il?e|Jo rtlan ò © bseruer P age A 2 Spain Legalizes Gay Marriage been w ritten, activists jum ped for jo y and w aved rainbow flags sym b o lizin g the international gay rights m ovem ent. The Rom an C atholic Church, which held much sway over the governm ent ju st a generation ago when Gen. Francisco Franco was in pow er, was left sm arting from the vote. Gay couples can get m arried as soon as the law is published in the official governm ent regis­ try - as early as Friday or within tw o w e e k s a t th e la te s t, parliam ent’s press office said. The N etherlands and Belgium are the only other tw o countries that recognize gay m arriage na­ tionw ide. (AP) - Spain becam e the third country to legalize gay marriage last week in a parliam ent vote. The 350 -seat C o n g ress o f D eputies, by a vote o f 187-147 w ith four abstentions, approved the m easure to give hom osexual couples the same rights as het­ erosexual ones, including the right to adopt children. A f te r th e ta lly w as a n ­ n o u n c e d , a c tiv ists w atch in g from the spectator section o f th e o r n a te c h a m b e r c r ie d , ch e e re d , hugged each other, w aved to law m akers and blew them kisses. O utside the stately 19th-cen­ tury cham ber w here other chap­ ters o f Spanish history have Advertise with diversity in uJ’f (© b scru er Call 503-288-0033 or email: ads Sportia 2005 Summer Concerts in Portland Parks Major Church Endorses Unions Wednesdays in Peninsula Park 6:30 p.m. • N Portland Blvd & Albina F R E E • Art activities for children during all concerts July 6 Norman Sylvester Band (original R&B) July 20 Rachel Taylor Brown (ingeneous & metamorphic rock) Wednesdays in Dawson Park 6:30 p.m. • N Stanton & Vancouver Ave F R E E • Art activities for children during all concerts July 13 The Pan Gypsies (steel drum band) July 27 I & I (reggae inna African stylee) Thomas Williams speaks in favor o f equal marriage rights during debate Sunday before a national assembly o f the United Church o f Christ. (AP photo) Supreme Court Faces Opening Court’s first woman to step down (AP) - Sandra Day O ’Connor, the first woman on the Supreme Court and a swing vote on abor­ tion, affirmative action and other contentious issues, announced her retirement Friday. A bruising Sen­ ate confirmation struggle loomed as President Bush pledged to name a successor quickly. “It has been a great privilege indeed to have served as a member of the court for 24 terms,” the 75- year-old justice wrote Bush in a one-paragraph resignation letter. “I will leave it with enormous re­ spect for the integrity of the court and its role under our constitu­ tional structure.” O ’Connor’sdecision marked the first retirement in 11 years on an aging court. It came as a modest surprise, particularly since Chief Justice William Rehnquist has been the subject of retirement rumors for Thanks to our community sponsors ¿gg Alpine Mortgage, LLC Legacy Emanuel Hospital Eliot Neighborhood Aeeociattor Russell Street Bar B-Que County Cork Public House, Goodlin Financial Group Portland Ice Cream* Piedmont Neighborhood Association Neil Kelly ‘ Food available for purchase PORTLAND PARKS & RECREATION H ealthy Parks, H ealthy Portland www President Fox defends Sambo- type caricature when the court upheld the right of women to have an abortion if their health were in danger. She also supported affirmative action. (AP) - Mexico President Vicente Fox said Friday that U.S. activists who have called a new series of Mexican postage stamps racist do not und erstan d the issue and should read the comic book on which the stamps are based. “They don’t have information, frankly,” Fox said in an exclusive interview with The A ssociated Press. U.S. black activists and the White House have criticized the stamps featuring Memin Pinguin, a blaek- je c tin g to the stam ps and calling them an ex ­ am ple o f racial stereo­ typing. U.S. activists — in­ cluding the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. A1 Sharpton and leaders of other civil rights and Latino organizations — also have criticized the stam ps and urged that This image shows the series o f stamps released by Mexico's postal they be w ithdraw n. service, paying homage to a 1940s cartoon character called Mimin F o x ’s sp o k e sm a n , Pinguin. (AP photo) Ruben Aguilar, said the governm ent “em phati­ faced image of a child that has been self was fond of it. cally rejects these com plaints, He said W hite H ouse spokes­ which are the products of lack of condemned as racist. “All Mexico loves the charac­ man Scott M cClellan should have knowledge or people who want ter,” Fox said, adding that he him- had more inform ation before ob- publicity.” One day o f free legal assis­ tance will be offered Saturday, July 9 when the local A frican- American Cham ber o f Commerce sponsors Project C lean Slate. Police and prosecutors have pledge to make the event an “ar­ rest