Committed to Cultural Diversity August 31, 2005 M etro years«, îl!' ^ lo rtla n h (Obscruer •Scommunity service ommunity a l e n d a r Duo featured in music Video Production showcase C JR Productions and Filthy Rich P roductions present th eir first annual L abor Day celebration in the honor o f the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. T his event will be held Sept. 5 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at A lberta Park on N E 19lh and A insw orth Streets. T he pro­ ducers will launch the new m usi­ cal and video com position cre­ ated in his honor and inspired by his w orks entitled "Our H eav­ enly Brother." Bones and Brew T he Bones and Brew Festival has m oved to the Pearl D istrict this year, taking place on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 12-8 p.m. and S un­ day, Sept. 11 from l2 -6 p .m .F o u r city blocks will be filled with B BQ. m usic, and local m icrobrew eries and m icrodistilleries. Breast Cancer Awareness A breast cancer conference for A frican-American fem ales will be sponsored by the Z eta Phi Beta Sorority, Pi A lpha Z eta C hapter on Saturday, Sept. 3 from 11 -3 p.m . at the SEI C enter on 3920 N. K erby A ve. Speakers from the K om en Foundation, O H SU C an ­ ce r Institute and the A frican- A m erican H ealth C oalition are scheduled. Loaves & Fishes Drivers T he M eals-O n-W heels People is seeking volunteer drivers to en ­ sure hom ebound seniors receive healthy m eals and a bit o f c o m ­ panionship this Labor Day W eek­ end. For inform ation on how you can help, contact C aroline Henry a t503-988-6223 or988-5566. Oregon State Fair C om e celebrate the 140"' annual event dow n in Salem now through L abor D ay, Sept. 5. T he fair will open at 11 a.m. Som e new high­ lights this year include a perfor­ m ance by Pepe and T he Bottle B londes and LiveA rt!, w hich in­ cludes eclectic m usic, fine arts and crafts, and a public art project. Renters Rights Hotline T he com m unity A lliance o f T en­ ant is looking for volunteers to staff the R enters’ Rights Hotline. T he m ajority o f callers are low- incom e fam ilies. This hotline en ­ ables renters to save m oney, pro­ tect their rights and to prevent hom elessness. V olunteer train­ ing is on Sept.24-25 during the afternoon. N o experience is re ­ quired. For m ore inform ation, contact Sarah Buckley at 503- 460-9702. Native American Literature N ative A m erican literature is cel­ ebrated at the C ollins G allery lo­ cated on the third floor at the Central Library, 801 S.W. 10"'Ave through Sept. 29. by K atherine B lackmore T he P ortland O bserver R ight now , young hip-hop duo D ynam ix are ju st trying to m ake a nam e for them selves and the city they live in. So far th ey ’ve done w ell, opening for acts such as E-40 and Bosko, with an album release aim ed for early N ovem ­ ber. C onsisting o f M ighty M ouse and Rez, both 17, the Portland- based group w ants to m ake their home recognizable when it com es to hip-hop. “W e ’re trying to put Portland on the industry m ap so every­ body can recognize it w ithout asking any questions,’’ M ighty M ouse said. T h ey b o th sta rte d y o u n g , around the age o f 10, freestyling w ith hom e­ m ade lyrics and beats. B eyond their com pelling stage presence, w ith M ighty M o u se’s high energy and R ez’ DinnniK Stays Local With Hip-Hop Portland hip-hop group Dynamix will perform on Friday, Sept. 9 at the Roseland Theatre in conjunction with Musicfest Northwest. chill attitude, the group prides them selves on their creative, intellectual lyrics. T hey gather inspiration through rappers with all kinds o f flavor, putting a positive tw ist on personal issues that go along with being teenager- including hanging out. home life and politics. A lthough perform ing can m ake M ighty M ouse a little nervous at tim es, “the m inute the beat starts you forget everything,” he It looks like the Pier Park North Portland’s P ier Park Pool in the St. Johns neighborhood w ill serve future generations after all. T he Portland City C ouncil has pledged to com e up with the $70,000 to 80,000 to pay for needed operating costs in its current budget cycle. T he outdoor pool had been scheduled to