Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 24, 2005, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 24. 2005
Il!'jjJortlanh ©bseruer
EMBRACING DIVERSITY________________________pagcBS
Minister and Role
Model Remembered
Funeral Saturday at Allen Temple
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Local youth involved with Success Academy surround Portland Community College Cascade Campus President Algie Gatewood and
Harold Williams, member o f the PCC board o f directors at the PCC Cascade Campus gym.
Summer Activities Abound with Success Academy
Youth from north and northeast
Portland have been fulfilling their
boredom during the last days of
summer through fun activities led by
the Success Academy.
Every Thursday through Satur­
day, students have been participat­
ing in free impromptu basketball,
kickball and volleyball games at the
Portland Community College Cas­
cade Campus and Peninsula Park.
The Success A cadem y is a pro­
gram that helps inner-city youth
th ro u g h c o m m u n ity s e rv ic e
projects and career developm ent.
Through its “End o f the Sum m er”
program , which continues until
Sept. 24, the academ y has led
gam es, entertainm ent and open
dialogue on im portant social is­
sues ranging from education to
police brutality.
For more information on how to
get involved, call 503-287-9836.
L aw & J ustice
Get Paid
To Learn
Company Sued for Racist Jobsite
Accused of
condoning area
as ‘whites only’
A law suit alleges that Tyson Foods, Inc.
is responsible for m aintaining a segregated
bathroom and break room , rem iniscent o f the
Jim Crow era, in its A shland, A la., chicken
processing plant.
T hirteen A frican-A m erican em ployees
filed acom plaint in the U. S. D istrict Court for
the N orthern D istrict o f A labam a last week,
alleging that a W hites Only sign and a pad­
lock denied them access to a bathroom in the
A shland plant. The com plaint states that
num erous w hite em ployees had keys to the
bathroom that were not provided to A frican-
Am erican workers.
The A frican-A m erican e m p lo y ees’ com ­
p lain t a lso a lleg es th a t, a fte r they c o m ­
p lain ed about the se g re g a te d b athroom ,
No skills required, just a willingness to learn
the plant m an ag er told them th at the b a th ­
room had been locked b ecause they w ere
d irty and annou n ced the clo sin g o f the
break room . A ccording to the co m p lain t,
the sam e w hite e m p lo y ees w ho had keys
to the “ W hites O n ly ” bathroom form ed
th e iro w n , private break room , using Tyson
m a te ria ls to c o n stru c t the fu rn itu re . In i­
tia lly , a locked do o r se g reg ated the p ri­
vate break room . C u rre n tly , locked c a b i­
nets and a locked re frig e ra to r m aintain a
priv ate break room .
Construction Trades
click on orientation
We can help!
(Doing the Little Things
that Make a Big
V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc.
County Receives Substance Abuse Grant
More than 60 youth offenders
will benefit from a $ 1.8 million grant
awarded to Clark County ’ s Depart­
ment of Community Services and
C o rrectio n s by the S ubstance
Abuse and Mental Health Services
Funeral services are scheduled Saturday, Aug. 27 at 11 a.m. at
Allen Temple CM E Church, 4236 N.E. Eighth Ave., for Ethel
Bates-Bailey who died Aug. 18 at the age of 67.
She was born July 1, 1938 in Marshall, Texas and moved to
Portland in 1959. Her marriage to Billy Bates ended in divorce. He
diedin 1978.
She was a beloved minister and role model for both her family
and the Portland community. She served as a minister at Allen
Temple and as an instructor
at the North Portland Bible
College. She was a regular
contributor to the Portland
O b se rv e r serving as the
newspaper’s religion colum­
S he re c e iv e d both a
bachelor’s and m aster’s de­
gree from W arner Pacific
College in Portland where she
was ordained a minister in
She struggled through
the diversity o f raising her
children as a single m other
with dignity and strength,
attending school and w ork­
ing to provide for her fam ­
ily. She alw ays encouraged
her fam ily, friends and stu ­
Ethel Bates-Bailey
dents to live life right in the
direction o f God.
She continued to live with the grace of G od’s love, study the
Bible, pray and teach throughout a long illness that began with
breast cancer eight years ago.
