Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 22, 2005, Page 3, Image 3

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    llo rtlan ù (Observer
lune 22. 2005
Page A3
F ood & N utrition
Burger Tips for Barbecue Success
• 1 tbs Schw artz C ajun G rill & Sizzle Seasoning
• 1 tbs tom ato purée
• 1 tbs light soy sauce
• 1 tbs olive oil
• 227 g (8 oz) tin pineapple rings in ju ice, cut into chunks
• 4 5 0 g ( 1 lb)boneless,skinless
chicken breasts, cubed
• 1 red pepper, diced
• 1 courgette, cut into 8 pieces
Fire up the grill fo r family fun
Sum m er and fall - and the long
w eekends in-betw een - are ideal
tim es to fire up the grill and bring
the fam ily together for som e o u t­
door fun.
Burgers, the quintessential bar­
becue fare, are am ong A m erica’s
all-tim e favorite foods. For variety,
top them with unconventional fix­
ings, such as avocado slices, aru­
gula, salsa and fresh basil.
F or the best taste and optim um
fresh n ess, co n n o isseu rs rec o m ­
m end organic ground beef.
“U SDA-certified organic ground
beef is m ade from anim als that have
not been injected with synthetic
horm ones or antibiotics, and that
eat food free o f anim al byproducts
and grown w ithout pesticides,” said
M ichael Levine, president o f O r­
ganic Prairie Fam ily o f Farm s, one
o f the nation’s leading coopera­
tives o f organic farm ers and pro­
viders o f organic meat.
Here are some burger- maki ng ti ps
from Organic Prairie:
• For the best flavor, use 85
percent lean ground beef. If you
choose leaner meat, add a splash o f
tom ato ju ic e o r W o rcestersh ire
sauce to increase flavor and m ois­
• Finely m ince any garlic, onions
or other vegetables that wi 11 be mi xed
into the meat. Larger chunks will
m ake the burger fall apart on the
• W et clean hands prior to m ak­
ing the patties. The patties should
be form ed loosely, not packed or
pressed, and should be about one-
half-inch thick and slightly w ider
than the bun.
Cajun Chicken Kebabs
Cajun Dip:
G reek G ourm et B urger (Makeseservings)
1 l/2poundsOrganicPrairiegroundbeef(thawed)
11/2 medium green onion (chopped)
1 cup fresh spinach (chopped)
1/4 cup tomato (chopped)
1/4 cup organic feta cheese
1/4 teaspoon dried dill
1/2 teaspoon basil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt (to taste)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper (ground)
In a large glass bowl, mix all ingredients. Cover and chill fo r /
hour to allow flavors to mingle. Form into 6 patties. Cook over
medium-high heat fo r 6 minutes on each side fo r medium doneness.
Serve over seasonal greens.
• 1 5 0 m l(l/4 p in t)s o u rc re a m
• 3 tbs m ayonnaise
• 1 tsp Schw artz C ajun G rill &
Sizzle Seasoning
In a bow l, blend the Cajun
Seasoning, tom ato purée, soy
sauce and oil together with the
pineapplejuice. Stir in the chicken. C over and m arinate for at least one
hour in a refrigerator.
T h re ad the ch ick en , p ep p er, co u rg e tte an d p in e a p p le a lte r­
n ately o n to 4 sk ew ers.
Place under a pre-heated grill or on a barbecue for 15 to 20 m inutes,
turning occasionally, basting w ith any left o ver m arinade.
Blend all the dip ingredients together in asm all bowl and serve with
the kebabs.
M akes 4 servings.
Blue Ribbon Recipes Featured in ‘Farmer’s Almanac’
This stuffed, crusty bread is
the perfect complement, right
out of the oven, for pasta dishes
or soup. French Bread with
Spinach-Cheese Stuffing is fea­
tured in “The Old Farmer's Al­
manac Blue Ribbon Recipes.”
This cookbook, bursting with
award-w inning recipes from
country fairs across America, is
available wherever books and
magazines are sold or online at
To make the dough, in a
large bowl, com bine the yeast,
salt, water, sugar, and 5 cups
of the flour. Knead the dough
on a floured surface, adding
flour until the dough is elastic
but not too dry. Let rise in an can be left to rise in the refrig-
oiled bowl until doubled in bulk, eratorovernight.) Knead again
about 50 m inutes. (The dough and divide into two oblong
Preheat the oven to 350 de­
grees F. To make the stuffing,
melt the butter in a large skil­
let. Add the onion and sauté
• 1 package (1 tablespoon) dry yeast
until tender. Add the spinach,
• 2 teaspoons salt
pepper, dill weed, and salt.
• 2 cups w arm w ater
• 2 tablespoons sugar
Add the cheese and cook until
• 5 to 6 cups flour
• Cornmeal
melted. Using a sharp knife,
make a large slash in the top
each loaf and place the
2 tablespoons butter
stuffing inside. Close the slash
1 large onion, chopped
by pinching the dough. Brush
3/4 cup cooked, chopped spinach, squeezed dry
Pinch o f freshly ground black pepper
the dough with the egg and
1 teaspoon dill weed
sprinkle with sesame or poppy
1 teaspoon salt
seeds (if using). Bake for 30
6 ounces Swiss cheese, shredded
to 40 m inutes, or until golden
1 egg, beaten
brown. (M akes 2 loaves)
Sesam e seeds or poppy seeds (optional)
The recipe was submitted
to “The Old Farm er’s Alma-
loaves. Sprinkle an oiled bak- the loaves on the sheet. Let nac Blue Ribbon Recipes” by
ing sheet with cornmeal. Place rise until doubled in bulk, about Kevin Coleman of Catarina,
50 m inutes.
French Bread with Spinach-Cheese Stuffing
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