^ J î o r t l a n ô ffîb s e rü c r EMBRACING DIVERSITY August 31. 2005 Page B3 Focus Daring Entertainment, Thrills ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’ returns Those ready for a little three-ring circus action will be delighted to know the Ringling Bros, and Barnum and Bailey’s 135th Edition o f The Greatest Show On Earth will show eight performances from Thursday, Sept. 8 through Sunday, Sept. 11 at the Rose Garden Arena. One hour before show time, circus goers can venture down to the arena floor to find out how acrobats stay fit or to try their own skills at perform ing daring circus feats. Later, with cotton candy in hand, the audience will be whisked away into a whirlwind of action and ad­ venture, led by Ringmaster Tyron McFarlan McFarlan, a former Army Na­ tional Guardsman, eventually found that performing was where his heart was. With a long list of stage cred­ its, McFarlan said he’s always ex­ cited to “celebrate life” as a ring­ master, connecting with interna­ tional audiences in a magical world of entertainment, music, people and Ringmaster Tyron McFarlan leads one o f the nation's most celebrated touring companies at the Rose Garden Arena from animals. Bello, known as "America’s Best Sept. 8 to 11. Clown,” will also be at hand to revved up with spectacular skills. Show tim es are Sept. 8 at 7:30 incite laughter and awe, as well as All o f the acrobats got started at p.m.; Sept. 9 at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 acts including the world’s first fe­ a young age, supported by inner- p.m.; Sept. lO at 11:3 0 a .m .,3 :3 0 male quest for the quadruple aerial city program s to help them hone p.m .an d 7 :3 0 p .m .;an d Sept. 11 at somersault, and the death-defying their talents. T hey 'v e been the 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tickets are priced daredevil husband and wife team of official acrobatic team for the Chi­ betw een $11 to $50, depending the Misers. cago Bulls, and all agree that their on seating, and can be purchased The W indy C ity A crobats, energy escalates with audience at w w w .ticketm aster.com or by founded by perform er and com ­ reactio n w hile they do aerial calling 503-224-4400. petitive tum bler Tim Shaw, are leaps, dazzling jum p rope tricks For more information on the cir­ know n to bound onto the floor and basketball feats. cus, visit www.ringling.com. A -LTJ * The Windy City Acrobats have joined the Ringling Bros, and Barnum and Bailey Circus to amaze audiences with their daring stunts. K eepin g H ip-H op L o ca l With N orth w est Talent continued Maniac Lok, Potluck, E-Dawg and sp e c ia l g u e st DJ C h ill. T he Roseland Theatre is located at 8 N.W. 6'h Ave. For more inform ation on the f e s tiv a l, v is it th e w eb at w w w .m usicfestnw .com . To find out more about Dynamix, visit w w w .jaidshea.com . from Metro For Rez, “ being on stage, the energy and the crow d reaction,” is w hat keeps him striving toward hopes o f m aking it big. That, and a love o f hip hop. Dynamix will be part o f a show­ case featuring northw est hip-hop ta le n t d u rin g the M usic Fest N o rth w e s t an d Ju s F a m ily Local hip-hop sensations Cool Nutz and Maniac Lok are among the headline acts to appear Friday, Sept. 9 at the Roseland Theatre. R ecords Show case on Friday, Sept. 9 at the Roseland Theatre at 8p.m . O ther featured players will in­ clude E-40, Bosko, Cool Nutz, A IN S W O R T H M A R K E T 5949 N.E. 30th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 Prepaid Cell Phone Service K e ep in g Young (John) Choi II Open 9:30 A.M. To 10:00 RM. - 7 days a week Under new management - stop in and shop NE Killingworth, Ptld MISS PATRICIA AFFORDABLE A JJ 317 LO C K & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) § ff U § jam night sketch improv comedy I'D C dance ja ii funk 9 :0 0 p m e v e ry fr id a y - $ 7 call 503.288.0033 )r em ail: ads@ ptTitlandobserver.com C n I vìncine) 7 Ite H o m e O w n e r s h ip (Sx pe He nee" Don't let time and distance stand in the way o f happiness and success. She guarantees to help you no matter what the problem may be. Such as Relationships, Marital Problems, Employment, Health, Lave, Job, etc. Miss Patricia will read your entire life without asking a single question. She will help you avoid stum­ bling blocks o f all kinds, business, personal, and bad luck. Just one visit will convince you. All readings are private and confidential. Karmen Baricevic CSP F o r A p p o in tm e n t C a ll 5 0 3 -6 4 6 -4 5 4 5 Selling in your neighborhood! B e av erto n , O R 3ohn C. Scott n REAL ESTATE Direct 503-380-3315 karmenb @ johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com/karmenb & MLS OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 Wally Tesfa STATE FARM Residential and Commercial Broker INSURANCE COMPANIES (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 i Chiropractic Physician ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent Call for an appointment! 6 5 27 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard À ■ Suite A Multi-Million $ Service Portland, OR 97217 * Bardy Trcph ij C o. BANK 2500 N E M L K Jr. B L V D • Portland. 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