(The Page B4 ^ o r tla n ò © baeruer EM BRACING DIVERSITY C lassifieds /B ids *4) LEATHERMAN CREDIT SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR Join o u r C re d it and C o lle c tio n s team at a gro w in g m a nufa cturer known for its high quality com pact m u ltip u rp o s e to o ls . M a n a g e balances in p ortfolio o f m edium and large a cco u n ts by review of A/R aging, deduction analysis, and taking action to co llect past due a c c o u n ts . R e s p o n d to c re d it re q u e s ts b y g a t h e r in g a n d a n a lyzin g a c c o u n t in fo rm a tio n a nd c o m m u n ic a tin g w ith custom ers regarding extension of credit. This is a non-m anagerial level position. Requires fin a n cia l/risk analysis and key account decision m aking responsibility or equiv. Requires 5 yrs accounting exp (prefer 3 yrs credit/collections). Preferred BA or AA in a cco unting. R equires custom er service fo cu s, d e ta il- orientation, com puter knowledge, and strong com m unication skills. W e o ffe r e x c e lle n t p a y a n d b e n e fits and a fr ie n d ly , professional w ork environm ent. Pre-em ploym ent drug and alcohol s c re e n in g is re q u ire d . E q u a l O pportunity Em ployer. M /F/V/D Please send resum e and cover letter to fax # 5 0 3 -2 5 3-7 83 0 , or e m a il a d d re s s w w w .io b s @ le a th e rm a n .c o m by S e p te m b e r 9 , 2 0 0 5 . No telephone calls please. LEATHERMAN TOOL GROUP, INC. P.O. Box 20595 Portland, OR 97294-0595 Revenue and Tax Specialist I T h e B u re a u o f L ic e n s e s is re cru itin g fo r R evenue and Tax S pecialist Is w ho are responsible fo r h a n d lin g c a s h ; p ro v id in g b u s in e s s lic e n s e a n d ta x c u s to m e r s e rv ic e a s s is ta n c e ; p e r fo r m in g d a ta e n try a nd d ocum ent m anagem ent services fo r b u re a u , C ity , a n d o th e r jurisdictions; operating a variety of office equipm ent and m achines; a n d p r o v id in g b u re a u -w id e p ro g ra m o p e r a tio n a l and r e g u la to r y s u p p o rt w h ile m aintaining strict confidentiality. D u tie s ra n ge fro m p e rfo rm in g problem solving in basic business license or incom e tax program s to assisting in regulatory program p ro c e s s e s u s in g e x te n s iv e com m unication and referral skills. The position requires a w orking k n o w le d g e o f b u s in e s s m ath/ p ra c tic e s , g o v e rn m e n ta l program s/codes, English spelling and gram m ar, keyboarding, data e n tr y a n d w o rd p ro c e s s in g s o ftw a re and data system s fo r license application and tax return processing. This recruitment will Initially be used to fill three or more Revenue and Tax Specialists I (2 year) For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: insurance www.portlandonlinc.tfom/omf/purchasing FCORPORAT1ON C ity On the job for Oregon CITY OF PORTLAND RFP NO. BHR007 A p p ly to r c u rre n t jo b o p e n in g s and Bureau of Human Resources Development and Delivery of City Employee Cultural Competence In the Workplace Training w w w .saif.com R ated by O regon B u sin e ss m a ga zin e as one of O re g o n s best c o m p a n ie s Io w ork tor, SAIF C o rp o ra tio n is O re g o n 's leading p ro vid e r of w orke rs c o m p e n s a tio n in su ra n ce and related se rvice s An Equal Opportunity Employer Highland United Church of Christ has an immediate opening for a Music Director W e are looking for a qualified and motivated individual to add to our m inistry team . Job functions: 1. A b ility to m a in ta in m u ltip le choirs and praise team . (Adult, te e n s , c h ild re n , m e n a nd w om en) 2. Attend all rehearsals, services, e v e n ts , e n g a g e m e n ts a n d meetings. 3. E n s u re e ffic ie n t w o rk flo w betw een all departm ents. 4. Provide vocal training. 5. A ssist in coordinating special and seasonal events. 6. Prioritize and coordinate choir invitations. Q u a lific a tio n s : Knowledge, skills and abilities required: 1. A bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent experience. 2. W o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f th e organ and piano. 3. D em on stra ted le ad e rsh ip in m usic m inistries in a church setting. 4. Ability to coordinate and lead contem porary, traditional, and blended w orship services. 5. Ability to work with and develop s o lo is t s , c h o irs a n d o th e r g ro u p s w h o p a rtic ip a te in w o rsh ip service s (vocal and instrum ental). 6. Team p la ye Aw ith strong oral and w ritten com m unications skills, creative, self-starter. 7. A strategic thinker in regards to m inistry needs short and long term m inistry vision. 