» » » » « FOCUS September 7, 2005 page C3 i'n Il!' ^ o r t l a n h (© baeruer Gallery Features African Mask Exhibit -X •* A female mask made of wood from the Fang tribe in Cameroon. A funeral mask madeof wood and horn from the Gouru tribe on the Ivory Coast. A trial mask made of wood, cloth, feathers and hair from Makonde Tanzania/Mozambique. A male mask made of wood from the Fang tribe in Cameroon. Tribe of the Winds celebrates two years Celebrating its second anni­ versary, Tribe of the Winds Gal­ lery, 2217 N.E. Alberta St., pre­ sents “A Different Face: Masks of Africa,” an exhibit now show­ ing through Oct. 23. T he w orks are b ro u g h t to Portland by Achille Massoma of Amandla Deco Gallery in Ber­ keley, Calif. Massoma works with over 40 artists in 12 A frican nations to maintain the traditional art of mask-making as he works to bring cultures closer together. Through the m ask, diverse African cultures express their view o f cerem ony and passage o f spirit and bodies through the ethereal world. From initiation rights to funeral events, the mask helps transcend the stages o f life with an elem ent o f ano­ nymity. Tribe of the Winds Gallery spe­ cializes in immigrant art and fair trade goods. For more informa­ tion, visit www.tribewinds.com. MOTOWN: The Early Years Classic performances and rare never-before-seen performance footage of Motown groups performing all their big hits. Saturday, September 10 at 8pm & 10:30pm Sunday, September 11 at 3:30pm OPB TV opb.org