Survivors include four sons, W illiam . A ndrew , K enneth
and V ictor; tw o daughters, Billy Jean and A ntoinette; many
other fam ily m em bers; her church com m unity and friends.
action, co-occurring treatm ent,
The funds will help with sub­ employment assistance, targeted
stance abuse treatment for juve­ education and housing.
niles and young adults returning to
The “Fresh Start Young O f­
their communities after incarcera­ fender Re-entry” program is part of
tion though intensive group inter- a$ 19.2 million effort being launched
in 11 markets nationwide. It is a key
strategy ai med at treat i ng the gro w-
ing number of methamphetamine
users in Clark County.
For more information, call Dr.
Barb Sussex at 360-397-2130.
Organic, Conventional, Food A lliance Approved
Lots of Locally Grown Fresh Produce
Police Excess: Taser, Dog Subdue Protestors
4 BU NCHES FOR $ 1 .0 0
(A P) — T w o women protest­
David M eieran, who helped or­ that a police dog bit another do so, so we started dow n the
ing the w ar in Iraq were taken to ganize the protest, accused po­ woman on the leg when she re­ sidew alk - officers in front, K -9’s
a hospital Saturday after P itts­ lice o f “ inappropriate and exces­ fused police orders to disperse. behind us, and started pushing
burgh police broke up an unau­ sive force.”
Both women and a man in­ the crow d down the sidew alk,”
thorized march involving about
Pittsburgh Police Sgt. C lint volved in the march were arrested, W inkler said. He said the march
five dozen people on a busy o n e­ W inkler said that one woman who W inkler said.
broke up after the arrests.
way street near an Army recru it­ w ould not leave was subdued
“They w ere told to disperse,
The recruiting station was not
ing station.
with a Taser. He also confirm ed peacefully disperse, and failed to open at the time.
Additional a t regular price o f 2 for $ 1 . 0 0
Coupon expires 0 9 /0 1 /0 5
Big City Produce
722 N Sumner Ave., PDX
503 4603830
Winner o f2004 BEST award from the city of Portland
Best sustainable food system
Civil Rights Leader Dies at 92 Man Stabbed in
Lowry a mentor to
Racist Incident
Martin Luther King Jr.
(AP) - The Rev. A. Leon Lowry, a promi­
nent local civil rights leader who once
taught Martin Luther King Jr. and led the
desegregation of public faci I ities in Tampa,
has died at 92.
Lowry died Saturday o f congestive heart
failure. He had been adm itted to St.
Joseph’s Hospital last week, said his wife,
Lowry’s association with the civil rights
movement dated to the 1940s when he
taught theology at M orehouse College
and King was one of his students.
In the 1960s, he led peaceful protests at
Tampa lunch counters and helped found
Tam pa’s first biracial bank.
He becam e president o f the Florida
N A A CP and in 1976 was the first A fri­
c a n - A m e r ic a n
e le c te d
th e
H illsborough C ounty School Board,
where he served for 16 years. The Florida
Bar aw arded him a medal o f honor for
easing racial tensions and prom oting
social justice.
Until he was hospitalized, Lowry had
continued counseling jail inmates, com­
muting by scooter because hip problems
prevented driving.
“That was just his whole life,” his wife
said. “He always wanted to help people.”
An African American man was found stabbed
Aug. 18 at 12:25 a.m. in northeast Portland and
Portland Police are still searching for suspects.
Officers discovered the unconscious 25-year-
old man with stab wounds on Northeast 109th
Avenue. The victim was transported to an area
hospital where he was immediately taken into
When the victim regained consciousness, he
told investigators that he was walking in the area
o f Northeast 109th Avenue and Northeast
Halsey Street when he was confronted by four
white males. The suspects reportedly shouted
racial epitaphs at the victim and stabbed him at
least once during a physical confrontation.
The suspects are described as four white
the welfare matter.
But Jackson's lawyers presented evi­ males in their mid-20s. All four suspects were
dence that she and her family had received a wearing jeans and T-shirts. They fled the area
$ 150,000 settlement in a 2001 lawsuit against eastbound on Northeast Halsey in a maroon-
a department store at a time when she was colored, 4-door Honda Accord with stock wheels
claiming to be poor. They also showed the and a loud muffler.
woman was receiving money from her boy­
Anyone with information can call Detective
friend to pay the rent on her apartment.
Jim McCausland at 503-823-0871.
Jackson Accuser’s Mom Charged
(AP) — The woman whose son accused
Michael Jackson o f child molestation was
charged with welfare fraud Tuesday for al­
legedly collecting nearly $ 19,000in payments
while making false claims.
At Jackson’s trial, the woman invoked her
Fifth Amendment protection against self­
incrimination and refused to testify about
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