Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 07, 2005, Page 5, Image 5

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    ^ Ï J o r tla n b © bscruer
September 7. 2005
Page A5
COURAGEOUS A frican A m erican s
Highly Rated but not the Right Color
A fter exem plary and
the ready and able sup­
heroic service in the Civil
ply o f A frican-A m erican
War, Christian Fleetwood
volunteers. Interest in
was show ered with praise
the w ar had started to
and m e d als. H o w ev er
decline in the North as
w hen it w as tim e to pro­
th e w h ite p o p u la tio n
m ote him, the sam e m ili­
was becom ing more con­
tary turned its back on
c e rn ed w ith th e fa st­
him. The U.S. Army would by R o n W eb e
moving industrial growth
have no part in allow ing a
and the econom ic possi-
b lack m an to co m m an d w hite b ilitie s that w ent w ith a good
econom y.
Fleetw ood’s heroism gave great
W ith opportunities opening up
credence to the abilities o f African in the A rm y, Fleetw ood was ac­
A m ericans on the battlefield.
cepted into Com pany G o f the 4 ,h
He w as rem em bered as a child R egim ent o f the new US C olored
w ho w as bom to ,----------------------
u p p e r m id d le
class free black
parents. A new s­
paperm an, W ill­
iam E. M athew s,
O ur first rec­
o lle c tio n
F le e t-
w o o d w as th e
n o v e l sig h t o f
seeing him as a
child o f four or
fiv e y e a rs, e l­
egantly dressed
in an e m b r o i­
dered jacked and
silken hose, the
pet and pride of
the household.
A s a fu ll- C hristian F le etw o o d
grow n m an he w ould never see a V olunteerlnfantryon Aug. 11,1863.
height o f more than five feet four His leadership and organizational
in c h es. H o w ev er, F le e tw o o d ’s abilities w ere noted im m ediately
courage m ade him stand as tall as and he w as prom oted to the co m ­
many a man w hile he fought for pany sergeant major.
Fleetw ood lead his troops into
H is ability to com m and becam e 17 different m ajor battles and nu­
clear after he graduated from Lin­ m erous sm all encounters with the
coln U niversity w hen he w orked enem y. His troops proved to be
for a B altim ore shipping com pany relentless and fearless w hile on the
and during his off tim e, founded the battlefield. On Sept. 29, 1864,
L yceum O bserver (1863), the first F leetw ood’s bravery and “disre­
black-ow ned and published jo u r­ gard for his ow n life," during the
nal south o f the M ason-D ixon line. battle o f C h afin ’s Farm at N ew
T he O bserver w as designed to M arket H eights in V irginia led to
help African Americans betterthem - som ething that had never happened
selves academ ically and was con­ before. O ne hundred percent o f all
nected to the prestigious G albraith the w hite officers in his regim ent
Lyceum Society, w hich served the petitioned Secretary o f W ar Edw in
black elite.
Stanton to m ake Sgt. C hristian
A s the Civil W ar continued on Fleetw ood the A rm y’s first black
much longer than expected, the officer. Sadly this action w as d e­
N orth decided to start enlisting nied by Stanton w ho said, “There
black soldiers. Com m anders needed w as no law under w hich such a
com m ission could be given.”
D eservedly though, Fleetw ood
was given the M edal o f Honor,
w hich w as a huge honor for a black
person in the m ilitary. Y ears later,
during the Spanish A m erican War,
he w as finally given w hat he truly
deserved and was m ade an officer.
Fleetw ood m arried and had two
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column known for
its [earless approach to reality
based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
I’m a young father w ho’s been Dear Deanna!
claim ing a son I thought was mine. On the surface my neighbors appear
I’ve recently learned o f the possi­ to be nice people with morals and
bility som eone else m ay be the fa­ good character. I met another couple
ther. I feel devastated because I w ho know them and say they aren’t
look at this baby as my flesh and married. W e’ve invited them intoour
blood. Should I do anything to stop couples group, they go to events
the paternity results or should I with us and w e’ve become close
take the risk and find out. I feel as if friends. Now I feel they're being
I w on’t be able to handle it if the test deceptive because everyone in our
com es out negative. —A nony­ group is married. If they aren’t legiti­
m ous; Pennsylvania, Penn.
mate we don’t want them in the group
but don’, know how to tell them. —
Dear Anonymous:
Shannon; Portland, Ore.
