Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 17, 2005, Page 10, Image 10

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    August 17, 2005
Page B4
The City of Portland proposes to amend its Consolidated Plan Action
Plan 2005-06 as follows:
A. Amend the Action Plan 2005-2006 to include the Single Family
Rehab Program funds awarded under the Fall 2004 Single Family
Rehab RFP. Each of the following programs were selected to
receive CDBG funds to provide minor home repair to low-income
elderly and disabled homeowners:
1. REACH CDC. $229,000:
2. Community Energy Project, $184,720;
3. Unlimited Choices Adapt-A-Home Program, $210,000:
4. Unlimited Choices Mend-A-Home Program, $75,000;
5. Metro Home Safety Repair Program, $141,520;
6. Portland Police Locks Program, $72,756;
7. RebuildingTogether, $40,000;
8. NE Workforce Center, $40,000.
B. Amend the Action Plan 2005-2006 to include Homebuyer
Financial Assistance funds awarded under the Spring 2005
Homebuyer Financial Assistance RFP. The following programs were
selected to receive CDBG and American Dream Downpayment
Initiative (ADDI) funds to provide direct financial assistance to low-
income home buyers:
1. Portland Habitat for Humanity, $240,000 CDBG and $160,000
2. Housing Authority of Portland $497,920 CDBG and $238,589
3. Hacienda CDC, $126,780 CDBG and $93,720 ADDI;
4. Portland Community Land Trust $39,000 CDBG and 54,000
5. Asian and Pacific Islander Community Improvement Association,
$10,000 CDBG and $190,000 ADDI
6. Sabin CDC, $14,300 CDBG and $10,700 ADDI
C. The Action Plan 2005-06 established a pool of CDBG and HOME
CHDO funds for Capacity Building. Amend the Action Plan 2005-
2006 to show that the following organizations were selected by
the Portland Neighborhood Development Support Collaborative
(PNDSC) to receive capacity building funds to carry out the following
single family rehab (SFR), Multi family redevelopment (MFRD),
Multifamily rehab (MFR), Multifamily acquisition/rehab (MFA/R)
single family acquisition/rehab, (SFA/R), M ultifam ily new
construction (MFNC), and Single Family new construction (SFNC)
1. Cascadia Housing Inc. $48,000 CDBG for Pisgah Colony
rehabilitation (MFR) 30 units; Howards Place new construction
(MFNC) 27 units; and Multi Family refinance (MFA/R) 15-22 units.
2. Central City Concern $85,000 CDBG for Golden West/Henry
(MFA/R) 221 units; Rosewood (MFR) 36 units; Hotel Alter (MFR)
99 units; Rose Quarter Housing and Employment Center (MFA/R)
176 units; Estate (MFR) 197 units.
3. Community Partners for Affordable Housing. $14,000 HOME for
Bertha Station (MFNC) 51 units.
4. Hacienda CDC. $58,423 CDBG for Redevelopment of Villas de
Clara Vista (MFRD) 178 units; and $30,000 HOME for Villa del
Rincon 32 units HOME; CHDO Operating Support 164 units.
5. Human Solutions. $20,000 CDBG for Raintree Apartments Rehab
(MFR) 41 units and $30,000 HOME for CHDO Operating Support
315 units.
6. Human Solutions Gresham/Mult. Co, $33,790 HOME for CHDO
Operating Support 151 units.
7. Innovative Housing, Inc., $35,000 CDBG for Bridgeview
Apartments Rehab (MFR) 14 units; and Musolf Manor Rehab
(MFR) 96 units.
8. Northwest Housing Alternatives, $25,000 CDBG for Weidler
Commons Rehab (MFR) 14 units; and $50,000 HOME for Village
at Headwaters 56 units; Trenton Terrace 66 units; and CHDO
Operating Support 296 units ($14,899)
9. Peninsula CDC. $35,000 CDBG for 8002 N. Interstate (SFNC) 2
units; Orchard Homes (SFNC) 6 units; Killingsworth Station (SFNC)
4-10 units; New Columbia N. Adriadic (SFNC) 4 units and $5,000
HOME for CHDO Operating Support 9 units.
