Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 07, 2005, Page 11, Image 11

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September 7.2005
C lassifieds
Portland State University’s ETS/
Upward Bound is recruiting for the
L ife W orks
follow ing po sitio ns: 1) Math/
Science Coordinator to create and
su p e rvise
m a th / s cie n c e
curriculum year-round. Minimum
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree
in mathematics, natural sciences,
or o th e r s c ie n c e d is c ip lin e ;
Oregon high school certification;
3 years experience teaching math
or science in high school or similar
setting. MA or MAT in science
EMBRACING DIVERSITY _______________________ |)J£C
O bservador
Latino Hip Hop Promoted
Home Ownership
NE Portland Provide strengths
based case management services
to a d u lts w ith severe m ental
illn e s s , c o m p le te c h e m ica l
dependency assessments, and
provide integrated dual diagnosis
trea tm e n t fo r clien ts with co­
o c c u rrin g s u b s ta n c e ab u se
issues. BA req and CADC or MA
w ith CD tre a tm e n t. Req
e xp e rie n c e w ith a d u lts w ith
severe mental illness and prior
work experience and extensive
k n o w le d g e o f th e A fric a n
American community.
Fair Coming
The Latino population in the Portland metro
area is flourishing with more families moving into
the area to join those already well established here.
One key to their success will be buying a home.
Homeownership is the most stable wealth-build­
ing tool fora family. Y et, the current homeownership
rate for Latinos in Oregon is about 37 percent,
2) High School Academic Advisor
which is significantly less than the national and
to p ro vid e c o lle g e a d v is in g
statewide average, according to 2(XX)Census data.
services to 9,h-10,h graders year-
Therefore the Latino Home Initiative Commit­
round. Minimum qualifications:
tee is sponsoring a home ownership fair "Abriendo
Bachelor’s Degree and two years
Puertas” or “Unlocking the Doors to Your Dreams”
e xp e rie n c e w ith high sch oo l CHEMICAL DEPENDENCYTHERAPIST
on Sept. 24 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Portland
32 hrs SW D o w n to w n Ptld Community College Southeast Campus, 2305 S.E.
3) Middle School advisor (1/2- P ro v id e s c o u n s e lin g fo r a 82 Ave. The event is free to the public.
The mission is to close the homeownership gap
tim e ) to p ro v id e c o lle g e w om en 's intensive outpatient
Latinos and other low-income individuals and
information to middle schools in
p rim a rily s e rv in g a d d ic te d families through education and down payment
both P ortland and H illsb o ro ;
mothers with involvement in the assistance grants. The group plans to raffle off
M inim um
q u a lific a tio n s :
court system. BA req and several down payment assistance grants of $3,000
Bachelor’s Degree and two years
CADC or MA with CD treatment.
each to fair participants. Buyers from last year’s
experience with m iddle school
students; bilingual in Spanish & TEACHER On C all N P o rtla n d fair also will attend to share their home buying
stories and encourage the fair participants.
Oversees total group of children
At the event there will be seminars in several
a s s ig n e d
c la s s ro o m .
P le ase
se e
http:// in
languages, entertainment, children’s activities,
www.hrc.pdx.edu/lobsavall.htm or Experience in care of children of food vendors, and about 25 information booths
www.ubets.pdx.edu fo r jo b color with special needs: high risk
an d/or d ru g/alcohol exposed
descriptions. Positions will be
AmeriCorp Position
reviewed beginning September infants and children. Familiarity
w ith N /N E c o m m u n ity and
26,2005. For more information,
call Jeffery: 503-725-4457, Send
relates to women and children. 2
c o v e r le tte r & 3 le tte rs of
reference to Jeffery Smith, PSU,
toddlers and preschool. Ability to
Services Coordinator
PO Box 751, EEPS, Portland, OR
pass all crim in al background
Information and job
description log on to
“PSU is an AA/EO institution and,
www.southeastlift.org or call Afifa
in keeping with the President’s
Ahmed Shaft at 503-232-0010 ext. 325.
Portland Provides individual and
d ive rs ity in itia tiv e , w elcom es
gro u p c o u n s e lin g to A fric a n
a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e
American women, children, and
candidates & candidates who
significant others with addictions
support diversity.”
and m en tal he alth is su e s .
Completes documentation, follow
A uditing
verity procedures and part of a
multidisciplinary team. Req MA in
human service field. Alcohol/drug
Principal Executive/Manager E
experience pref.
Diddy, left, also known as
Sean “Puffy" Combs, Emilio
Estefan, center and Pitbull
announce a winner April 28,
2005, during the Latin Bill­
board Awards in Miami. Music
mogul Diddy and Grammy
award-winning producer
Estefan have joined forces on
a multi-media venture called
Bad Boy Latino, forming a
powerful collaboration in the
growing Latin hip-hop market.
(AP Photo/Lu is M. Alvarez)
(AP) — Music mogul Diddy and Grammy
award-winning producer Emilio Estefan have
joined forces on a multi-media venture called
Bad Boy Latino, forming a coalition in the
growing Latin hip-hop market.
Estefan and Diddy, perhaps the most rec­
ognizable pnxlucers in their respective genres,
plan to recruit, produce and market a musical
artist roster for Bad Boy Latino, they said in
a joint news release Wednesday.
