‘ri’1' o rt lattò © hserucr Page B6 luly 20. 2005 S ports Woods’ Timing Perfect at British Open (A P) — Tiger W oods coasted to a five-stroke victory Sunday and his second major cham pion ship of 2005, winning the British Open at the home o f golf in St. A ndrew s, Scotland after taking the M asters in April. If he hadn’t flubbed a chip and m issed a short putt at the U.S. Open last month. W oods could be going for the Grand Slam at the PGA C ham pionship next month. "T hat’s ju st the way it goes,” W oods said, thinking back to his ru n n e r-u p fin ish to M ichael Campbell at Pinehurst. ” 1 just d id n ’t have a very good putting week. It happened at the wrong time.” W oods’ tim ing was right on at the Old Course. He took control with a 66-67 start, scram bled Saturday when a couple of shots wound up in the bushes, then finished it off with a 2-under 70 - the only player in the final seven groups to break par on a day when the ocean breezes picked up and the flagsticks were flapping in some devilish loca tions. “ It was T ig e r’s w eek,” said C am pbell, who held on for a two- stroke win in the U.S. Open but finished seven shots back at this Open. M ake no m istake - W oods is back, look ing just as dom inating as he did at the start o f the millennium. “ It’s am azing,” said S c o ts m a n C o lin M ontgom erie, the p o p u la r r u n n e r - u p a t S t. A ndrew s. “ C an he achieve the im p o ssib le ? H e ’s on his w ay .” Tiger Woods cradles the trophy after winning the British Open golf championship Sunday in St. Andrews, Scotland. (AP photo) ON TH[ HUN Have you tried Les Schwab Tires Lately? 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