Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 31, 2005, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 31. 2005
^ '^ I o r t l a n b (íDliscrticr EMBRACING DIVERSITY
Page BS
C lassifieds /B ids Í R e l I G I O N
Revenue and Tax Specialist I
Th e B u reau o f L ic e n s e s is
recruiting for Revenue and Tax
Specialist Is who are responsible
fo r h a n d lin g c a s h ; p ro v id in g
b u s in e s s lic e n s e and ta x
custo m e r s e rvic e assista n ce ;
p e rfo rm in g data e n try and
document management services
fo r b u re a u , C ity, and o th e r
jurisdictions; operating a variety of
office equipment and machines;
and p ro v id in g b u re a u -w id e
p ro gra m
o p e ra tio n a l
re g u la to ry
s u p p o rt
w h ile
maintaining strict confidentiality.
D uties range from perform ing
problem solving in basic business
license or income tax programs
to assisting in regulatory program
p ro c e s s e s u s in g e xte n s iv e
communication and referral skills.
The position requires a working
know ledge of business math/
p ra c tic e s ,
g o v e rn m e n ta l
programs/codes, English spelling
and grammar, keyboarding, data
e n try and w ord p ro c e s s in g
software and data systems for
license application and tax return
processing. This recruitment will
initially be used to fill three or more
Revenue and Tax Specialists I (2year)
limited term vacancies.
A p p ro xim a te M on th ly S a la ry:
$2,470 at entry to $3,214 after
two years
Application deadline is 4:30pm,
Friday, September 12, 2005
Gospel Celebrated at ‘Midnight Prayze’
Late night music
features top acts
Event Manager I - Part-time, Oregon
C o n ve n tio n C enter. $17.30
$19.07/hr. 2 positions available.
Deadline: 9/6/05. Coordinates
facility events and acts as liaison
to facility users.
To a c c e ss th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and requ ired
application materials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a complete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
A gathering o f some of the area’s
most talented gospel groups will
take place in “Midnight Prayze” on
Friday, Sept. 2. at the Rehoboth
World Healing Center at 6527 N.E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
From contemporary urban to hip-
hop to traditional gospel, the event
will have positive musical enter­
tainment to suit all tastes.
“Hike to think o f music as Baskin
Robbins' 31 flavors. There’s some­
thing for everybody, whether you
enjoy experimental music or lyrical
dancing,” said Robert Thomas,
president of Prayze Entertainment
Acts will include Concrete Evan­
gelists, Chosen Generation, Psalm­
ist AlonzoChadwick, Ministry New
A nointing, D estined, W illiam
D em ps, T he Prayze D ancers,
Saeeda, Proverb, Salvation & De­
liverance COGIC, J. Marie and
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drugtest/Background check
New hires must have acceptable
documentation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
A p p ly on line a t w w w .c i.
Portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
application at 1120 SW 5th Ave., & Thurs at City Center Parking
Portland, Oregon 97204 Lobby
130 SW Stark, Portland.
William D em ps
Signs o f Deliverance, with Derrick
Traylor as host pastor.
Among other prizes, there will be
a ticket giveaway to see musicians
Ted and Sheri, as well as Stephen
Hurd, in Tacoma, Wash.
The event is free and takes place The C oncrete E vangelists are am o n g th e g o s p e l gro u p s to
at 10 p.m. For more information, perform Friday, S ep t. 2 a t th e R ehoboth World H ealing C enter on
N o rth ea st Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
A Memorial Service for Rev. Helen Hayes, Co-Pastor,
will be held on Saturday, Sept. 3 at 11 a.m. at
Allen Temple Church at 4236 NE 8th and Skidmore Streets.
For more information, please contact Rev. Renee Ward at 503-548-7537 ore-m ail revrenee@ zioncme.org.
or contact Minister Art Keller at 503-287-0261 or e-mail allentemport@ qwest.net.