free zone” as counselors, at­ torneys, ju d g es and other volun­ teers m eet with local residents w ithout fear o f getting arrested. The event, from 10 a.m. to 5p.m at the new Public Services B uild­ ing adjacent to the C ascade Cam - One Day1 pus o f Portland Com m unity C ol­ lege, 909 N. K illingsw orth St., prom ises help to those who want to clean up a crim inal record, out­ standing w arrants or assistance in getting a drivers license possi­ bly reinstated. There also will be referral and assistance for housing, education, medical and substance abuse. Those interested can pre-reg­ ister by going to O regon A ction at 6601 NE M artin L uther King from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more inform ation call 503-343-5117 or 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -9 1 0 0 or e m a il law one@ *10,000 -*20,000 -s3 0 ,0 0 0 ! An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Rowers Part 14. Scoliosis Exam: The most important test your kids will take all year. INSTALLED Compare at $600 Call Today! 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SPINACQLUMN on windows Q I X M (AP) - In an effort to bring fear to foreign occupants o f Iraq, gun­ men ambushed two top diplomats from Muslim countries Tuesday. The apparent kidnap bids seemed aimed at scaring off foreign gov­ ernments and isolating Iraq from the A rab w orld. Pakistan re­ sponded by announcing the with­ drawal of its ambassador. The attacks, targeting diplo­ mats from Bahrain as well as Paki­ stan, came three days after gun­ men seized Egypt’s top envoy to Iraq as he was buying a newspa­ per in the capital. The Egyptian envoy is still being held. THE Installs Don’t spend E nerg/lhnt Sandra Day 0 'Connor Mexican Stamps Deemed Racist Cold, Broken or Drafty Windows? ANY SIZE WHITE VINYL DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW months. Rehnquist, 80 and ailing with thyroid cancer, has offered no hint as to his future plans. President Reagan broke nearly 200 years of tradition when he tapped O ’Connor - a top-ranked graduate of Stanford law school - for the high court. Over time, she evolved into a moderate conservative. She voted with a 5-4 majority on the case that effectively awarded the disputed 2000 presidential election to Bush. She was on the winning side again Free Legal Help on Saturday M uslim D iplom ats A m bushed New lighting dedication after concert iNEwtiTtron vidual churches, but could cause some congregations to leave the fold. Roughly 80 percent o f the rep­ resentatives on the church’s 884- m em ber G eneral Synod voted to approve the resolution M onday, a day after a com m ittee recom ­ m ended it. A small group o f conservative congregations had proposed an alternative resolution defining m arriage as betw een a man and a w om an, and suggested that sup­ porting gay m arriage could lead to the church’s collapse. (A P) — The president o f the U nited C hurch o f Christ said his d e n o m in a tio n “ a c te d c o u r a ­ geously to declare freedom" when it passed a resolution endorsing sam e-sex m arriage on Indepen­ dence Day. The resolution calls on m em ­ ber c h u rc h e s of th e denom ination's 1.3 million mem ­ bers to consider w edding poli­ cies “ that do not discrim inate against couples based on gen­ der.” It also asks churches to con­ s id e r s u p p o rtin g le g is la tio n granting equal m arriage rights to gay and lesbian couples and to work against laws banning gay marriage. T h e e n d o r s e m e n t by th e church’s rule-making body makes it the largest C hristian denom ina­ tion to endorse same-sex marriage. The vote is not binding on indi­ Made possible by The Freightliner Group F r e ig h t i in e r |uly 6. 2005 My kids already get back- plete recovery. : How can I tell if my daughter to-school check-ups. Why might have scoliosis? should I brother with yet another one? : Scoliosis, a lateral curva­ : The most common visible ture of the spine, is one test pro probably not included in your sym ptom is very prom inent children’s back-to-school physi­ shoulder blade higher than the cal checkups. And yet, it is dis­ other. H ow ever, the best check turbingly common among teen­ for scoliosis is an annual pre­ age girls. If left untreated, scolio­ school checkup with a C hiroprac­ sis often leads to painful arthritis tor. The one professional best QÄ A of the spine. But if the disorder is detected by age eight, before the adolescent growth spurt, there is better than 50% chance for com ­ t trained to detect and correct spi­ nal disorders. It’s a simple, pain­ less, inexpensive procedure that can save your children years of discom fort and disfigurem ent later in life. For a scoliosis checkup, or for answ ers to any questions you might have about your own health, call us at the num ber below . Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland, Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4