Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 17, 2005, Page 11, Image 11

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August 17. 2005
I^ o rfla n J O t s e rv e r A u f©
Tested Vehicle Information: half-ton pickups.
Price:$35310, Engine: 5.6L DOHC
The Nissan Titan boasts best in
32 Valve Endurance V8; Trans­ class headroom, best in class torque,
mission: Five Speed Automatic best in class interior volume for the
w/tow haul mode.
Crew Cab, best 4x4 ground clear­
Nissan has built a full size ance, best 4x4 approach angle, larg­
pickup that featuresa5.6-literV8 est in class 4x4 tires. Titan can tow
and five-speed automatic trans­ up to 9,500 pounds, putting at the
mission that deli ver dazzling per­ top of the class alongside the latest
formance. Its handling is equally Ford F-150. From the exterior bold
responsive, making it among the style to the interior high level of
most enjoyable of the full-size comfort this is truly an exceptional
truck built and designed in America.
So if your looking for an American
made vehicle this is the one.
C lassifieds
routing m essages; operating Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
automated office equipment; & Thurs at City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland.
preparing routine and special
reports and billings as assigned;
City Fleet Manger
providing information to the public
about services provided and This position manages the City
implementing special projects as Fleet Division in the Bureau of
General Services. The city fleet
assigned by supervisor.
Experience Required: Computer m anager is responsible for
planning, managingand directing
competency with Microsoft Office,
including Word, Excel, Publisher personnel and resources for the
acquisition and maintenance of
and Access; demonstrated skills
vehicles, related equipment and
in human rela tion s, public
vehicle services for City and
relations, clerical functions, word
regional governmental agencies.
processing, automated office
equipment, bookkeeping, and
encom passes about 2600
record keeping. Familiarity with
veh icles of w idely varyin g
the aging/disabled population,
including working with those who descriptions and 81 employees.
The position directs programs to
have de m e n tia /A lzh e im e r's
ensure efficient and reliable
Disease desired and considered
vehicle replacem ents and
a plus. Position also requires a
develops and administers City
valid d rive r’s license and/or
reliable form of transportation, Rules for use of vehicles by all City
bureaus. The city fleet manager
and a reasonable combination of
will e ffe ctive ly m anage and
experience in the following areas:
develop customer relationships
o rg a n iza tion a l sk ills, record
and establish a culture of
keeping skills, phone etiquette,
collaboration and partnership in
multitasking and the ability to
achieving City-wide vehicle and
work successfully with limited
equipment related goals while
meeting bureau level service and
Education Required: A high school cost containment needs. The
diploma and completion of a one- focus of this position is on
year course at an accredited managing through a technical
business school or at least two staff and developing a culture that
years of relevant work experience. is responsive to the needs of the
Work Schedule: Flexible Hours City and the customer bureaus
Monday - Friday between the while maintaining a highly cost
hours of 7:30 am-5: 30 pm
effective and service responsive
Employment Status: Full-tim e program. Approximate Monthly
Salary: $6,346- $8,450
(Maximum 40 hours week)
Salary/Wage: $9.00 - $10.00
Application deadline is 4:30 pm,
Monday, August 29, 2005
at Emanual
MinisterTyeTribett and Greater
Anointing will perform a high-en­
ergy show in Portland on Sunday,
Aug. 21 at 2:30 p.m. at Emmanuel
Temple Church on 1O32N.Sumner
The praise gospel group is tak­
ing the nation by storm with their
hit album entitled "Life” featuring
the single “No Way.”
Featured on Bobby Jones Gos­
pel, The Stellar Awards, TBN. TD
Jakes Mega Fest, BET's Celebra­
tion of Gospel, and most recently
on the BET Awards show, the
group plans to take Portland by
Pastor and Mrs. L.L Hosley Sr.
and the Heavenbound Deliver­
ance Center Church will host the
Those interested are urged to
get tickets early. Tickets are $10 in
advance and are available at
G e n e v a ’s S hear P erfection,
H eavenbound C hurch and
Emmanuel Temple.
For more information contact
Katina Collinsat503-220-8262,ext.