8. Experience in te a ch in g choir m em bers the relationship with Jesus Christ and m odeling this to others. GED Instructor. High School Equiv. Program , FT, Reg. B achelor’s in educ., soc.sience, math, lang. Arts, o r re la ted field. Exp. te a ch in g, tra in in g or w o rk in g w a d u lt or m igra n t stud ents. B i-lingual/bi- cultural English/Spanish. Visit the C h e m e k e ta C o m m u n ity C o llege w e b s ite at h ttp :/ / w w w .chem eketa.edu or call the HR Dept. at 503-399-5009. W e are an AA/EE O Em ployer. Closes 0 9 /0 9 /0 5 . L egal N otices I e-mail: classlfleds@portlandobserver.com The Portland O bserver This position will provide consultation, tra in in g and advice to City staff on diversity-related subjects. Exam ples o f duties includes develop strategies and assist the organization with a ch ieving outreach re cruitm e nt goals and ob jectives; plan, design and co o rd in a te o r d e liv e r tra in in g and o th e r d iv e rs ity a ctiv itie s ; coordinate the developm ent o f and oversee im plem entation of the annual Affirm ative Action plan; research diversity-related best p ra ctice s. R e q u ire s fiv e y e a rs o f p ro g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le professional experience involving a com bination of several human resource areas including recruitm ent and selection, diversity, training, em ployee relations, and organizational developm ent and equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in hum an resources or a related field. Public Sector experience preferred. M ust be able to pass a police background investigation. Closing date: Septembers, 2005. Obtain application m aterials at: www.eugene-or.gov or obtain and application packet from Hum an Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene, OR 97401. O ut o f town applicants m ay call (541) 682-5061 o r e-m ail application,requests@cl,eugene^r. us to receive application m aterials. The City of Eugene values d iversity in its work force and is com m itted to affirm ative action. Proposals shall be received at the Bureau of Hum an Resources, Room 4 0 4 ,1 1 2 0 S.W. Fifth Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204, (503) 8 2 3 -3 5 2 8 , until 4:0 0 p.m „ S ep te m b er 23, 2005. D irect any questions regarding this solicitation in w riting to the above address or by fax to 503-823-4156: attention Joseph Quinones. A non-m andatory pre-proposal m eeting will be held to receive q u e stio n s re ga rd in g th is re q u est fo r p rop osal at 10:30 a .m .. Septem ber 8, 2 0 0 5 . The m eeting will be held in the Sellwood Room , on th e fourth floor o f the Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue. P ro p o sa ls sh a ll be re vie w e d by an e v a lu a tio n co m m itte e in accordance with Chapter 5.68 o f the City Code. Proposers shall com ply with the City’s M/W/ESB and Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity P ro g ra m s . T h e C ity o f P o rtla n d is c o m m itte d to in c re a s in g contracting, sub-contracting and em ploym ent opportunities for minority, wom en and em erging sm all businesses. Proposers are required to evaluate project requirem ents to m axim ize use of M/ W /ESB firm s. Proposers are encouraged to conduct pre-subm ittal conferences and are advised to investigate all potential sources of M /W /E S B and m a xim ize o u tre a ch to in cre a se p a rticip a tio n . Attention is called to Chapter 3.100 of th e City Code relative to certification as an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity Employer. EEO certification requirem ents are available on the Bureau of Purchases w ebsite at: w w w .portlandonline.com /om f/purchasing A ) LEATHERM AN MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN LEAD W e are the leader in the high quality co m pact m ulti purpose tool m arket. Join o u r positive, proactive team . W e are se e k in g a person to m onitor and direct departm ent w o rk flo w by scheduling work, ensuring em ployees are properly trained, and m onitoring e m p lo y e e p e rfo rm a n c e . A ls o g u a ra n te e s m o o th flo w o f e q u ip m e n t rè p a irs , in s ta lla tio n s , p ro je c t c o m p le tio n and preventive m aintenance. M onitor and en force com p any safety standards. The Lead position is a working position, which includes work on short term projects and repairs. SUB BIDS REQUESTED The Oregon Clinic Bid Package #4 - Tenant Improvement Package UNION ONLY Qualified candidates m ust have: • 7 yrs Industrial m achine m aintenance experience • K n o w le d g e o f O S H A a n d o th e r s a fe ty p ro c e d u re s and regulations, including lockout tagout, hazardous m aterials handling, etc. • D em onstra ted a b ility to a n a lyze p ro b le m s and fo rm u la te solutions • Ability to w ork with m inim al supervision and follow -through Pre-Bid Meeting: September 9,2005 at 9:15am at OAME Bids Due: September 22,2005 at 2:00pm Bid Documents - Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) or www.bxwa.com H HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION C0MPANY0F0REG0N W e offer com petitive w ages, m edical/dental/vision care, 401K, Life