Committed to Cultural Diversity August 24. 2005 www. port landobserve M etro years * ^ ìa rtla n ò © b scru er community service o m m u n ity C a l e n d a r NAACP Women Meeting with Mayor Potter of The Portland U nit o f W om en in the N A A C P will host a forum w ith M ayorT oin Potter on Satur day, Aug. 27 at the M allory A v enue Christian Church on 126 NE A lberta Street. T he forum will be held from noon to 1:15 p.m. and an ice cream social fund-raiser will take place from 1:15 to 3:30 p.m. All com m unity m em bers are welcome. by N icole H ooper T he P ortland O bserver Brooke Brandsm ith and Ali Stabenow w ere m assage stu dents at East W est C ollege on Southeast B elm ont Street, but they never had a class together. A fter graduation, they ended up w orking at the sam e spa and becam e friends. M onths later, bored o f the ‘spa scen e’ they decided to take a chance and go into business for them selves. O pening a business in O regon is scary because of the dow n econom y. “Local business ow ners in addition to my friends and fam ily have been very supportive. I h av en ’t gotten any negative C om e celebrate the 140lh annual event dow n in Salem , Ore. start ing on Friday, Aug. 26 through Sept. 5. T he fair w ill open at 11 a.m. Som e new highlights this year include a perform ance by Pepe and T he Bottle Blondes. Eclectic music, fine arts and crafts, and a public art project will also be featured. For m ore inform a tion visit w w w / fair/index.html. feedback,” said Stabenow . Brandsm ith is originally from Utah and once m oving to Portland she was unable to find a spa that she liked. She w ent to school to not only learn how to do it herself but to serve as a resource for others w anting a m assage. Stabenow is from Illinois and found that there w asn ’t a good school for m assage in her state. A fter researching, she narrow ed dow n her choice to m ove o ver 2,000 m iles aw ay to attend East W est College. The tw o w om en opened Serenity one m onth ago and b u si City Offers Guided Bike Commute Rides ness is grow ing It was a little scary for the duo to o p en the m assage studio with no formal business experience, but they do enjoy the control over the atm osphere and the look o f their studio. Serenity is located in a large red building next to a cafe; even w alking up the many stairs to the studio is relaxing as the sm ell o f incense fill O n Aug. 30 and Sept. 6, the city is urging you to sim ply show up w ith a helm et ready to bike ride from Mt. T abor M iddle School or Franklin High School. Riders will have a chance to ask questions about the best routes, riding tech niques and anything related to com m uting by bike. For m ore in form ation visit w w w.portlandtra- bicycles. the air. Serenity is decorated w ith soothing colors and Indian in spired rugs. D ecorative leaves stretch across the ceiling and soft Hindu music plays in the background. T he tw o ow ners are successful at putting clients into a serene and chic atm osphere. Since m assage isn’t covered in m ost health insurance plans, there is a stigm a that a m assage isn ’t a necessity but instead a guilty pleasure. “ It’s good for people with chronic m uscle pain and pregnant Breast Cancer Conference Oxbow Campfire Program O n F riday, S ept. 2 o r S atu rd ay , S ept. 3, com e to O xbow R e gio n al P ark to co m e out an d be e n te rta in e d by v ario u s a rtists at the o u td o o r fo rest a m p h i th eater. E ven th o u g h the park c lo se s at du sk th o se w ishing to stay afte rw a rd s can be let o u t by the ran g e rs. P ark in the d e sig n a te d a re a near the boat ram p. P ro g ram is free w ith a $4 v e h ic le en try . F o r m ore in fo r m ation call M etro at 503 -7 9 7 - 1850. and Graduates in business with ‘Serenity’ Oregon State Fair Specifically catering to the A fri can-A m erican fem ales, this con ference is to educate fellow sis ters about a disease that fatally hurts us the most. The Z eta Phi Beta Sorority, Pi Alpha Zeta Chap ter is sponsoring this event on Sept. 3 from 1 l-3p.m