Upcoming Rally
for Millions More
Supervisor: Program Director of To learn more about this position,
In commemoration of the 10lh
the Marie Smith Health and Social or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or anniversary of The Million Man
pickup an application at 1120 SW March, the Millions More Move­
Date Job Is Available: 08/01/05
Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 ment presents a W omen’s Mobili­
Closing Date: Until Filled
Q ualified a p plica n ts should
complete an application in the
lobby at Volunteers of America
Oregon (3910 SE Stark Street) or
mail a le tte r and resume
referencing the job title and
program code listed above to:
Marie Smith Health and Social
Center co/Program Director 4616
N. Albina Portland, Or 97217
Equal Opportunity Employer
Nissan has improved the tradi­
tional truck with factory-applied
spray-in bedliner, aC-channel tie­
down system for securing cargo
and accessories, a stash box inte­
grated into the driver’s-side rear
fender for storing a tow hitch or
other small items, this is an option
on the SE for $950 but standard on
the LE model. For 2005, Nissan has
added a dampened tailgate assist,
to reduce effort when opening and
closing the tailgate. Active front
head restraints are now standard
on all models, and the Crew Cab
now comes with a power retract­
able rear window. The window
features privacy glass and an
electric defroster.
N issan has m ixed and
matched the other top three
trucks and bought the best of
each to built a truck that sets a
new standard.Nissan says its
plan is to get the basics right and
then build on that with a new
level o f style and innovation.
from Metro
from Metro
Salaried □
2005 Nissan Titan 4x4 SE
hard one. If they have never partici­
pated in a focus group, people are
reluctant to give any information. P hotos by N icole H ooper /T he P ortland O bserver
On the other hand, there are people Quality assurance specialist Crystal Stone evaluates potential
that are referred to as professional survey screeners to verify consistent answers.
respondents who make it a point to customers to buy goods, but to
“If we don’t pay people, they
find focus groups and use it to supple­ show gratitude for sharing their won’t come,” Lybrand said. “We
ment their income. That can lead to opinions and time. To rule out bias, have to make it worth their time to
respondents giving only answers the opinion giver may never find out show up. Respondents are amazed
that they think the company wants about the company behind the prod­ by focus groups because they get
to hear.
uct being evaluated. This is to pre­ good food, get to share their opin­
The compensation for opinions vent bias based on the product name ion, it’s fun and they get paid for it.”
is not meant as a way to influence or reputation of the company.
Some respondents aren’t as ex­
troverted as others but once they
are in the focus group, it’s easy for
them to share their opinions. In
each group there is a moderator to
get the conversations started. Their
job is to dig below the surface for
answers, find underlying tones and
Position Title: Adm in istrative
to get respondents to feel at ease.
Assistant/ Receptionist
If a customer says that a product
tastes good, it is the focus group
Program: Marie Smith Center
moderator’s job to get the respon­
Program Code: 2500
PARKING FACILITY Operator dent to elaborate. The goal is know
Responsibilities: Provide admini­ Immediate full time and part-time why the respondents feel the way
strative, receptionist and clerical openings. Seeking dependable, they do.
support to an Adult Day Service well groomed, positive individuals
The process is an interesting way
Center, which hosts m ultiple
to make money for your opinion.
programs. The job duties include $8.00 + starting wage
To find a focus group, look in the
but are not limited to computer Overtime/advancement potential Yellow Pages under Market Re­
work/word processing, filing; Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
search and speak to a market re­
interfacing with public, composing Drugtest/Background check
search employee in the recruiting
corresp on den ce by request; New hires must have acceptable department. Your name will be
pro vidin g reception for the documentation to confirm both placed in a database and when new
program s in the building, identity and eligibility to work.
focus groups became available you
processing incoming calls and
may be called.
Hourly E3
R e v ie w
Page B5
College Gateway Near Complete
Your Two
zation Rally to discuss role of
women in the organization. Minis­
Train for a valuable, fulfilling ter Louis Farrakhan will join via
career. Earn Addiction Counselor satellite.
Professional C e rtifica tio n in
The event will be held on Satur­
Washington State. Clark College day, Aug. 20 at n w n at the Boys
classes begin September 19. Call and Girls Club at 5250 N.E. Martin
Dr. Marcia Roi, 992-2171
Luther King Blvd. Fixxl and local
vendors will be on hand at this free
NE Portland Room for Rent
Spacious, good loctn, w/bath, no event open to women only.
For more information, call 503-
smoking/pets. $350/mo, incl util.