Insurance, and m ore. Pre-em ploym ent d rug and alcohol screening is required. Equal O pportunity Employer. M /F/D /V Fax resum e and cover letter with w age history by Septem ber 7 ,2 0 0 5 to 503 -25 3 -7 8 30 o r mail in to: Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB License # 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com LEATHERMAN TOOL GROUP, INC. P.O. Box 20595 Portland, OR 97392-0595 • Principal Contributor 1 Health System Uaison Salary: $3.546 - $4,978/month Announcement #LEHS5210B - Portland Position closes September 9 .2 0 0 5 • Environmental Health Specialist 3 Health Physicist Salary: $3.208 $4,476/month Announcement #LEHS5435 - Portland Position closes September 1 9,2005 NE Portland Room for Rent i /l P u r t l a n b (Dbs icrucr Spacious, good loctn, w/bath, no smoking/pets. $ 3 5 0 /m o, incl util. 503-449-5065 • T R I^ ÿ M E T Final FY06 Program of Projects Notice is hereby given that the Public Hearing previously offered to be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District o f Oregon fTrlMet) on Tuesday September 6, 2005 at 9 a m in Conference Rooms A & B at 9012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland. OR 97202 will not be held beet-use no requests for a Public Hearing were received. The Public Hearing would have been held to discuss capital projects for which TriMet plans to seek FY2OO6 funding from the Federal Transit Administration Section Section Section Section 5307 5309 5307 5307 * EMPLOYMENT Project Development Manager Please m ail resum e to 4635 N.E. position available. For info, see: 9'”., Portland, Oregon 97211 or E- w w w.rebuildingcenter.org. m ail to HlghlandTE@aol.com. For Our United Villages is more inform ation, please call the committed to workforce church office m anager 503-287- diversity. 9567. Urbanized Area Formula (5307) $31.500.000 - S33.500.000 Fixed Guideway Modernization (5309FG, 5 7,000.000 Surface Transportation Program (STP) $10.722.192 Congestion, Mitigation 6r Air Quality (CMAQ) $ 8,835.708 Scamn5M8NewSMml5J09ISSI______________________ si8.3oo.ooo TOTAL $76.357.850 $78.357.850 Final Program of Projects Transit Enhancement Protects $320.000 Section 5307 funds for refurbishments at various park Sr rides, transit centers and bus mall. Preventive Maintenance 533,180.000 Section 5307. $7.000.000 Section 5309FG and $1,839.292 STP partial funding of TriMet's bus and rail maintenance costs for FY2OO6. 1-205 Light Rail $7.500.000 STP partial funding for preliminary engineering. Bus Purchase S 1.387.850 State STP funds awarded for bus replacement Debt Service S7.165.708 CMAQ funds for buses and light rail projects Streamline Sr Bus Stop Development S I.375,000 CMAQ funds for capital Improvements to bus stops Regional RTO Program 5295.000 CMAQ funds for employer program and research Interstate MAX Project S 18,300.000 Section 53O9NS funds to close remaining balance o f the project These projects show the plan for the maximum expected amount If less funding is available, the federal involvement In these projects will be reduced Additional eligible programs in FY200S Need to publish a cou rt docum ent o r n o tic e ? Need an a ffid a v it o f p u b lic a tio n q u ic k ly and e ffic ie n tly ? Please fax or e-m ail your notice fo r a free price quotel Fare 503 2 8 8 0 0 1 5 Human Resource and Risk Services $48,713 - 60,715 Annually solicitations,asp Our Final Program of Projects in FY2006 will include the following programs: E ducation : DIVERSITY CONSULTANT • City of Eugene R E Q U E S T FOR PR O P O S A LS The C ity o f Portland, B ureau of Hum an Resources requests proposals from individuals, consulting firm s or team s with dem onstrated experien ce in developing and a d m in is te rin g cu ltu ra l co m p e te n cy tra in in g fo r public service em ployees for services to assist in the design, developm ent and implementation of a Cultural Com petence in the W orkplace Training Program. The Request for Proposals m ay be obtained from the City of Portland website at: htWV/cttyofportiand.ebldsystems .com/publlc/ R e fe re n c e * re q u ire d A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry : $2,470 at e n try to $3,214 after tw o yea rs A p p ly on line at w w w .ci.portland . o r .u s / jo b s / o r p ic k u p an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204 Lobby 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 find o u r o n lin e a p p lic a tio n at Vlvertisejwithdivei sity o f P o r tla n d Bureau of Purchases lim ited term vacancies. t Application deadline is 4:30pm , Friday, S eptem ber 12, 2005 August 31, 2005 Preventive Maintenance 59.255.319 STP partial funding for TriMet's rail preventive maintenance costs and S3.723.OOO STP partial funding for TriMet's bus preventive maintenance costs for FV2OO5 Bus Purchase 5583 295 State STP and S971.779 Section 5309 funds awarded for bus replacement A copy o f the grant applications w ill be