Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 07, 2005, Page 10, Image 10

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Page B4
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
C lassifieds /B ids
Multnomah County Project:
Multnomah Channel (Sauvie Island Rd.)
Bridge No. 02641
Administrative Specialist 1
P E R S c o v e rs n e a r ly 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
m e m b e rs
Bid Date: September 22,2005,9am
a d m in is te r s
r e t ir e m e n t , d is a b ilit y b e n e fit s ,
Kiewit Pacific Co.
h e a lth in s u r a n c e a n d d e f e r r e d
c o m p e n s a tio n p la n s s ta te w id e .
T h is
p o s itio n
w ill
PO Box 1769, Vancouver, WA 98668
p r o v id e
(888)438-1478 • (360) 693-5582 FAX
a d m in is tra tiv e a s s is ta n c e to th e
Chelsea Davis, Engineer
M e m b e r s h ip /E m p lo y e r R e la tio n s
S e c tio n ,
A dministrative
S a l a r y is $ 2 , 0 6 9
$ 2 ,8 4 6 /m o n th .
E O E /A A .
Announcem ent # L E 0 5 0 5 5 1 , which
W e are an Equal O pportunity Employer and re q u e s t sub-bids for all
subcontractors and suppliers including M ino rity and W om en-Owned
Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled V eteran s, and Em erging Sm all
includes test questions, and the State
Business Enterprises. W ork includes: th e construction o f one
of Oregon application form ( P D 1 0 0 ),
bridge, associated u tilitie s , tra ffic con tro l, erosion con tro l, rem oval
visit the local Employment Department,
of structures and o bstructions, c le arin g and grubbing w ork,
th e s ta te w e b s ite : w w w .O regon
jo b s .o r g ,
earthw o rk o perations, d rainag e system, s ta b iliza tio n , stone
w e b s ite :
colum ns, roadw ay im provem ents, a p arking fa c ility , re lo c atio n of
w w w .oregon.gov/pers. or call PERS
existing v e te ra n ’s m em orial, p erm an ent stripin g, signing, signal &
Human Resources a t 5 0 3 -6 0 3 -7 7 9 4
(TTY 5 0 3 - 6 0 3 - 7 7 6 6 ) .
loop d ete c to r, land scap e, and o th e r in c id e n ta l w ork.
C r im in a l
h is to ry w ill b e c h e c k e d p rio r to
Will assist in obtaining bonding, lines of credit or insurance.
h ire . C lo s in g d a te is S e p te m b e r
1 6 , 2 0 0 5 a t 5 pm .
Bids and Q uotations are requested from all subcontractors,
suppliers, sm all businesses and all certified D.B.E. firm s for the
Au om NG
Multnomah Channel (Sauvie Island RD)
Salem, Oregon
Br. No. 02641
Principal Executive/ M an ager E
Director of I nternal Audits
September 7, 2005
C ity o f P o r tla n d
Revenue and Tax Specialist I
B ureau o fP u rc h a s e s
T h e B u re a u o f L ic e n s e s is
re cru itin g for Revenue and Tax
S pecialist Is w ho are responsible
f o r h a n d lin g c a s h ; p ro v id in g
b u s in e s s lic e n s e a n d ta x
c u s to m e r s e rv ic e a s s is ta n c e :
p e r fo r m in g d a ta e n try a n d
docum ent m anagem ent services
f o r b u re a u , C ity , a n d o th e r
jurisdictions: operating a variety of
office equipm ent and m achines:
a n d p r o v id in g b u re a u -w id e
p ro g ra m
o p e r a tio n a l
r e g u la to r y
s u p p o rt
w h ile
m aintaining strict confidentiality.
D u tie s ra n ge fro m p e rfo rm in g
problem solving in basic business
license or incom e tax program s
to assisting in regulatory program
p ro c e s s e s u s in g e x te n s iv e
com m unication and referral skills.