10. PCRI, $110,000 CDBG for Lead Paint Reduction Phase I (MFR)
18 units; Lead Paint Reduction Phase II (MFR) 18 units; Albina
Portfolio Rehab (MFR) 43 Properties; and Urban League Acquisition
and Rehab (MFA/R) 24 Units.
11. REACH CDC, $30,000 CDBG for Affordable M ultifam ily
Properties (MFNC) and $47,000 HOME CHDO Operating Support
for Station Place 176 units; SE 20,h/Division 12-15 units; SE 33rd/
Powell 6 units; Prescott Multifamily Refinance 20 units.
12. Rose CDC, $55,000 CDBG for Leander Court (MFNC 42 units;
10424 SE Schiller (SFA/R) 7 units; and $5,000 HOME for CHDO
Operating Support 17 units.
13. Sabin CDC, $9,000 HOME for CHDO Operating Support 27 units.
D. Amend the FY 2005-2006 Action Plan to include the landlord
outreach funds awarded under the Spring 2005 Landlord Outreach
RFP. Fair Housing Council of Oregon was selected to receive
$25,000 in CDBG funds to provide outreach to landlords about
Housing Connections, Ready to Rent, Fresh Start and lead hazard
E. Amend the FY 2003-04, FY 2004-05 and FY 2005-06 Action
Plans. The FY 2003-04 Action Plan allocated $381,956 (H0PWA)
and the FY 2004-05 Action Plan allocated $364,181 (H0PWA) for
the purpose of H0PWA housing development. In a competitive
Request for Proposals process, the following housing development
projects were selected for funding:
• Our House of Portland: $180,000 for construction of 12 units
in inner SE Portland
• Charles Iheanacho: $105,000 for construction of 1 unit in NE
We propose to reallocate $305,000 of the remaining $461,137
to rent assistance, as follows:
• alloca te $155,000 to project-based rent assistance
administered by Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) for units owned by
Northwest Housing Alternatives (NHA). $11,363 will be spent in
FY 2004-05, $28,212 will be spent in FY 2005-06, and the
remainder of the funds ($115,425) has been committed for FY
• a llo ca te $150,000 to project-based rent assistance
administered by Clark County Health Department. $25,212 will
be spent in FY 2005-06. The remainder of the funds ($124,788)
has been committed for FY 2006-2010.
$156,137 remains in the H0PWA housing development fund and
will be allocated in the future.
For further information or to comment on these proposed
amendments, contact Beth Kaye by mail, phone or email at Bureau
of Housingand Community Development, 421SW 6*’, Suite 1100,
Portland, OR 97204, 503-823-2393, bkayeeci.portland.or.us by
September 10,2005.
C lassifieds / B ids
Lead o peration s accou n tin g
efforts at Leatherman Tool Group,
Inc., an innovative manufacturer
of quality, compact multi-tools.
Work on assessing profitability for
m ultiple
introductions and processes as
the organization implements lean
manufacturing concepts. Provide
analysis for capital investments,
make/buy decisions, new product
offerings, and overall operating
results. D evelop operatin g
budgets and costs for inventory
valuation. This position provides
a fantastic opportunity to apply
new accounting/measurement
supplem ent
tra d itio n a l
approaches and to educate
others. An understanding of TOC
is helpful.
Requires BS in related field, 5 yrs
m fg acctg & exp with ERP
system s.
Certification desired. Excellent
analytical and computer skills,
and ability to work independently
are essential. Must be a service
oriented team player with ability
to partner with staff at all levels.
We offer com petitive wages,
m e dical/d e n ta l/visio n care,
401K, Life Insurance, and more.
