September 14.2005___________________________________ ®"'^ o rtia rò ©bsettlCr______________________ Breast Cancer Awareness Focus of Expo Booths, speakers focus on health Helping to kick o ff the Susan C honitia Sm ith, executive d i­ G. Komen Race for the Cure this rector o f the Sankofaa H ealth In­ weekend will be Health Expo 2005, stitute, will speak at 10 a.m. on held at the O regon Convention breast c a n c e r p rev en tio n and C enter on Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 education for A frican A m erican p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to women. S he’ II be one o f nearly 20 5 p.m. The expo is designed not speakers spanning the two-day only to prom ote breast cancer event. aw arness, but general fitness as Sm ith, along with Rev. Renee well. Ward o f Chrysalis Ministries, will also host a booth that offers vouchers for free mammogram health screenings. Registration for Race for the Cure begins at Sunday at 6:30a.m. at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park with the race continuing through the morning. Those interested in par­ tic ip a tin g can v isit PaSeA3 SMALL-BUSINESS FAIR Do you dream of owning a business, but don’t know where to start? Do you have a business. out you’re contused about requirements? If you want answers , come to the 12th annual Small- Business Fair, where experts will explain how to get your business going, run it successfully, and comply with local, state, and federal regulations. Free workshops • Turning a dream into reality • The future of business • E-commerce • Business advertising • The art of selling Suspected Drunk Driver Charged 8 a .m .-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 ‘Ghost bike’ memorializes killed bicyclist PCC Southeast Center 2305 SE 82nd Ave.. Portland FREE ADMISSION Sponsored by local, state, and federal agencies and nonprofit organizations. For more information, call (503) 329-4260 or visit Don’t spend ’10,000 -’20,000 -s3 0 ,0 0 0 ! on windows ANY SIZE WHITE VINYL