In lieu of flowers, please forward monetary donations to:
Thank you and God bless!
EngineeringTechnician I
$2,954 - $3,574/ month
Closes September 12, 2005
Bid Date: Septembers, 2005
Kiewit Pacific Co.
EngineeringTechnician ill
$3,696 - $4,542 / month
Closes September 12, 2005
Facilities MaintenanceTechnician II
$3,297 - $4,007 / month
Closes September 12, 2005
Senior Mental Health
Services Coordinator
(Child Mental Health)
$4,017-$4,882 / month
Closes September 16, 2005
Senior Program Educator
(Elder Abuse Prevention Program)
$4,017-$4,882 / month
Closes September 12, 2005
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Position: City of Portland,
Emergency Management Director
Salary Range: $81,827 -
$109,034, doe
Deadline: 4:30 p.m. October 14,2005
The City of Portland is accepting
applications for the position of
Emergency Management Director,
a high-level management position
o v e rs e e in g th e O ffic e of
Emergency Management. This
p o s itio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r
developing and articulating the
City’s key policies, positions and
strategies for dealing with all
h a za rd s and e m e rg e n c ie s ,
in clu d in g natural and human
caused incidents; interpreting and
applying state and federal legal
requirements; and implementing,
c o o rd in a tin g and e n fo rc in g
p o lic ie s a c ro ss m u ltip le C ity
bureaus. To apply online please
v is it
w e b s ite
www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs or call
G a il
Thom pson,
H um an
R e s o u rc e s C o o rd in a to r at
5 0 3 .8 2 3 .3 5 1 5 to have an
application mailed to you.
Low Cost
Multnomah County Project:
Multnomah Channel (Sauvie Island Rd.)
Bridge No. 02641
PO Box 1769, Vancouver, WA 98668
(888) 438-1478 • (360) 693-5582 FAX
We are an Equal Opportunity Employerand requestsub-bidsforall
subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned
Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and EmergingSmall
Business Enterprises. Work includes: the construction of one bridge,
associated utilities, traffic control, erosion control, removal of structures
and obstructions, clearingand grubbing work, earthwork operations,
drainage system, stabilization, stone columns, roadway improvements, a
parking facility, relocation of existing veteran’s memorial, permanent
striping, signing, signal & loop detector, landscape, and other incidental
work. Willassistinobtainingbonding, lines of creditorinsurance.
Get Paid
To Learn
No skills required, just a willingness to learn
Construction Trades
If you are a low income individual who
needs assistance with spaying or
neutering your pets call:
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Rhea Janell Jones
Rhea Janell Jones died Aug. 26,
2005 at the age o f 20 from chronic
She was horn June 5 , 1975 in San
Diego, C alif., the daughter o f
Maxine Heard and Melvin Jones.
She lived in Portland most o f her
life, attending R eynolds High
School and graduating from Job
She was a Certified Nurse As­
sistant and worked for Oregon
Health Sciences University, Provi­
dence Medical Center and other
healthcare agencies.
She was a loving, earing, sup­
portive daughter and mother to
her fourchildren: daughter Ajanae.
11 ; and sons Rayshawn, 7, An­
thony Jr., 4, and Adrian 9 months.
She was a people-person who
had many friends. She was there to
lend a hand w henever one was
needed. She loved children and
more often than not her house was
full with o ther's children.
Left to cherish her memories are
her mother o f Portland and father
of Fort Worth, Texas: herehildren;
a brother Robert Heard of Port­
la n d ; a g ra n d m o th e r A nnie
McElroy o f Little Rock, Ark.; a
g re a t g ra n d m o th e r F an n ie
Kilpatrick ot Little Rock; her com ­
panion Anthony Mosley o f Port­
land; aunts, uncles, nieces, neph­
ews, and a host of friends.
\dvertisc w ith d ivc i
i\ in
J J itrtla u ò
(O b s m ifv
Call 5r3-288-<1bJ 3