503 449-5065
Addiction Counselor
dows to mini­
mize heat gain
and maximize
light; exterior
su n sc re e n s;
c la s s ro o m s
with operable
w indow s for
fresh air: light-
colored roof­
ing to reduce
cooling costs;
and the use of
lo w - m a in te ­
nance, durable
m aterials
the building
photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
S t­ The new Portland Community College arts and humanities building on North
raub, senior fa­ Killingsworth and Albina Avenue is also coming with new wider sidewalks and
cilities project plans for new street lighting.
m a n ag er at
Cascade, has seen all of the new Straub said. “Dan Moriarty should 969-square-foot multimedia com-
buildings go up at the campus be quite proud of this one. It has come puterroom, 3,000-square-foot cam ­
since construction began in the along fine.”
pus bookstore, and a 3,800-square-
early 1990s. So far, in addition to
The schedule for moving into the foot ceramics indoor studio plus
the Arts and Humanities Building, new building is set for Friday, Sept. 2, an expansive outdoor patio space
the current construction phase has after furniture is moved in on Thurs­ for classes and additional kilns.
included the renovation of Terrell day, Aug. 29. Classes start in the new
The music area will feature 500-
Hall, the Jackson Hall science labo­ facility on Sept. 26.
square-foot control rooms fitted with
ratory and the new Technology
Other features of the building high-tech insulated sound doors and
Education, Public Services Edu­ include a 3.4(X)-square-foot audi­ equipment.
cation and Physical Education torium that will accommodate 300
PCC will alsoopen the new Terrell
buildings, which were made pos­ people, a 480-square-foot piano Hall addition for fall term, featuringa
sible by a $144 million bond pas­ keyboard room, a 1,100-square- tutoring center, general purpose
sage in 2000.
foot elevated-seating music room, classrooms and an art gal lery. Terrel 1
“There isn’t a building on this 1,106-square-foot drawing, paint­ Hall will also be open fortoursduring
cam pus we haven’t touched,” ing and print-making classrooms. the Oct. 12 ceremony.
R eligion
Former Portland Archbishop Agrees to Testify
(AP) - Former Portland Arch­ Vatican to take over the number
Levada, 69, was archbishop in
bishop William Levada is headed three job as guardian of official Portland from 1986 to 1995 before
to Rome to take over the job once church doctrine.
he was named archbishop in San
held by the pope, but agreed to
But he signed documents Aug. Francisco. He is considered an ex­
answer questions about the extent 10 in federal court in Portland agree­ pert on sex abuse cases and law­
of sex abuse by Roman Catholic ing to return to the United States in yers want him to testify about how
priests before he goes.
January to face a deposition by much the church actually knew
Currently San Francisco's Arch­ attorneys for Oregon victims of al­ about priests accused of abusing
bishop, Levada is moving to the leged priest sex abuse.
Philosophies Challenged in ‘Essays From Church’
“Essays from Church - Volume O ne,”
by essayist Daniel D. Hardm an, is a call
to rethink current black religious, so­
cial, econom ic, political and cultural
practices, facilitating the developm ent
o f new m ethods to revolutionize the
African American.
H ardm an's own renewal process, the
im petus for the book, has led him to
understand that many ideas are obso­
lete as they w ere im parted to us rather
than created by us.
T his first w ork in tro d u ces him into
the m ainstream o f black critical th in k ­
e r s . S p e a k in g in h is tr a d e m a r k
s tr a ig h tf o r w a r d s ty le , D a n ie l D.
H ardm an is a new voice in the c h o ru s
o f b lack in te lle c tu a ls d e m a n d in g
ch an g e in, for and th ro u g h the A fri­
can A m erican.
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
ALBERTA PARK ( corner of i 9 th and killingsworth )
Little chapel of chimes • Mother dear's crow's jewel & bakery • Real soda • Filley sunset hills mortuary
Radio cab • G.l Joes • Winco • Wal-Mart • Oregon Screen impressions • Living color • Fred Meyer stores
Skyline mortuary • Rose city cemetery • Walsh contraction • Emanuel hosp. • Caldwell's funeral home
Coffee people • Red lobster • More street salvation army • Safeway • Doubletree hotel • Colligan Bottle Water
Enterprise rent-a-car • Luck limousine & town car • Tanallis doughnuts & cream • Christian supply
Bullwinkles family fun center • US bank • Hankins true value hardware • Mid-k beauty Acsupply
Billy Reed’s • Washman car wash • Krispy Kreme doughnuts • Aaron’s sales & lease ownership for less
Hometown buffet • Bank of America • Holiday Inn • L.V. Bar A Grill • Boston Market • Office Depot