lujy b . 2005_________________________________________ ^Jortlanb ffîbseruer Page A 7 L aw & J ustice Foxworth Wanted McCollister Fired Records in Kendra James death opened (A P ) — A s an assistant police c h ie f tw o y e a rs a g o , D e rric k F oxw orth voted to fire the officer w ho fatally shot an unarm ed black m otorist during a traffic stop, po­ lice records show. Foxw orth was the only one o f three assistant chiefs to recom m end that O fficer Scott M cC ollister lose his jo b for unsatisfactory perfor­ m ance, according to the records obtained by T he O regonian. The other assistants suggested a sus­ pension. Former Police ChiefM ark Kroeker su sp en d ed M c C o lliste r w ithout pay for 5 m onths after concluding Chief Derrick Foxworth that M cC ollister’s actions leading to the M ay 5, 2003, shooting w ere tactically unsound. T hen-M ayo r V era K atz soon fo rc e d K ro e k e r ’s r e s ig n a tio n , largely over the handling o f the p o lic e s h o o tin g , an d e le v a te d Foxw orth to chief. A c c o rd in g to th e r e c o rd s , Foxw orth found that M cC ollister’s use o f deadly force fell within bu­ reau policy but recom m ended that the officer be fired for unsatisfac­ tory perform ance. M cCollister, 29, returned to work in February 2(X)4. He is chai lenging his suspension. A federal ju ry last w eek cleared M cC ollister o f w rongdoing in the fatal shooting o f K endra Jam es, a 21-year-old w om an w hose death angered m any P ortland residents. M cC ollister told investigators that m ost o f his body w as in the car when he tried to extract Jam es from the driv er’s seat during a traffic stop. W hen she put the car into drive, he instinctively fired to save his life, he testified. In an after-action report dated June 3 ,2003, N orth Precinct Cmdr. B re t S m ith d e te r m in e d th a t M cC ollister’s actions fell within bureau policies and training, but he identified problem s in officer tac­ tics that preceded the shooting. S m ith ’s rep o rt fa u lte d M cC ollister for entering the car, restricting his ability to control Jam es and putting h im self at a tac­ tical disadvantage from w hich he co uldn’t retreat. M o r e o v e r, S m ith fa u lte d McCollister, and Officers Rick Bean and K enneth Reynolds, w ho were also at the scene, for failing to talk to each other and develop a plan to rem ove James. Sm ith cited the inexperience o f each officer. M cC ollister had ju st more than two years w ith the bu­ r e a u ; B e a n , 18 m o n th s ; an d Reynolds, less than three years. Lil Kim Does Time for Perjury Female rapper gets 366 days in prison Lit' Kim whose real name is Kimberly Jones exits Manhattan federal court following her sentencing, Wednesday, July 5, in New York. (AP Photo) (A P) - R apper L il’ K im ' s raunchy lyrics and revealing outfits helped her becom e one o f hardcore ra p ’s first fem ale stars. N ow sh e’s poised to break another barrier: becom ing the first big-nam e fem ale rapper to go to prison. The G ram m y w inner was sentenced July 6 to one year and one day for perjury and co n ­ spiracy - a term far less than the three years and seven m onths sought by prosecutors. Kim escaped a stiffer sentence after telling a ju d g e she was a “G od-fearing good person" w ho regretted lying to a federal grand jury about a 2001 shootout outside a M anhattan radio station. U.S. D istrict Judge G erard Lynch said he had w eighed the idea o f sending a young black entertainer to prison far longer than M artha Stew art, w ho spent five m onths behind bars after a false statem ents conviction. Lynch suggested L il’ Kim - h erreal nam e is Kim berly Jones - deserved m ore tim e because she had lied about a violent crim e, not a white- collar schem e. But the ju d g e also credited L il’ Kim with returning to court and adm itting she had lied all along to protect m em bers o f her entourage. L il’ Kim said she w anted to "take com plete blam e" for the actionsofherassistant, M onique Dopw ell, w ho’s aw aiting sentencing for the sam e crimes. The form er sidekick and m istress o f the late N otorious B.I.G., she has becom e know n for her revealing outfits and suggestive lyrics. She won aG ram m y in 2001 for herpart in the hit rem ake o f “Lady M arm alade.” The peijury case stemmed from a gun battle that erupted outside W QHT-FM , known as Hot 97, when L il’ K im ’s entourage crossed paths with a rival rap group, Capone-N-Noreaga. Before the grand ju ry and at the trial, the rapper claim ed she did not notice tw o o f her close friends at the scene o f the shootout - her m anager, D am ion Butler, and S uif Jackson. Both have pleaded guilty to gun charges. Jurors at Lil’ K im ’s trial saw radio station security photos that depicted Butler opening a door for the rap star, and two witnesses said they saw her at the station with Butler and Jackson. The late Notorious B.I.G., at the 1995 