at the SEI C enter on 3920 N Kerby Ave. This event will include speakers from the K om en F oundation, O H SU C ancer Institute and the A frican-A m erican H ealth C oali tion. Peace Mind Body Brooke Brandsmith applies hot stones on the back o f her client while using her opposite arm to move a hot stone around the neck and shoulder area. continued on page H6 Garden Complete at Rigler School Provides space for learning and community use C o m m un ity leaders, elected and a p pointed officials, and ordinary citizens o f the Portland com m unity will com e together to celebrate the five-year m etam orphosis o f an overflow school parking lot transform ed into the R igler C om m unity Garden. T he G arden project began in June 2000 and is the product o f collaboration betw een children and adults. Katsumi Sugita Ja p an e se a rtist w ill be se llin g an d sho w in g his w ork at the Ja p an e se G ard en . T h is e x h ib it sta rts on A ug. 25 and la sts thru A ug. 28 from 10 to 6p.m . Both p rin ts and o rig in a ls w ill be av a ila b le . T he Ja p an e se G a r d e n is lo c a te d a t 611 SW K in g sto n A ve. F o r m ore in fo r mation call 503-223-1321 or visit w w w .ja p a n e se g a rd e n .c o m . Four years ago, the site for the Rigler Communtiy Garden was a baron space used for overflow school parking. Native American Literature Celebration A c eleb ratio n w ill be held at the C o llin s G a lle ry lo c ate d on the th ird flo o r at the C e n tral L i b rary , 801 SW 10*h A venue. A lectu re and rea d in g by D ebra M ag p ie w ill be on S atu rd ay , A ug. 27 from 2 to 3 :30 p.m . T he ex h ib it g o es until Sept. 29. F or m o re in f o rm a tio n v is it w w w .m u ltc o lib .o r g /e v e n t/ co llin s. Loaves & Fishes Seeks Drivers T he M eals-O n -W h ee ls P eople is se ek in g v o lu n te e r d riv e rs to en su re h o m e b o u n d se n io rs re ce iv e h ealth y m eals and a bit o f co m p a n io n sh ip th is L ab o r D ay W eek en d . F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n on how you can h elp c o n tact C aroline H enry at 503-988- 6223 or 988-5566. The new garden at Rigler School serves as both a learning environment for children and a community gathering space. T he site at 5401 N.E. Prescott St. creates a prem ier learning environm ent for children and is a new com m unity gathering space for a “park-deficient” neighborhood. A rea residents are invited to jo in stu dents and garden supporters for a d edica tion and G rand O pening cerem ony on Sept 14 at 1 p.m. T he R igler garden is regarded as the pre m ier com m unity garden in the Northwest. Its centerpiece is an “upside-dow n.” rain-har- vesting gazebo. T he g azeb o ro o f is in v erted to co llect ra in w a te r an d to c a p tu re c h ild r e n ’s cu rio sity . T he “ h a rv e ste d " w ater is c o l lected in an u n d erg ro u n d tank and re trie v ed by a h and p u m p and then used to w ater p lan ts in the G arden. The designer o f the artistic front entrance collaborated with R igler students, w ho pro vided draw ings o f garden objects as inspira tion. T he G ard en 's spaces were designed with outdoor learning in mind, creating nu m erous outdoor teaching areas. A dditionally, the G arden is fully handi cap accessible, future plans call for installa tion o f state-of-the-art, handicap-accessible, raised beds to serve the neighborhood's senior and special-needs populations. G arden space is divided by three groups as follow s 35 percent to Rigler, 15 percent for h an d ica p a c c e ssib ility (targ eted to the Porthaven N ursing H om e - across the street from the garden ) and 50 percent to com m u nity m em bers. The G arden has had a m ajor im pact on the com m unity by creating an active com m unity space in an otherw ise park deficient neigh borhood. T he C ully N eighborhood in north east Portland is one o f the poorest and most underserved in the city. A lthough C ully is one o f the largest neighborhoods in the city, there is not one public city park in the neigh borhood.