FOCUS page C4 Roseland Jumps with H ip -H op CoolNutz Bosko As part of the upcoming festival Musicfest NW, Jus Family Records presents a showcase of hip-hop artists on Friday, Sept. 9 at the Roseland Theatre at 8 p.m. Featured players will be E-40, Bosko, Cool Nutz, Maniac Lok, Potluck, E-Dawg and special guests. DJ Chill will host the event. The Roseland Theatre is located at 8 NW 6,h Ave. For more information on the festival, visit the web at either w w w .jusfam or www.m . DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER N E W * USED Fully Guaranteed Taxes, Mounting & Balancing Included Ask about our stock rim with purchased. Limited to stock on hard. Now Dealing In New Rlmsl We will try to meet or beat any price on tires & wheel packages. Call for pricing on other sizes and brands. U— d t l f $15 6 up August 24, 2005 in ®1’’ ^ o r t l a n h (© bae rucr Author Tackles Effects of Gang Violence ‘Autobiography of My Dead Brother’ hard-hitting book W alter Dean Myers, the award-win­ ning author of young adult novels, is an authority on the pressures and influ­ ences that lead teenagers to engage in bullying and gang activity. He also knows first-hand the value of mentoring in shaping teenagers’ lives and imple­ ments life-affirm ing literature as a mentoring tool. His expertise comes from years of research - and hundreds of hours of interviews with teenagers. His latest novel, “Autobiography of My Dead Brother,” illustrated by his son, Caldecott Honor artist Christopher Myers, tackles the complex issue of why some teenagers embrace gangs and oth­ ers avoid them. one gets involved in a gang and starts dealing drugs, w hile the other tries to m ake sense o f the com plexities o f friendship, loyalty, and loss in a neigh­ borhood plagued w ith drive-bys and vicious gangs. For more than 30 years, Myers has been writing for and about teens. His realistic, street­ wise novels for young adults ex p lo re th e ir values and de­ / k V, Y VIA cisions. He has based his nov­ els on years of research from v is itin g school c la ss­ room s, youth In this new for young adults, M yers d e t e n t i o n tackles gang violence. He follow s the c e n te r s , and Walter Dean Myers diverging path of tw o best friends, as prisons. Talisman Gallery Features Local Painters The Talisman Gallery will host m exhibition of work by local art­ ists Devin Bernard and Christina Riccetti until Sept. 25, with an artist’s reception on Aug. 25 from 5:30to9p.m . Bernard’s inspiration as an art­ ist is based in the beauty of nature, using symbols and myths to por­ tray complex life philosophies. Having lived in Costa Rica and influenced by the Latin American School of painting, he adopted their system of myths and traditions to try to express a deep spirituality Painter Devin Bernard’s ‘ The Forest Spirits. mino hripht and nassionate color. Bernard’s work contains elaborate detail designed to lose the viewer within the complexity. R iccetti is a native O regonian who uses m any m edium s to por­ tray her vision. H er latest work features stained glass light boxes and glass hung pieces that ex- m ixed-m edia press her perception o f the rela- piece by artist tionships w ithin nature o f birth, Christina Riccetti. d e a th and r e g e n e r a tio n .. R iccetti’s glassw ork epitom izes the ephem eral and represents the fragile balance o f life. Talisman Gallery is located at 1476 NE Alberta Street. For more inform ation, v isit the w eb at or call 503-284-8800.