Billboard Music Awards. Mistrial in Rapper’s Wrongful Death Case ( A P) - A m istrial in the N otori­ ous B.I.G. w rongful death case m eans the rap star’s fam ily w o n ’t get im m ediate answ ers about his slaying, but they can file a new lawsuit seeking to link his un­ solved 1997 k illin g to a L o s A n g e­ les Police D epartm ent corruption scandal. U.S. D istrict Judge Florence- M arie C ooper declared a mistrial July 6 after she expressed concern at a hearing T uesday that the LA PD had deliberately w ithheld i evidence. The trial w as interrupted when : an anonym ous tip led to the dis­ covery o f large n u m b erso f LA PD l d o c u m e n ts th a t h a d n ’t b ee n turned o v er to fam ily attorneys. B.I.G., bom Christopher Wallace, w as 24 when he w as gunned dow n in 1997 w hile leaving a crow ded late-night party at a Los A ngeles museum. The New York rapper also know n as Biggie Sm alls w as on e o f the m ost influential hip-hop artists o f the 1990s. His album s "R eady T o D ie” and the p o sth u m o u sly re­ leased "L ife A fter D eath” are reg u ­ larly listed am ong the best in the genre. Fam ily attorneys, w ho had re­ quested either a m istrial o r default, plan to refile the suit w ith new alle­ g atio n s ag a in st th e L A P D and M ack ’s one-tim e partn er Rafael Perez. C O RPO R A TIO N On the job tor Oregon SAIF Corporation, Oregon’s leading w orkers' compensation insurance company, is recruiting for the following positions: CLAIMS SUPERVISORS (S alem ) COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (S a le m ) NURSE CONSULTANT (S a le m ) SENIOR ACCOUNTANT (S a le m ) Rated by Oregon Business magazine as one of Oregon's top com­ panies to work for, SAIF offers its employees an unparalleled package of excellent compensation and benefits, training opportunities, and a supportive professional work environment. Our investment in the best talent fuels our commitment to succeed as Oregon’s leading provider of workers’ compensation insurance. By valuing our employees, SAIF has produced a culture of customer service and competitive advantage that others aspire to emulate. Apply online today and learn more about SAIF at or call 503-373-8047 An Equal Opportunity Employe: M W lXM ltï'fW t'W M fltTB'M W OI ■ A ccepting A pplications ■ - , • , ■ Z . - ’ ' - . . ________________________________________________________ Quality Training Great Wages Superb Benefits photo by M ark W ash , ngton /T he P ortland O bserver Headstones line the Rose City Cemetery, where a former employee was accused o f disrespectful language in the workplace. R est1,1 Peace? co n tin u ed fro m F ront T he board is the state agency responsible for licensing and regu­ lating the funeral service industry in O regon. R ecently, they su s­ pended the funeral service license o f O rcutt for using the n-w ord with other em ployees and in the pres­ ence o f an A frican-A m erican cu s­ tom er in February. A ccording to the notice released by the board, O rcutt w as also sus­ pended for using inappropriate lan­ guage about an obese corpse. “T he co n d u c t d e sc rib e d , taken in d iv id u ally o r c o lle c tiv e ly , fails to m eet the m inim um accep ted sta n d a rd s o f the d eath c a re in ­ d u stry and ... is th erefo re g rounds fo r d isc ip lin a ry a c tio n ," the n o ­ tice said. I That kind of behavior is offensive and reprehensible. — State Sen. Avel Gordly “T hat kind o f behavior is o ffen­ sive and reprehensible, and there­ fore I believe the M ortuary and C em etery Board has taken appro­ priate action for now ," said G ordly, an African-American lawmaker who represents the Rose City area. “O ur office will continue to m onitor the situation.” The suspension, m ade on June 29, is only set for 30 days. U nder state adm inistrative rules. O rcutt may request a form al hearing b e­ fore the board. Bryan G uard, public relations representative for the cem etery, said O rcutt was not the person to use the n-word. It w as another e m ­ ployee. he said, but the behavior is still view ed as inappropriate. “John ju s, really view s this as an unfortunate and sad event. He has had good relationships with the A frican-A m erican com m unity and values them ,” G uard said. "A , no tim e do w e condone inap­ propriate language by our staff. We dem and the highest level o f respect for our clients, and will co n ­ tinue to do so,” said Rose C ity M anager Jon O llerenshaw . I The NECA-IBEW Local 48 Electrical Training Center is accepting applications for the Inside Electrician Apprenticeship Program: When: Where: July 11 - ISth and July 18 - 22nd 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Orientations 9 a.m. - 10 NECA-IBEW Local 48 Electrical Training Center 16021 NE Airport Way Portland, OR 97230 NEC a V 7 > M W ' « » rai • • E L E C T R IC A L T R A IN IN G CENTER x For more inform ation visit or call 503-262-9991