close for good on Aug. 5 at the end o f its sum m er season due to city budget cuts. The reversal o f fortune cam e after intense objec­ tions from local residents. It m eans the pool that has served St. Johns for decades will continue to provide sum m er recreation for kids and fam ilies next year. T he council has also pledged to reverse course and keep B uckm an Pool in southeast P ortland and the M etropolitan Learning C enter pool in northw est Portland in o p era­ tion. Buckm an, a year-round indoor pool, w as closed this y ear because o f the need to repair a leak. T he support for pools by the council c o m e s a f te r C ity C o m m is s io n e r D an Saltzm an, w ho recently took o ver the Parks and Recreation D epartm ent, pledged to look for w ays not to close any o f the city ’s pools. He drew the support o f M ayor Potter and the other com m issioners. C ity C om m issioner R andy L eonard said that keeping pools and oth er parks facilities open should be on par w ith the c ity 's co m ­ m itm ent to m aintaining fire stations and police precincts. PHOTO by M ichael L eighton / T he P ortland O bserver Providence School Supplies Benefit 1,000 Kids Red Cross Teaches Safety T he N orth S tar B allroom , 635 N. K illingsw orth C t., hosts begin­ ning drum m ing and G hanaian rhythm classes. For m ore infor­ mation call 503-632-0411. on page B3 Pier Park Pool in the St. Johns neighborhood of north Portland has been saved from the city budget axe. Kids on the Block uses the pow er o f puppetry to help children un­ derstand and accept differences in each other and to learn skills to be safe and healthy. T he non­ profit group is recruiting volun­ teers to educate children in pub­ lic and private schools. E xten­ sive training isprovided. For more in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t L y n e tte Jelink, Program D irector at 503- 736-3200 o r Lynette ft» pow erful- puppetry. org. African Drumming, Dance continued Saint Johns Neighborhood Saves Pool Become a Puppeteer T he A m erican Red C ross offers a range o f safety classes for crisis situations, from learning how to baby sit to perform ing C PR . The courses are intended for children aged 8 through adult. For more inform ation visit w w w .redcross- said. “ I alw ays like to see people get up and on their feet. Rez fills my spots. It’s a good balance.” Providence Health System's Baruti Artharee (left) and Dave Underriner welcome a long line o f eager students waiting for free school supplies at the Back to School Summer Jam at Vernon Elementary in northeast Portland. TriMet Fares Increase Starting Thursday, Sept. 1 it w ill cost a little more to ride buses, M AX and the Portland Streetcar. Most fares w ill increase 10 cents: 5 cents fo r in fla tio n and an addi- tional 5 cents to help cover rising diesel costs. Like everyone who drives. T riM et is coping w ith record-high fuel prices. Transit o fficia ls say this is I O ne thousand local children are equipped for the first day o f school thanks to Provi­ dence Health System . T he youngsters picked up their bags o f free school supplies at the recent 5lh Annual Back to S chool Sum m er Jam . organized by Safe Place. T his year the line o f eager students w ound through the Vernon Elem entary School play­ ground as young people w aited for new backpacks and basic schtw l supplies such as pencils and notebooks. Providence Portland M edical C enter A d­ m inistrator D ave U nderriner helped hand ou, the supplies, saying “ P rovidence par­ ticipates in this annual ev en t because it makes a difference for kids in o u r com m unity and it gives them the tools they need to have a chance to succeed in school. Providence is pleased to be part o f this.” Safe Place, w hich organizes the annual Jam , is a faith-based, non-profit organization that offers school tutoring, sum m er cam ps and w eekly children and teen program s. M ore than 1,200 people attended the y ear’s afternoon o f free fixxl and fun in early A ugust. C orporate Express also w as a m ajor sponsor o f the school supply give-aw ay. the main reason fo r the fares going up. Adjustments to service sched­ ules also begin Thursday for about one-third o f T riM e t bus lines.