June 22, 2005 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity C h a m p io n to H I V M etro Positive Patients Dentists at Russell Street Clinic serve community ®l’c ^Jortlanb (Obseruer years •S community service See story, page B3 SECTION C o m m u n it y a l e n cl a r Hoops Art Camp Help Needed H igher Stages Arts A cadem y, a su m m e r sc h o o l th a t te a c h e s dram a, com puter graphics and video arts, is seeking volunteers that have experience w orking with youth. C ontact Suzanne M arsh at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 3 2 0 o r em ail at whitakerhigherstages@hotmail.com '«Growing Bodiesand Minds AIDS Camp Support Sought C am p Starlight is a program o f C ascade AID S that provides chil­ dren affected by H IV /A IDS the opportunity to enjoy a caring, safe, recreational cam ping experi­ ence. T he cam p starts at the end o f A ugust, but volunteer cam p co u n selo rs and d o n atio n s are needed now. Call 503-223-5907 or visit w w w .cascadeaids.org Inexpensive summer basketball clinics offered for youth Good in the Neighborhood T his year’s m ulticultural “G ood in the N eighborhood” festival will take place on Saturday, June 25 from noon to 9:30 p.m. and Sun­ day, June 26 from noon to 7:45 p.m. at King School Park on the 4800 block o f N ortheast Sixth A venue. International m usic, arts and crafts, food and m ore will be featured at the free event. For m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it www.goodintheneighborhood.org. Poetry Reading Bold Sky C afé, 3943 N. M issis­ sippi St., will feature acclaim ed w riters Dan Raphael, Christyne Sisk and L yssa Tall A nolik on Thursday, June 2 9 at7 :3 0 p .m .F o r m ore inform ation, call 503-287- 0154 or visit w w w .bold-sky.com . Summer Play Days AU sum m er long com e jo in other fam ilies in Irving Park every W ednesday at 10 a. m. to gather with W aldorf School oriented and inspired families who wish to play, snack and get w et in the new w aterplay area. F orm ore inform a­ tio n , c o n ta c t w w w .s h in in g starschool.com . Bradley-Angle House T he Bradley-A ngle H ouse needs volunteers to help its outreach a g a in s t d o m e s tic v io le n c e . W om en o f color and bilingual w om en are encouraged to call. For m ore inform ation, call 503- 282-9940. Women Mentors W om en in Com m unity Service are seeking volunteer mentors for fe­ male offenders at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. M entors pro­ vide support and encouragem ent to women transitioning from prison back into the com munity. M entors must be female, 24 or older. Train­ ing is provided. Call 503-570-6614 for more inform ation. Get Fit, Stay Healthy! Sankofaa H ealth Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third T hurs­ day at A lberta Sim m ons Plaza, 6707 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. For m ore inform ation, call 503-285-2484. Women in NAACP W om en in N A A C P m eets from 10:30a.m . to I p.m. the first Satur­ day o f each m onth at the A m eri­ can Red C ross Building, 3131 N. V ancouver. For questions, call 503-249-6263. Humboldt Celebration C om e get to know your neigh­ bors and enjoy this event spon­ sored by O ur U nited V illages. In addition to food and fun, local storyteller-drum m er Askari will p e rfo rm a lo n g w ith s in g e r- songw riter C hris G abriel. Local bu sinesses have d o nated food for this event. The celebration will be held on W ednesday, June 29 at the North Star Ballroom lo­ cated at 635 N K illingsw orth CT. at 5 p.m. T his event is free and all ages arc w elcome. For more infor­ m ation contact C orinna Buchholz at 503-546-7499 or corinna@ our unitedvillages.org B photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver First Step Sports Academy Coach E.J. Perm and a few o f the many basketball players that visited the academy's first basketball session last week at Irving Park in northeast Portland. Family Fun Days at Irving Park K atherine B lackmore T he P ortland O bserver Local fam ilies w ill attend a series o f Fam ily Fun D ays at Irving Park in n o rth ea st P ortlan d th is sum m er, sp o n so red by F irst S tep S p o rts A cadem y, the N ortheast C oalitions o f N eighborhoods, Portland Parks and Recreation and other support­ ers. Each Friday afternoon from July 15 to Aug. 5, parents, grandparents, by aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings and everyone else under the sun are in­ vited to leam about issues like health, com m unity housing and local ser­ vices. H ealth check-up clinics, p am ­ phlets and not-profit representatives will be on hand. Johnny G age, a volunteer w ith the O regon Action project, said the infor­ mation and services w ould help many parents leam about resources they never knew existed. He said it’s also an opportunity to reach more fam i­ lies w ho need help. E x p ectatio n s for the park are raised as well. The com m unity is taking owner­ ship o f the park. Gage said, letting others know that gangs, violence and drugs aren’t welcome at Irving. Al­ ready, h e 's noted the absence o f four- letter w ords and people lighting up cigarettes. The atmosphere is respect­ ful. by K atherine B lackmore T he P ortland O bserver It’s a sunny day, the first sign that sum m er is here and school is out for a stretch. The Irving Park basketball co u rts in n o rth east Portland are filled with young boys and girls, half the size o f their coaches, running back and forth from one hoop to the other, hop­ ing for a shot. First Step Sports A cadem y is giving them that shot, with b as­ ketball clinics for children at a mere $8 a week. Com pared to the average cost o f a basketball clinic at $90 a week, it’s obvious that the academ y isn 't in it for the m oney. “It ju st cam e out o f having an affordable clinic,” said Coach E. J . Penn. The program is necessary for inner-city children who c a n 't af­ ford the exclusivity and expense o