“The Latino market in the U.S. is such a
beautiful, diverse, and powerful market and I
am blessed to have a partner like Emilio,”
Diddy said in a statement. “He is an amazing
example of how creativity, com bined with
hard work and a belief in one’s self, can spark
an entire cultural movement.”
Estefan, the husband o f Cuban-A m erican
songstress Gloria Estefan, has won multiple
Grammys and Latin Grammys as a musician,
songwriter and producer.
He has worked on albums for Latin m usic’s
most significant crossover artists, including
Shakira, Ricky Martin and Jennifer Lopez, and
is a member o f the President’s Committee on
the Arts and Humanities. His television pro­
duction credits include Super Bowl halftime
shows and Olympic opening ceremonies.
iPorfland OL
s e
r v e
A u t o R e v ie w
car c a re c e n te r
Director of Internal Audits
PERS covers n ea rly 300,000
m e m b e rs and a d m in is te rs
retirem ent, disability benefits,
health insurance and deferred
compensation plans statewide.
This position will plan, execute,
and manage the PERS internal
audit/risk management function.
Salary is $4,181 - $6,169/month.
E O E /A A .
For Announcement
#ES459005, which Includes test
questions, and the State of Oregon
application form (PD100), visit the
local Employment Department, the
state website: www.oregonjobs.org,
PERS website: www.oregon.gov/
pers, or call PERS Human Resources
at 503-603-7794 (TTY 503-603-
7766). Criminal history will be
Portland Provides mental health
a s se ss m e n ts, in d ivid u a l and
group treatment, and strengths-
based case management services
to a d u lts w ith severe m ental
illness in an outpatient setting.
Experience with multi-disciplinary
tre a tm e n t team s a plus. Req
e xp e rie n c e w ith a d u lts w ith
severe mental illness and prior
work experience in the African
American community. Req MA in
human service field. LCSW pref.
Interested applicants may e-mail
resumes to hr@lifeworksnw.org.
mail to: LifeW orks NW, 14600
NW C o rn ell Rd, P ortlan d, OR
97229 Attn: Human Resources or
checked priortohire. Closing date fax to: 503-690-9605. Please
include in your cover letter the
is September 21, 2005 at 5 pm.
p o sitio n fo r w hich you are
To learn more about
NE Portland Room for Rent
NW please visit our
Spacious, good loctn, w/bath, no
smoking/pets. $35O/m o, incl util.
Equal Opportunity Employer
P ortland S tate
The Department of Chemistry at Portland State University seeks
qualified candidates for the position of Office Manager. Selected
candidate will be responsible for assisting the Department Chair
in all aspects of the daily administration flow of the department.
Job function include: assisting with grant submission, providing
fin a n cia l re po rts, m on ito rin g and tra c k in g de partm e ntal
expenses, m aintaining Departm ent of Chem istry website,
supervising at least two classified em ployees, scheduling
de partm e ntal m eetings, co o rd in a tin g gradua te stude n ts
assignments, scheduling undergraduate & graduate classes ,
working with the Department Graduate Advising and Admission
and Graduate Affairs committee to maintain up to date records,
and working with faculty on Newsletter and PSU weekend.
Minimum qualifications B.A/B.S degree is required with a major
Accounting or Business or Equivalent is preferred a higher degree
of MA/MSC is desirable, must have above average written, verbal
and interpersonal communication skills, proficient with Microsoft
office computer and knowledge of website editing software is a
plus. We encourage applications from individuals who have a
minimum of three years experience in extram ural funding,
budgeting and departmental administration in the University
system. This is a Full Time Renewable Fixed-Term, Unranked, 12-
month appointment. Salary: $40,000. Review of applications
will begin immediately. This position will remain open until finalists
are identified. Please subm it resum e, cover letter and 3
references to: Attn: Dr. Kevin Reynolds, Portland State University,
Department of Chemistry, PO BOX 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751,
Fax: 503-725-9525.
Portland State U n ive rsity is an A ffirm a tive Action , Equal
Opportunity institution and, in keeping with the President’s
d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lco m e s a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rse
candidates and candidates who support diversity.
2005 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL
'ill help you with your automotive needs.
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Ferrante Chiropractic Center
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Auto Accident Injuries/
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T ested vehicle inform ation:
Price: $27,610; Engine: 3.5L DOHC
250 HP Six Cylinder; T ransmission:
Five Speed A/T w/Gated Shifter.
Kathleen Can-
Nissan Altima is the sportiest of
the mid-size sedans. The midsize
Altima sedan series presents a fresh
face and new interior designs. The
Nissan Altima boasts a bigger inte­
rior than the Toyota Camry. Honda
Accord and most other mid-size
sedans. The new interior is nicer
and more convenient than last
year’s interior.
The Nissan Altima upgrades are
a redesigned instrument panel, cen­
ter console, three-spoke steering
wheel and chrome accents on dash
and doors. New audio systems
range from a standard AM/FM/CD
with six speakers to an optional CD
changer for six discs or a Bose
premium system with eight speak­
ers and steering wheel audio con­
W ith its 250-horsepow er V6,
the A ltim a is one o f the hottest
cars in its class. It delivers stun­
ning acceleration. Punch it in any
gear and it takes off. The superior
handling and braking m atches the
driving force o f the engine. The
Altima 3.5L base starts at $23,100
ranges upto $29,200. The 3.5 SL
had very few options that could
be added to what seem s to be a
fully loaded vehicle.
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