The position requires a w orking
k n o w le d g e o f b u sin e ss m a th/
p r a c tic e s ,
g o v e rn m e n ta l
program s/codes, English spelling
and gram m ar, keyboarding, data
e n tr y a n d w o rd p ro c e s s in g
so ftw a re and data system s for
license application and tax return
p roce ssin g. This recruitm ent will
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
The H ousing Authority o f the City of Tacoma ( “TH A") will receive
sealed bids from qualified contractors at the offices of Tacoma
Housing Authority until 2:00 PM, Local Time, Septem ber 12,2005,
for th e 504 Com pliance Site W ork.
Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at th e offices of THA,
902 South L Street, Tacom a, W A 98405, (253) 207-4439, at the
stated tim e and date, M onday, Septem ber 12, 2005, 2:00 PM
Contractors may obtain Contract Documents from THA at 902 South
“L” Street, Tacom a, W A 98405, (253) 207-4439, upon paym ent
of non-refundable fee of $20.00 for each set (check or m oney
order only). Each set of C ontract D ocum ents includes the Project
M anual with colored site photos. A scanned digital copy o f the
Contract D ocum ents is also available on a CD for non-refundable
fee of $5.00.
T h e re a re tw o p re -b id m e e tin g s s ch e d u le d fo r 9 :0 0 AM on
W ednesday, August 24, 2005 and W ednesday, August 31, 2005
at the adm inistrative offices of Tacom a H ousing Authority, 902
South L Street. The pre-bid m eetings are not m andatory, but
attendance is highly encouraged.
initially be used to fill three or more
Revenue and Tax Specialists I ( 2 year)
limited term vacancies.
P E R S c o v e r s n e a r ly 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
m e m b e rs
Bid Date: Septem ber 2 2 ,2 0 0 5 @ 9 :0 0 AM
a d m in is te r s
r e t ir e m e n t , d is a b ilit y b e n e fit s ,
We are soliciting bids for the following:
h e a lth in s u r a n c e a n d d e fe r r e d
Provide m aterials or subcontracts to perform Signs, Barricades,
Guardrail, Striping, Fence, Erosion Ctrl/Landscaping, Dem o, Wick
D rains/S tone Col., U n d erground U tilities, R e in fo rcin g Steel,
Concrete Rail, Painting, Cold Planning Pavem ent, A.C. Paving,
Electrical, Concrete Curbs/G utters/SW
c o m p e n s a tio n p la n s s ta te w id e .
T his p o s itio n will p la n , e x e c u te ,
a n d m a n a g e t h e P E R S in te rn a l
a u d it/r is k m a n a g e m e n t fu n c tio n .
S a la ry is $ 4 , 1 8 1 - $ 6 ,1 6 9 /m o n t h .
For A n n o u n c e m e n t
P la n s may be p u rc h a s e d fro m ODOT C o n tra c to r P la n O ffic e ,
# E S 4 5 9 0 0 5 , w hich in c lu d e s te s t
3 5 5 Capitol St. NE, and Room 2 8 - Salem, Oregon Phone # 5 0 3 -9 8 6 -3 7 2 0
E O E /A A .
questions, and the S ta te o f Oregon
application form (P D 1 0 0 ), visit the
Balfour Beatty Construction, Inc
local Em ployment D epartm ent, the
2 3 3 3 Courage Drive, Suite C
state website: www.oregonjobs.org,
Fairfield, CA 9 4 5 3 3
PERS w e b s ite : w w w .o re g o n .g o v /
Lie. No. 6 6 4 3 1 8
pers, or call PERS Human Resources
Phone (707) 427-89Q0
Fax (707) 427-8901
Contact: Betty Rizzio
a t 5 0 3 - 6 0 3 - 7 7 9 4 (TTY 5 0 3 - 6 0 3 -
7 7 6 6 ).
C rim in a l h is to ry w ill b e
100% Perform ance and Paym ent Bonds m ay be required.
