Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 07, 2005, Page 9, Image 9

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    ^ 'jß o r tla n h (©hsertier
September 7, 2005
Page B3
Katrina Scams Follow Tragedy
Agencies urge
caution when
donating funds
Condoleezza Rice
As South
Rice Shops
(E d ito r’s note: The fo llo w in g is
fr o m the N ew York D aily N ew s.)
Like P resident Bush, Secretary
o f State C ondoleezza was on vaca­
tion during the H urricane K atrina
crisis, with Rice enjoying h erdow n­
tim e in N ew York. The cabinet
m em ber’s responsibilities are usu­
ally international, but her tim ing
contributed to the “fiddling w hile
Rom e b u m s" im pression given by
her boss during the disaster, w hich
may have claim ed thousands o f
On W ednesday night. Secretary
Rice was booed by som e audience
members at “Spam alot!,” the Monty
Python musical at the Shubert, when
the lights w ent up after the perfor­
Thursday, Rice w ent shopping at
Ferragam o on Fifth A venue. A c­
c o r d in g
to th e W e b
w w w .G aw ker.com , the 50-year-old
bought “several thousand dollars'
worth o f shoes” at the pricey leather-
goods boutique.
A fellow shopper shouted, “How
dare you shop for shoes w hile thou­
sands are dying and hom eless!” -
presum ably referring to Louisiana
and M ississippi.
The w om an expressing her First
A m endm ent rights was promptly re­
m oved from the store. A Ferragam o
store m anager confirm ed to us that
Rice did shop there Thursday.
(A P)— Federal and state regu-
lators are w arning donors and
investors to bew are o f “oppor­
tunistic investm ent scam s” in
the w ake o f H urricane Katrina.
T he N orth A m erican Securi­
ties A dm inistrators Association,
w hich represents state securi­
ties regulators, urged investors
to be on guard against invest­
m ents that prom ise profits from
hurricane relief and recovery ef­
forts in L ouisiana, M ississippi,
A labam a and Florida.
O il-and-gas deals and invest­
ments in w ater-purification tech­
nology and energy-generating
devices also should raise red
fla g s , N A S A A
P re s id e n t
Franklin W idm ann said.
Federal regulators also are on
the lookout for “financial para­
sites w ho feast on hum an suffer­
ing,” said S ecurities and E x­
change C om m ission spokesm an
John Nester.
Scam s involving charitable
Emergency food supplies are delivered to victims in New Orleans. (AP photo)
Americans will give generously to the relief
effort fo r Hurricane Katrina and should make sure
the charities they pick match their good intentions.
- C huck G rassley , S enate F inance C ommittee C hairman , R -I owa
contributions are another co n ­
cern. T he Internal R evenue Ser­
vice said people w ho w ant to
investigate the background o f a
specific charity can check a list
o f IR S-approved charities on
http://w w w .lR S.gov.
“ A m ericans will give g en er­
ously to the rel ief effort for H ur­
ricane K atrina and should m ake
sure the ch a ritie s they pick
m atch their good intentions,”
cautioned Senate Finance C o m ­
m itte e C h a ir m a n C h u c k
G rassley, R-Iowa.
B e tte r
B u s in e s s
Bureau’s W ise G iving A lliance,
at http://w w w .give.org is ag o o d
resource for those looking to
m ake contributions, G rassley
If you w ould like to assist in
som e way, the follow ing infor­
mation may be useful: A merican
Red Cross, 1-800-HELP-NOW ;
Salvation Arm y International, 1-
800-S A L -A R M Y ; N orthw est
MedicalTeams, 1-800-959-4325;
and A m erica’s Second Harvest
( food bank ), 1 -800-344-8070.
All donations should specifi­
cally designate the “hurricane
Hurricane Season Not Over Yet, More Storms Expected
(A P) — A m id the unfolding disaster left by H urricane
Katrina, C olorado State U niversity researchers said Fri­
day they expect more storm s over the next tw o months.
“T he very active season we have seen to this point is
far from over,” researcher Philip K lotzbach said. “W e
expect that by the tim e the 2005 hurricane season is over.
w e will w itness seasonal tropical cyclone activity at near­
record levels.”
T he school’s hurricane forecast team o f W illiam G ray and
K lotzbach said there is a 43 percent chance an intense hurri­
cane will hit the U.S. coast in Septem ber and a 15 percent chance
in O ctober. The long-term average is 27 percent in Septem ber
New Season of ‘Judge Mathis’ Begins
“Judge M athis” returns for its
seventh season on M onday, Sept.
12 with new cases, new litigants
and a brand new season o f justice.
In Portland, “Judge M athis” airs
on K PD X /U PN Channel 49 at 12
p.m .and K PTV /FO X 1 2 at4 p .m .
Inspired by h is’ ow n gang-to-
gavel story, "Judge M athis” is a
nationally syndicated reality-based
c o u r t sh o w
presided over
by form er De-
troit-area D is­
tr ic t
C o u rt
J u d g e G re g
M athis.
The key to
M a th is’ su c­
c e ss in th e Judge Mathis
courtroom is his ability to relate to
people. Having made the journey
from behind bars to passing the bar,
M athis believes rehabilitation is
within everyone's reach if they re­
ceive the right guidance, which is
what he tries to provide. In addition
to upholding the rule o f law in court,
he makes it a point to stress that
education is the key to a better future.
and 6 percent in O ctober.
T he forecasters predicted five nam ed storm s - four o f
them hurricanes and tw o o f those m ajor - for Septem ber,
traditionally the m ost active m onth for hurricanes. The
team predicted three nam ed storms, tw o hurricanes and
one m ajor hurricane in O ctober.
Church Celebrates 60 Years
T he com m unity is invited to
jo in the congregation o f H ughes
M e m o rial U n ite d M e th o d ist
C hurch, 311 N.E. Failing St. b e­
tw een M allory and R odney av ­
enues, to celeb rate 6 0 years o f
se rv in g C h rist on S atu rd ay ,
Sept. 10 at 3 p.m . An afternoon
o f guest speakers, singing, food
and fellow ship is planned.
O n S u n d ay , Sept. 11 at 4
p.m . the church w ill hold a sp e­
cial an n iv ersary w o rsh ip ser­
vice. C h u rch D istrict S u p e rin ­
te n d e n t R e v . B o n n ie P a rr-
P h ild o n w ill sp eak an d new
H ughes M em o rial P asto r Rev.
P atric ia K essel and c o -p a sto r
Jo e F ried m an w ill sh are in the
serv ice.
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Relationships, M arital Problems, Em ploym ent,
Health, Love, Job, etc. M iss P atricia will rea d yo u r entire life
w ithout asking a single question. She will help yo u a void stum ­
bling blocks o f a ll kinds, business, personal, a n d b a d luck. Ju st one
visit will convince you. A ll readings are private a n d confidential.
For Appointment Call 503-646-4545
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Portland to Coast Success
Struttin' Sole Sistah Gahlena Easterly completes her first
leg o f the Portland to Coast relay handing o ff the wristlet
to her sister Donna Maxey. The team averaged 14.83
minutes per mile in the 128 mile, two day race.
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