Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 07, 2005, Page 12, Image 12

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Page B6
September 7, 2005
S ports
NFL Legend Jerry Rice Retires After 20 Years
Popular receiver leaves football
career with 38 league records
But as m uch as the num bers, it
(A P) - Jerry Rice spent 20 years
m aking every sacrifice he could to w as the w ay he did things that
play the gam e he loved. He knew m ade the biggest im pression - the
his football career w as over when right w ay. He w as a m aster o f d e­
all those sacrifices w eren’t enough tails, a m aestro o f route-running
to m ake him a key player in D enver precision, a good guy o ff the field
and a w orkout ju n k ie both in sea­
for one, final season.
R elegated to reserve duty or son and out.
R ev ered by fans and his p eers.
nothing w ith the B roncos, Rice
chose the latter, calling it a career Rice told his short-tim e team m ates
M onday after tw o record-setting in D en v er that he w as retirin g
du rin g a short m eetin g held afte r
decades in the NFL.
“ I think th at’s it for m e,” Rice his p u b lic a n n o u n c e m e n t. T h e
said during his farew ell new s c o n ­ B ro n co s g a v e h im a sta n d in g
ference at B roncos headquarters. o v atio n .
R ice led the 4 9 ers to th ree S u ­
“ I’m done and I’m looking forw ard
to the next phase o f my life now .” p er B ow l titles. H e m a ste re d the
W ith that, the N FL reached the W est C o a st o ffe n se and m ade a
end o f an era, saying goodbye to a ca reer o f tu rn in g sh o rt catc h es
into long g ain s, stru ttin g in to the
once-in-a-lifetim e player.
The 42-year-old receiver, a first- en d zone, his arm s raise d alo ft.
His w o rk eth ic an d a tten tio n to
round draft pick out o f tiny M issis­
sippi V alley State in 1985, leaves the little th in g s g av e an en tire
the field w ith 38 league records, g en e ratio n o f rec eiv e rs som eone
including the m ost career recep­ to look up to.
A fter 16 y ea rs w ith th e N in ers,
tio n s (1 ,5 4 9 ), y a rd s re c e iv in g
(22,895) and touchdow ns receiv­ R ice w ent to O ak lan d , w here he
had three fairly p ro d u ctiv e sea-
ing) 197).
D is p la c e d
H o r n e ts
Jerry Rice, one o f the most dominate wide receivers in the NFL. waves goodbye after a news
conference announcing his retirement in Denver on Monday, Sept. 5. (AP Photo)
Saints Pick Up the Pieces
O ffe r e d
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If you are a low income individual who
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N H L A rena
(A P) - T he N ashville Predators
are offering the displaced New O r­
leans H ornets a chance to play 12
gam es this season in the NHL team ’s
Hugh L om bardi, general m an­
ager o f the G aylord Entertainm ent
C enter, said he has contacted the
N BA about the offer. The New O r­
le a n s A re n a is n e x t to th e
S uperdom e, and the N BA has in­
form ed team s the H ornets m ay relo­
But N ash v ille 's arena, w hich
seats a little m ore than 19,000 for
basketball, has lim ited dates av ail­
able with the Predators, A rena Foot­
ball L eague, college basketball and
concerts already scheduled. The
H ornets could not play there the
entire season.
“ Right now , w e’re trying to get a
sense as to w hat the N BA is plan­
ning,” said L om bardi, w ho expects
to talk with N B A officials next week.
“ I d o n 't even know if th ey ’d co n ­
sider playing anyw here just p ar­
tially. 1 assum e th e y ’d w ant to play
in one place for the w hole season
and I know we couldn’t accom m o­
date that.”
T he H ornets open training cam p
in C olorado on O ctober and are
scheduled to play their first hom e
gam e on Nov. 4. O klahom a City
already has offered Ford C enter as
a hom e site for the H ornets, w hile
Baton Rouge. La., also is a possibil­
or log onto
New Orleans Saints linebacker TJ. Slaughter, left, and Tiffany Cardenas, 18, o f San Anto­
nio, serve lunch to Hurricane Katrina evacuees, Sunday, Sept. 4. at a shelter at KellyUSA, a
former Air Force base, in San Antonio. (AP Photo)
"Help stop pet overpopulation a n d be a responsible pet
owner by spaying or neutering your pet. ”
New Orleans’ NFL team may practice in Texas
(A P) - M eetings in a convention center. A 10-
m inute bus ride. Then, practice at a high school
facility and a bus ride back “hom e" to their hotel.
T hat’s the new routine for the New O rleans
Saints, forced out o f their normal surroundings by
Hurricane Katrina.