Contact B alfour Beatty Construction, Inc fo r bonding and
insurance assistance.
c h e c k e d prior to hire. Closing d a te
is S e p te m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 0 5 a t 5 pm .
An Equal Opportunity Employer
The Oregon Clinic Bid Package #4 - Tenant Improvement Package
Im m ediate full tim e and part-time
openings. S ee king dependable,
well groom ed, positive individuals
Pre-Bid M eeting: Septem ber 9 , 2 0 0 5 a t 9 : 15am a t OAME Bids Due:
Septem ber 2 2 , 2 0 0 5 a t 2:0 0 p m
Bid Documents - W illam ette Print & Blueprint ( 5 0 3 / 2 2 3 - 5 0 1 1 ) or
$8.00 + sta rtin g w age
Overtim e/advancem ent potential
M edical & Dental, 401k avail.
D rugtest/B ackground check
New hires m ust have acceptable
docum entation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
& Thurs at City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland.
A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry :
$2,470 at en try to $3,214 after
tw o years
Application deadline is 4:30pm ,
Friday, Septem ber 12, 2005
are the understanding.
A p p ly on lin e a t w w w .c l.
portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an
application at 1120 SW 5th Ave.,
Portland, Oregon 97204 Lobby
System, offering understanding and respect to each and every patient
is what we do best. Here, you w ill share your gilt tor helping others
and make a difference every day, in a place that honors and brings
out the very best in you. And that's what healthcare is meant to be.
Careers at Providence
The Port of Portland is a regional
g ove rn m e n t op e ra tin g airports,
m arine term inals and industrial
p a rk s in th e g re a te r P o rtla n d
m e tro p o lita n a rea , to fu lfill its
m ission of providing com petitive
cargo and passenger access to
w orld m arkets w hile enhancing
the region’s quality of life.
If you're dedicated to excellence and passionate about your work,
then you deserve an outstanding career opportunity. You'll find
this and more at Providence Health System Oregon.
Providence is Oregon's second largest private employer. W ith
state-of-the-art facilities in Portland, Newberg, Medford, Hood
River, Seaside and Mt. Angel, we enjoy a statewide reputation for
excellence in healthcare and for being a great place to work.
When you're ready to pursue an outstanding healthcare career
opportunity that offers more than a competitive salary and an
excellent variety of benefits, consider Providence.
To view current jo b openings and
to access th e application form ,
v is it th e P o r t 's w e b s ite at
w w w .portofportlan d.com or call
(503) 944-7400.
Call our Regional Employment Center at 503-215-5770 or view
current opportunities anti apply online today!
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO
em ployer com m itted to workforce
diversity and affirm ative action.
P ro v id e n c e
Health System
A caring difference you can feel
Providence I tealfh System is an Fqtial Opportunity Employer.
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB License # 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women,
disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other
Subcontracting Opportunities - Intern et h ttp ://w w w .h o ffm an co rp .co m
Job Hotline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 503-988-5170
in the
Heart o f
an equal opportunity employer
Job Fair 2005
For More Details
I September 15, 10 am - 3 pm
Joyce Washington Plaza
Metro One Stop, 42nd and NE Killingsworth
A f
P ortland
C o m m unity
C ollege
• Multnomah County
• North Pacific Group
• N W Natural
• N W Pipe Com pany
• O regon Dept of Transportation
• O regon Transfer Com pany
• Portland Community College
• P C C Foundation
• Providence Health System
• Stream
• U S Bank
Featuring: Job search resources, free parking, and interpreters onsite
w w w .p c c .e d u
Come meet these great employers:
• Clackam as County
• Columbia Sportswear
• Doubletree Hotel
• Express Personnel Services
• FedEx Kinkos
• Gunderson
• Kanto Corporation
• K ATU Television
• Lifeworks NW
• Metro
Chuck or Mark Washington
2 Spaces Available
Metro One Stop
Goalpost One Stop
w tn pcc edu