available for public Inspection, telephone 503-962-5850. fax 503-962-6963. email tongtonoWtrlmet org or mall TriMet Finance Administrator 9012 SE 17th Ave Portland. OR 97202 The Program o f Projects described above constitutes TriMet's Final FV06 Section 5307. Section 5309FG. Section 5309NS CMAQ and STP Program of Projects Any amendment to this Program win be duly advertised to the public OREGON STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS The Board is located In a professional office in downtown Portland. These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are , available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees com petitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave; membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) and opportunities to * \ participate in the Oregon Savings Growth ’ i j g s & 'r Plans. The State of Oregon and all its divisions i. are proud to be equal opportunity employers. • Compliance Officer and Investigator (Announcement 8L E 0S 0522) Responsible for monitoring the compliance of licensees who have had limitations placed on their license. This position also investigates complaints against licensees of the Board, prepares reports and presents evidence at hearings. • Licensing Assistant (Announcement 8 L E 0 5 0 5 2 3 ) Part-time, limited-duration position, budgeted through June 30. 2007. Responsible for coordinating the background check of new licensees, sending and receiving fingerprint packets between applicants and the Oregon State Police and providing status updates to the rest of the licensing team. They will also assist the Licensing department with the processing of applicants. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES For com plete job announcem ent and application, visit http://agav.ora8on.gov/B M E /joba.slrtm l or call (503) 229-5770. Positions dose a t 5 pm on September 15, 2005. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Fiscal Analyst 2 Budget, Fiscal & Contract Coordinator OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) Salary: $3,208 - $4.476/month Announcement #LEHS5427 - Portland Position closes September 1. 2005 ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation If great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT. Current recruitments include: • Program Technician 2 Business/Systems Analyst CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENFORCEMENT • Review Appraiser Salary: $3,208 - $4,476/month Announcement 4LEHS5382A - Salem Position closes September 2 .2 0 0 5 Salary $3,486 - $4.991/month Announcement #OCDT5421 Salem • Traffic Center Operator • Information Systems Specialist 2 Computer Field Technician Salary $2,252 - $3.121/month Announcement HOCDT5173 Portland Salary: $2,460 - $3.389/month Announcement ALEHS5431 - Portland Position closes September 7.2005 ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Lead Bridge Engineer Salary $4.236 - $6.070/month Announcement #0CDT4022D Roseburg • Information Systems Specialist 4 Programmer Analyst • Pavement M anagem ent Specialist Salary: $3,053 - $4.210/month Announcement 4LEHS5433 - Salem Position closes September 7.2005 Salary $3.160 - $4.525/mortth Announcement #0CDT5419 Salem • Asst. Quality Assurance Coordinator HEALTH SERVICES • Research Analyst 3 Senior Cancer Data Research Analyst Salary $2,865 $4,101/month Announcement #0CDT5414A Salem • Lead Senior Roadway Designer Salary $4.320 - $6,191/month Announcement #OCDT5175 Portland Salary: $3.060 - $4,265/month Announcement 4LEHS5421 - Portland Position closes August 3 1,2 00 5 • Junior Surveyor Salary $2,402 - $3,442/m onth Announcement »OCDT5172 Troutdale • Principal Contributor 1 P atient Safety & Research Lead PROJECT MANAGEMENT/PLANNING • Senior Right of W ay Agent Salary: $3,617 - $5.078/month Announcement 4LEHS5428 - Portland Position closes September 1 ,2 0 0 5 Salary $3.486 $4,991/month Announcement #OCOT537O Salem • Program Representative 1 Oregon Housing Opportunities In Partnership (0 H 0 P ) Housing Case Manager TECHNICAL SERVICES • ITS Operations Coordinator Salary $3,160 - $4.525/m onth Announcement «OCDT5423 Salem LimltedOuration Position Salary $2.546 $3,529/month Announcement »LEHS5326A - Redmond or Pendleton Position closes September 6 ,2 0 0 5 Working <8 OOOT. The Way to Oo. Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instnxAions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www o d d state or us/jobs for a complete copy or call 503-986 4030 (TTY 503-986-38541 to request ty mall. OOOT Is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action emptojer Announcements will be made available m alternate format upon request (503) 3 78 6 2 02 , TTY 18009938898 • Research Analyst 4 Tobacco Prevention & Education Program Analyst Salary: $3,698 ■ $5,157/month Announcement «IEHS5426 - Portland Position closes September 7. 2005 w w w . 0 1r e g o n J1 o b s . o 1 r g ______ ,