T he Saints returned to work M onday, trying to
focus on their opener Sunday in C arolina instead of
the awful pictures o f w hat’s happening in New
“W e all talked about w hat was going on before
practice,” said special teams standout Michael Lewis,
w ho was bom in New O rleans and has more than 30
relatives in the area. “Everybody in my family is OK.
But now that w e’re here, we know w hat we have to
d o .”
C oach Jim Haslett w as glad to be doing som e­
Oregon State
Prevails Over
Portland State
The O regon State Beavers over­
cam e the Portland State V ikings last
Saturday at the Reser Stadium in
Corvallis with a 4 1 -14 win in the first
gam e am ong the team s in 22 years.
Although O regon State took the
first 10 points o f the gam e, PSU ran
76 yards w ithin 13 plays at the end
o f the first period.
Later, though, the Beavers w ent
into halftim e with a 20-7 lead.
In the third period, the V ikings
reversed eight yards to bring up the
score 34-14.
T he final score set after a late
touchdow n pass by the Beavers in
the fourth period.
T he 1 - A Beavers start the season
1-0, while the 1-AA V ikings go toO-
PSU will open at home on Sept. 17
in a Big Sky Conference game against
Sacram ento State.
sons. B ut it b ecam e c lea r the end
m ight be near last seaso n w hen
th e R a id e rs p h a s e d h im o u t,
p ro m p tin g a m id seaso n trad e to
S eattle.
He still av erag ed 14.3 y ard s a
catch last season an d sco red three
to u ch d o w n s, sh o w in g traces o f
the b ig -p lay ca p ab ility he flashed
so o ften ea rlier in his career.
L ast sp rin g , his ag en t p ut out a
league-w ide m em o stating that the
G O A T - th e G reatest O f A ll T im e
- w as av ailab le.
R ice signed w ith the D enver
B roncos, k n o w in g th ere w as no
g u ara n tee o f a ro ste r spot.
A bout h alfw ay th ro u g h tra in ­
ing cam p in his 21“ seaso n , he
m oved ah ead o f D arius W atts, to
D e n v e r’s N o. 3 re c e iv e r spot.
T h at m ove cau sed a stir, b ut a
clo ser look show ed a receiv er w ho
had tro u b le sep aratin g from third-
and fo u rth -strin g co rn e rb a ck s in
p ractice, a rec eiv e r w h o fin ish ed
w ith fo u r c a tc h es fo r 24 y ard s in
fo u r p reseaso n g am es.
W ith th e en d upon him , he w as
sad and o v erw h elm ed as he stood
b eh in d th e m ic ro p h o n e to a n ­
n ounce his retirem en t.
thing besides watching new s reports on television.
Though the Saints still are awaiting w ord where
they will play the balance o f their hom e gam es, the
team expects to practice in San A ntonio for the rest
o f the season.
The N FL announced M onday that their second
gam e - w hich was supposed to be their hom e opener
against the N ew York G iants - will be on M onday,
Sept. 19, at G iants Stadium.
The gam e will begin at 7:30p.m . on A BC, then be
sw itched to ESPN at 9 p.m., w hen A BC goes to the
regularly scheduled gam e between W ashington
and Dallas in Irving, Texas.
The team left New O rleans a few days before the
storm , then played their final preseason gam e in
O akland on Thursday night. Players had been off
betw een then and M onday.
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STAIRS (with other service)
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amenca’s natural healing profession
Dr Billy R Flowers
Part 22. Chiropractic and Health
A way of Life...not just a passing diagnosis.
: F o llo w in g a th o ro u g h
check-up my d octor says
’m “fit as fiddle.” If this is
true, why do I often suffer pain?
: It is indeed interesting that
a doctor can give a “th o r­
ough check u p ” and yet fail to
to evaluate the spine and nervous
system .
I’m sure th at w h ile in sch o o l
y o u r d o c to r learn ed that the n er­
v o u s s y s te m c o n tr o ls e v e ry
o th e r o rg an an d fu n ctio n in the
body. D o e sn ’t it m ake sense
th e n th a t a tr u ly th o r o u g h
c h e c k u p sh o u ld in c lu d e n o t o nly
blood p ressu re, w eig h t, c h e st and
ey e ex am , etc b ut sh o u ld a lso and
prim arily include a d etailed e v a lu ­
atio n o f th e n erv o u s sy ste m ? In
C h iro p rac tic
fail W e study the nervous system
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For the sake o f your health now
and in the future, call today. Isn ’t
it tim e you stepped up to C h iro ­
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