-286-2590.
Community Survey
1 r c'
Lx 1 , T\
A _ nr
l _ i f - i - a* u ‘ 1
Dear northeast Portland residents:
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission is considering opening a new liquor
store to serve the community in northeast Portland. We are seeking public
comment and would ask you to take a minute and let us know what you think.
This Coupon Good
for $2°° Off
Any Regular Priced CD
Over $1 0°° (5 CD Limit)
•N o t g oo d on red tag items or any other offer.'
Offer good thru 9/28/05
I ind your favorites ut [M L IS IC ^
V n tl & Burnside - East P o rtlan d
5 0 3 -2 3 1 - 8 9 2 6
No, we do not need another liquor outlet in the community.
Yes, a new liquor store would be a convenience and a welcome addition
to the neighborhood. We would like the new liquor store located near
Please send your comments to:
„ '
|dESS3SSQS2] \
2 locations:
N W Portland 23rd & NW Johnson
5 0 3 -2 4 8 - 0 1 6 3
Deputy Director Rudy Williams
Oregon Liquor Control Commission
PO Box 22297
Portland, OR 97269-2297
E-mail: olcc.webmaster@state.or.us