Pre-employment drug and alcohol
screening is required. Equal
Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V
Fax resume and cover letter by
August 22, 2005 to 503-253-
7830 or email jobs@ leather-
man.com or mail into:
P.0. Box 20595
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau ot Purchases Web Page;
We are the leader in the high
quality compact multi purpose
tool market. Join our positive,
proactive team. We are seeking a
person to m onitor and direct
dep artm en t work flow by
sch e d u lin g work, en su rin g
employees are properly trained,
and m on ito rin g em ployee
performance. Also guarantee
smooth flow of equipment repairs,
installations, project completion
and preventive maintenance.
Monitor and enforce company
safety standards. The Lead
position is a working position,
which includes work on short term
projects and repairs.
C ity o f P o r tla n d
B u re a u o f P u rc h a se s
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
City of Portland - Aerial Tram Project
Kiewit Pacific Co.
Bruce Patterson, Project Manager
CCB No. 63471
Bid Documents Available at
Willamette Blue Print www.wpbinc.com
3461 NW Yeon Ave. 503-223-5011 &
0AME Plan Center. 4134 N Vancouver Ave. 503-249-7744
For more information www.kiewit.com/patp or
Qualified candidates must have:
• 7 yrs Ind u strial m achine
maintenance experience
■ Knowledge of OSHA and other
sa fety
regulations, including lockout
tagou t, hazardous m aterials
handling, etc.
• D em onstrated a b ility to
analyze problems and formulate
• Ability to work with minimal
supervision and follow-through
We are releasing packages on website for:
Division 16 - Electrical Work on 8/8
Division 14 - Electric Traction Elevator on 8/8
Kiewit is seeking to develop new subcontracting partnerships
and encourages minorities, women and emerging small
businesses to bid this project. MWESB Project Coordinator, FM
Burch and Associates, 503-735-9455 or 503-936-6898
We offer com petitive wages,
m e d ical/d e n ta l/visio n care,
401K, Life Insurance, and more.
Pre-employment drug and alcohol
screening is required. Equal
Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V
Fax resume and cover letter with
wage history by August 22, 2005
to 503-253-7830 or mail in to:
Advertise with diversity in
al,l? ^Jortlanh <©bserUer
Call 503-288-0033
P.0. Box 20595
Portland, OR 97392-0595
o r em ail : ads@portlandobserver.coin
D riv e r
’*1 ’
P O D S , Inc., the leading provider of mobile mini-
storage & moving alternatives, is now hiring for the
following in the Portland area:
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Community Health Nurse II
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Closes August 26, 2005
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846-4898 for information or see
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Women, minorities, and people
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to apply.
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FAX: 727-538-6480 • E-mail: hr@pods.com
Portable On Demand Storage
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E M P tO YM iN T
Revenue and Tax Specialist II
The Bureau of Licenses is
recruiting for limited term full-time
Revenue and Tax Specialists II
positions. These positions are
responsible for review ing,
analyzing and entering detailed
information on individual returns.
Additional duties include providing
business license and tax
custom er service assistance,
inform ation and referral for
bureau, City, and other
jurisdictions and bureau-wide
o peration al and
regulatory support. The Bureau of
Licenses has five (5) two-year
limited term vacancies in the
Personal Income Tax Program,
which will be filled from this list.
For the Personal Income Tax
Program, a keyboarding speed of
45 words per minute and ten-key
by touch is preferred, but not
required to qualify for the eligible
list. This recruitment will be used
to fill five or more Revenue and
Tax Specialists II (2 year) limited
term vacancies.
ODOT People drive Oregon s Department of Transportation It great benefits,
a professional work environment, jo b innovation, and career growth
opportunity drive you. then com e to ODOT. Current recruitm ents include:
• Region 2 Tech Center/HQ Office Manager
Salary $ 2,412 - $ 3 .3 8 3 /m o n th
Announcem ent 40C DT5376 Salem
d H r i 'I l
Application deadline is 4:30pm,
Friday, September 2, 2005
Apply online at www.cl.portland.
or.us/|obs/ or pickup an
application at 1120 SW 5,h Ave.,
Portland, Oregon 97204 Lobby
• Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer
These are just a few of the current job openings available with
the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information are available
at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b, the
Oregon jobs page at. www.oregoniobs.org. The State of Oregon
offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive
benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid
holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership in the
Oregon Public Service Retirem ent Plan
(OPSRP). and opportunities to participate in
the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State of
* - m
Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be
equal opportunity employers.