fo th erclin ics. It’s necessary not only for their grow ing bodies, but for their growing minds. “The kids needed som ething to do with the school budget cuts. The third, fourth and fifth graders are being left out. W e w anted to give them som ething at a young age, to keep them involved in­ stead o f ju st playing N intendos,” Penn said. For kids like D avid Jackson- Lyday, 10, basketball m eans the world - and having the chance to play in a co ntrolled en viron­ m ent o ver the sum m er is im ­ perative. “ I love basketball. A lot o f my fam ily m em bers play. It m akes m e feel better,” Jackson- Lyday said. T he A ll-A m eric an Y outh B asketball C linic is entirely a com m unity effort, m ade up o f v o lu n te e rs fro m F irs t S tep S p o rts A ca d em y , N o rth e a st C oalition o f N eighborhoods, Inc., Youth E m ploym entC enter and others. W hile jersey s, park use and basketballs w ere p ro ­ vided by the Portland Parks and R e c re a tio n , fu n d in g c o m e s c o m p le te ly fro m n e ig h b o rs w anting their children to see a better life. “W e w ant m ore kids to have an effect on the com m unity. T hese kids are at a vulnerable stage in their lives w here they leam good o r bad. W e w ant to take advantage o f that by in­ stilling g ood,” Penn said. The coaches use basketball simply as a tool for inner growth, presenting a different them e each w eek for the children to strive for. Som e ideas include discipline, sharing, attitude and respect. “W e w atch th em on the continued on page B6 Libraries Offer Summer Reading Games encourage literacy Turn off the T.V. this summer and keep reading ! C h ild ren and teens throughout Multnomah County can now visit any Multnomah County Library lo­ cation to sign up for the annual Summer Reading program. Last year, more than 47,000 children and teens participated. An active summer reading schedule is a proven activity that narrow s the achievement gap between more and less economically advantaged students, ac­ cording to Katie O ’Dell, the library system 's reading promotions coordina­ tor. “Our outreach staff will bring the Sum­ mer Reading program to federal lunch sites, housing authority locations and low-income childcare centers. We’re going to reach far out beyond the library walls into the communities where par­ ticipating in a summer reading program is not a tradition, not even a known possibility,” O ’Dell said. The program, which is structured as a game, encourages players to read and earn incentives for each block of time they read. Youth of all ages, including very young children who are being read to by a parent or caregiver, can participate. Teens can enroll in a separate pro­ gram this year that was designed just for them. For more information, visit the library's website at www.multcolib.org/summer/. A listing of free summer programs at the library is available at www.multcolib.org/ events/. The new Club Level o f the Rose Garden Arena will include two luxurious lounges with plasma televisions, couches and bars reserved for Club Level season ticket holders. Rose Garden Arena Gets Facelift Improvements planned for seating, lounges The Rose G arden A rena will take on a new look soon, with im provem ents being m ade across the board to seating and lounge areas. G lobal Spectrum , the new ow ner o f the arena, recently announced that phase one o f the upgrades begins next month to the Courtside Lounge, the Club Level, the Suite Level and the back of house prepa­ ration facilities. In sid e th e are n a bow l, new sp o rts lig h tin g w ill be ad d ed to en h an ce T rail B lazer g am es an d o th e r sporting events. A p p ro x im ately 10,000 b in o cu lars w ill be in stalled u n d er individual seats in the C lu b L ev el, S u ite Level and 300 Level. “T his sum m er is the start of a program o f renovations that will continue in the years to com e as we strive to return the Rose G arden to the top o f the echelon in the industry. O ur im provem ents are both physical and conceptual.” said M ichael Scanlon, general m anager o f the Rose Quarter. O ne o f the w o rld ’s m ost w ell r e ­ sp ected and creativ e sp o rts a rc h ite c ­ tural firm s, B risbin B rook B eynon, has been selected for the aren a ren o v atio n . B eynon is c u rre n tly o v e rse e in g the m assive renovation o f M adison S quare G arden in N ew Y ork C ity and w as also resp o n sib le fo r the acclaim ed aren a ren o v atio n s in C alg ary and E dm onton in C an ad a, as w ell as the new , state-o f- th e-art facilities in T o ro n to , C anada, H elsinki, F in lan d , and H am burg. G e r­ m any. C lub l^evel im provem ents are planned to in clu d e tw o lu x u rio u s clu b lounges on the east and w est sid es o f the Rose G ard en featu rin g all-in clu siv e food s ta ­ tio n s d u rin g all T rail B lazers gam es. I ; T h is level w ill b e “g u tte d and strip p ed o f its ex istin g lo o k " an d tran sfo rm ed in to a m odern are a ex c lu siv e to C lu b Level S eason T icket h o ld ers w ith plasm a te le v isio n s, co u c h e s, lo u n g es, c a rp e t­ ing. and bars. O v atio n s F o o d S erv ice s, the c o n c e s­ sio n a ire fo r the R ose Q u arte r, is e x ­ p an d in g the fo o d o p tio n s that w ill be featu red at the C lu b L evel fo o d sta tio n s to in clu d e m enu item s ty p ic a lly fo u n d at lavish resta u ran ts in ad d itio n to sta n ­ d ard are n a fare. P lan n ed co u rtsid e im p ro v e m en ts in ­ clu d e the d em o litio n o f the ex istin g C o u rtsid e L ou n g e an d co n stru c tio n o f a new 5 .5 0 0 sq u are feet p riv ate c lu b on the ev en t level w ith easy ac cess for co u rtsid e g u ests at T rail B lazers g am es an d a v a ila b ility fo r V IP fu n c tio n s th ro u g h o u t th e year. T he co n stru c tio n w ill not affect any ev en t at the R ose G ard en and all ev en ts an d m e e tin g s re m a in s c h e d u le d as p lan n ed .