ílH’IJortlanb © hseruer Page A6 September 14. 2005 KNOTT STREET B O X IN O ■ CLUB pttstms W Jr Ú. ÏJi» 'Strici to 4*1 < f _ 0 Q * I N 8 f J O IN capnc tho u' e,i,iy(r u n.p»“ Nation t152 photo by CLUB M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Christina Forbes, business coordinator for Powerhouse Temple Church of God in Christ on North Williams Avenue, accepts donations from a community member. L o re n z o 1 2 -0 Hurricane Victims Welcomed con tin u ed fro m Front evacuees feel com fortable and an­ sw er questions. At the form er W ashington High School in southeast Portland, more than 50 displaced residents arrived Sunday and received inform ation, support and resources from the Red Cross, Salvation Army, City o f Port- land, M ultnom ah County, T ri-M et. Department of Health Services, U.S. Postal S ervice, S ocial S ecurity A dm inistration and others. The Red Cross said some arrived by plane, bus, car and even hitch­ hiked. More than 4,(XX) meals have been served to hurricane evacuees at W ashington High School. Locally, the Red C ross has raised $2.8 m il­ lion in donations and $5(X),(XX) in in- kind gifts for the disaster relief. Pow erhouse T em ple C hurch is planning on bringing back at least 10 more fam ilies from the hurricane region via plane and bus during the last w eek o f Septem ber. T o m ake donations, visit the church at 4525 N. W illiam s Ave. r im, uOr-»ai c O ë ÏW N T O V V T N G R A N D B A L L R O O M S U N . continued fro m Front ate assistance and housing for any victim o f the storm. “The way that all these different com m unity groups are interacting. I’m ju st seeing collaboration and support at a level I’ve never expe­ rienced before," M iller said. “The story is about helping about people in need, but there’s also the story up to be trained and deployed to affected regions. Portland-area fam ilies already hosting survivors should call the Red C ross at 503-284-1234 to in­ quire about available services and benefits. C om m unity m em bers are also encouraged to call 211 or 1 - 800-SA FE -N E T for accurate, up­ dated inform ation. Advertise with diversity in 1 :0 0 P M Call 5O3-288-OÖ33 J J n r i l a n b (O h serlU 'r ads@portlandob server.com Got lots of things to mark off your list? Whether you need to stock your refrigerator with groceries or your closet with new outfits, we can help We've combined a great selection of quality products and services under one roof to make marking those things off of your list a little bit easier. Wood Village 23500 N.E. Sandv Blvd. wal * m A rt SUPERCENTER Coming Soon © 2005 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Find more than a m illion items online. 4 2. T IC K E T S O N S A L E N O W fro m Front co n cern s w ere not m o tiv ate d by racism . Several people said they hoped those w ho cam e to Portland out of the disaster w ould get som e sort of screening. O ne man, w ho said he m oved to S outheast H aw thorne Boulevard after “fleeing” North K illingsw orth Street and A lbina A venue, said his concern was as much for the refugees as for the surrounding com m unity. “L et’s say that 950 are ordinary people w ho are ju st trying to get out o f hell,” he said, “and 50 are crim inals. That ’ s a lot o f crim inals.” Jesse Clay, a R ed C ross w orker and another local A frican-A m eri­ can resident, said she had ju st re­ turned from the Sixth W ard o f New O rleans and felt safer there than Portland. She asked if neighbors would ask for screening if the displaced A m ericans w ere from M artha’s Vinyard. Southeast Precinct com m ander Rosie Sizer said the police had “m ade good progress” in dealing with safety concerns. Red Cross workers Mary Loftin and Bob Keeler said the intent is to move refugees into permanent hous­ ing and to place them in jobs and schools, as quickly as possible. Some residents and nearby busi­ nesses said their attem pts to help and to donate goods o r services w ere rebuffed by the Red Cross. But Loftin said the agency is not se t up to a c ce p t d o n a tio n s o f goods and that these are best made to o ther agencies such as St. Vincent de Paul. H ughes said she had previously attended a m eeting in northeast Portland w here people w ere plan­ ning a w elcom ing for the displaced residents and w as m oved to tears by the intense, w arm and caring faces. “D uring that evening am ong all those people w ho ‘did not look like m e,’ though m any w ere not strang­ ers to m e, I learned a thing or two about com m unity,” she said. A sked his im p re ssio n o f the B u c k m a n m e e tin g , N o rth e a s t C o alition o f N eig h b o rh o o d s chair W illie B row n said , “ W e all have to do a lot m ore listen in g to each o th e r.” H O T E L UCXETS HlltHtf »NUKE h T IC K E T M A S T E R .C O M fl IU IICIFIUKIf9 aUilEIS INClUOm F R E D M E Y E R ' G I JO E 'S . 1»MM« 1ICKH1 ItFKOKf C A L L 5 O 3 -2 2 A -A A O O G E N E R A L A D M IS S IO N $ 2 0 » Mr«»-r $ 2 5 rV W I $ 1 O tssi!« A LL A C C E S S P A S S WS uumwssmw : R IN G S ID E S E A T S FIMINS« Si COLO $40 SILVER $38 P O R T L A N D H IL T O N 9 2 1 S W 6 t h A V E N U E ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 - 1 6 1 1 w w w . p o r t l a n d . h i l l o n . c t Neighborhood Torn by Evacuee Concerns con tin u ed H IL T O N O C T . F IR S T B O U T Resource Shelter Assists Arrivals about how we all cam e together as a com m unity and changed. People have decided they w anted a better life than what they have now. E v­ erybody is so happy to have them here that it's a transform ation.” M iller noted that a huge Red Cross volunteer program will also take place at the school. M ore than 1 ,(XX) people have already signed L a u ra F ir s t A rm a te u r F ig h t C o ry HoivO^ Fight» nl L3»< 7