Salary $ 2 ,2 0 8 - $ 3 ,0 6 0 /m o n th
Announcem ent f»0CDT5333 Cascade Locks & Portland
• Junior Surveyor
Salary $ 2 ,3 5 7 $ 3 .3 7 5 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0CDT5171 Tigard
• Junior Surveyor
Salary $ 2,357 $ 3 .3 7 5 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0CDT5172 Troutdale
• Lead Bridge Engineer
Salary $ 4 ,2 3 6 $ 6 ,0 7 0 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C D T4022D Roseburg
• Assistant Project Manager
Salary $ 3 ,6 6 1 $ 5 ,2 4 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent »0CDT5359A Springfield
• Classification Analyst
• Principal Executlve/Manager E
Budget Administrator
Salary $ 2 ,7 8 8 - $ 3 ,9 0 9 /m o n th
Announcem ent »0C D T5463 Salem
Salary Range: $ 4 ,184 - $ 6 ,1 6 9 /m o n th
Announcem ent »LEHS5394 Salem
Position closes August 2 4 ,2 0 0 5
• Division Human Resources Manager
Salary $3,617 - $ 5 ,0 7 8 /m o n th
Announcem ent »0C DT5464 Salem
• Agreement Specialist
Communications Director
Principal Contributor 3
Salary $ 3 ,2 0 8 - $4.476/m onth
Announcem ent #0C DT5100 Bend
The D epartm ent of Administrative Services. Director s Office is seeking an
experienced senior communications advisor to serve as the Communications
Director. The C om m unications Director will respond to media inquires,
conduct media interviews, and serve as a state governm ent resource tor
media personnel. Salary is $ 4 ,3 9 4
Approxim ate M onthly Salary:
$2,960 at entry to $3,550 after
two years
• Base pay + ongoing
performance-based incentives
• Benefits after 90 days
$ 6 .1 6 9 /m o n th
For d e ta ile d Job
Announcement »ESDA5100. dstt www.oregon|obs org or call (503)
373 -76 55. Close date is August 3 1 ,2 0 0 5 .
PERS ravers needy 3 0 0 .0 0 0 members and administers retirement, disability
benefits, health insurance, and deferred com pensation plans statew ide
• Administrative Specialist 1
Design, write, and update technical publications for the agency and
edit and proofread docum entation.
Salary range: $ 2 ,0 1 9 $ 2 ,7 9 0 /m o n th
Announcem ent »LE 05050 1
Closing date August 19. 2 0 0 5
• Ethics Officer
Salary $ 3 ,2 2 3 - $4,6 1 6 /m o n th
Announcem ent «OCDT5332 Salem
• Transit Network Program Manager
Salary $ 3 ,2 0 8 - $4.476/m onth
Announcem ent 40C D T5335 Salem
• Senior Right of Way Agent
Salary $ 3 ,4 8 6 $ 4 .9 9 1 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C D T5370 Salem
Working 9 OOOT The Way to Go Detailed jo b announcem ents Include
qualifications, requirem nnls. and in structions on how to apply for these
jobs. Go to www.odoLstate.or u s/job s for a com plete copy or call 5 0 3
9 8 6 -4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-986-38541 to request by mail. OOOT is proud to
o pe rate as an equal o pp ortunity, a ffirm a tiv e action employer.
Announcem ents will be m ade available in alternate form at upon request:
(5 0 3 1 3 7 8 6 2 0 2 , TTY 1 6 0 0 -9 9 3 6 8 9 8