It’s im pressive to see you exhibit
passion and love for your nam e­ Dear Shannon:
sake. It’s in your best interest fi­ Y ou're not in a playground playing
nancially, spiritually and em otion­ nanny, nanny boo-boo. Unless you
ally to determ ine through testing if communicated to your neighbors that
the child is yours. H o p e fo rth e best you're a married couples only group
and prepare for the w orst as you thenthere’snoproblem . Y oushould
pray for this child’s future. God will consider yourself blessed to have
give you the strength needed re­ nice people next door instead o f loud
gardless o f the outcom e and re­ party animals. G e, the chip o ff your
m em ber that through His work, nosy shoulder and ask your neigh
things happen for a reason.
hors if they're married. Prepare your­
self to be insulted if they find you
Dear Deanna!
rude, childish or judgm ental and
I'v e finally overcom e trust issues
decide to kick you to the curb.
w hen it com es to being open for a
relationship. I’ve met a m an w ho Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
w ants to get m arried but my mind is M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
playing tricks on me. I keep think­ askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
ing things are too good to be true. S. LaCiene^a Blvd. Suite 1283
Recently my fiancd and I have had Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
a lot o f argum ents because h e’s www.askdeanna.com
ward-kx»king citizens. T h eC lu b ’s
original m ission as it rem ains to­
day is to inform its m em bers and
the com m unity in public m atters
and to arouse in them a realization
o f the obligations o f citizenship.
C lub leaders expect the new
position to dram atically increase
civic engagem ent and strengthen
social capital w ithin the C lub and
the city.
Ingredients for life...
Red, Green or Black
Seedless Grapes
C alifo rn ia grow n.
C lub Price: $ 1 .0 0 lb.
SAVE up to $19.90 on 10 lbs
u n o N tc n o s E Ready Pac
ßislro Bowls
I IVJblu 7.7 to 10-oz
SAVE up to $9 90 on 10
SAVE up to $3.99 on 2
Guaranteed Tender. Every Time.
Dear Renea:
You need to calm y o u rself dow n
and stop sabotaging your relation­
ship. If your instinct is giving you
certain feelings and you have m ea­
surable things to co n firm y o u r
doubt, then it’s tim e fo ra c h a t with
your fiance'. If there’s no proof,
then you have a com m itm ent issue
that needs to be addressed before
taking the final step. Lay yourcards,
fears and doubts on the table and
keep it real and keep it moving.
C ity C lub o f Portland, a non­
profit civic affairs and public
policy o rg an izatio n , has been
aw arded a m ulti-year, $110,000
grant by M eyer M em orial Trust
to help fu n d a sta ff p o sitio n
geared to expand and diversify
the C lu b ’s m em bership.
C ity C lu b o f P o rtlan d w as
founded in 1916, w ith th eex p ress
purpose o f giving voice to for-
accusing me o f picking fights and
finding im aginary faults with the
relationship. Am I m essing things
up on purpose or am I ju st p ara­
noid? - R e n e a ; Atlanta, Ga.
children. D evoted to A m erica and
its cause, he accepted a clerkship
jo b for the D epartm ent o f W ar, a
position he held for the rest o f his
life. Until his death, he w orked to
see A frican A m ericans recognized
for their accom plishm ents and to
be rem em bered as equal to w hites
no m atter w hat the circum stances.
City Club Diversity Wanted
Find D elicious B e e f R ecip es a n d C ooking Tips a t w w w .s a fe w a y .c o m
Lunchtim e
O r A n y tim e .
2-Liter Pepsi
Tortilla Chips
Selected varieties.
Plus Deposit in Oregon
SAVE up to 70C
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SAVE up to $3 49
Tree Top
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SAVE up to $319 on 2
Signature Sandwiches
Safeway SELECT Primo Taglio
meats and cheeses oiled
tàgli on our Safeway SELECT
Artisao Breads
Lean Cuisine Meals
Prepacked Bagged
Signature Panini
Choose Iront
6tc 115-oz.
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Dinnertime Selections.
Club Price: $2 00 ea
10 to 12-oz. bags
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Ham, Swiss Cheddai,
Pastrami & Swiss
Turttey 1 Havaffl f
Italue 3 Cheese P
lay t Baltiat ar nate and
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Robert Mondavi Private
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Shop at Home. We Deliver
s a fe w a y .c o m
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