Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 22, 2005, Page 10, Image 10

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( ß h ö C r U C r _________________________________________________ lune 22. 2005
C lassifieds
Supplier/Production Scheduler
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc, a
rapidly growing manufacturer of
high quality com pact tools, is
seeking a Supplier/Production
Scheduler. Supplier/Production
S c h e d u le rs c o o rd in a te s the
m ovem ent and pro ce ssing of
parts through the manufacturing
p ro c e ss . A lso id e n tifie s and
com m u nicate s requirem ents,
p rio ritie s , and s h o rtfa lls in
Inventory/WIP with all levels of
management, and with outside
suppliers, to ensure a smooth and
accurate flow of m aterials in
support of the Master Production
Duties include: analyzing MRP
re q u ire m e n ts to d e te rm in e ,
publish, and coordinate release of
material and components out of
the Stockroom to meet lead time
and batch size requirements of
specific mfg operations. Update
production and inventory control
system. Develops spreadsheets,
charts and reports on inventory
and s c h e d u le p e rfo rm a n c e .
Troubleshoots and initiates action
to re s o lv e d is c re p a n c ie s in
paperwork or system information.
I B ids
Portland Parks & Recreations
seeks to fill seven vacancies. Five
“ P a r k i A R e c re a tio n Z o n e
M anagers " who are responsible
for developing, implementing and
m a n a g in g O p e ra tio n s and
R ecreation program s fo r five
geographical zones within the City
o f P o rtla n d w hich in c lu d e
Recreation Centers, Pools and
other parks facilities including
g a rd e n s , ball fie ld s and
p la yg ro u n d s .
A p p ro xim a te
m o n th ly s a la ry is $4,971 to
$ 6 ,6 7 8 . The tw o “ P a r k s a
R ecreation City Nature Zone
M anagers" are responsible for
managing forestry programs and
natural areas within tw o City
Nature Zones including urban
forestry, trail system maintenance
and natural area restoration.
Approxim ate monthly salary is
$4,739 to $6,342. For additional
information or to apply online visit
Program Specialist
for Civil Rights Organization
Seeking individual with strong
communication and organization
skills to answer complaint hotline
and assist with: investigations,
community outreach, education.
Ideal candidate will be bilingual
(En glish and e ith e r R ussian,
Vietnamese, Arabic or any Asian,
A fric a n , o r P a c ific Islan d
language). Preference also given
to verified m em ber of Native
American/Alaskan Native tribe.
For detailed job description, see
our website w w w .fhco.org. No
calls please. Deadline June 24.
Mail, fax, or email resume and
cover letter to:
Successful candidates will have
A s so c D egre e in B u sin ess,
Economics, Accounting, or Math
p re fe rre d
e q u iv a le n t
experience. Excellent written and
oral communication required as
well as good time management
and com puter skills including
spreadsheets. We offer excellent
benefits, a com petitive salary,
and a team work environment.
Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/
FairHousIngCouncilof Oregon
D/V Pre-em ployment drug and
1020 SW Taylor, Suite 700,
alcohol screen. To be considered
Portland OR 97205
fo r th is p o sitio n in te re ste d
c a n d id a te s m ust send th e ir
resume and cover letter by June
FHCO is an equal opportunity employer.
24, 2005 to fax #503-253-7830
or send yo u r resum e to
NE Portland Room for Rent
jo b s @ le a th e rm a n .c o m .
No Spacious, good loctn, w/bath, no smok-
telephone calls please.
ing/pets. Seeking male, professional/
P.0. Box 20595
Portland, OR 97294
Field Rehab Technician (Carpenter)
W orks independently and with
organization staff to com plete
home repairs for senior, disabled
and low -incom e hom eowners.
Directs volunteers to complete
needed home repairs. Community
outreach to potential program
recipients, volunteers and donors.
Assist with all aspects of annual
REACH Paint-a-thon. TO APPLY: In
person, applications available
Mon-Fri. 8a.m.-12 / l-5 p .m . at
REACH CDC, 1135 SE Salmon,
P o rtla n d , O re g o n , 97214.
R e su m e s and c o v e r le tte rs
optional, but welcome. REACH is
an equal opportunity employer.
full-time student. $ 3 5 0 /m o , incl util.
If y o u ’re 16-24, fe m ale, and
looking for a smart alternative to
getting your GED or diploma while
training for a high paying career,
take a look at PIVOT, a Job Corps
Business Technology program. We
offer free academic and career
tra in in g , an a llo w a n c e , and
paym ent for completion at our
beautiful office training facility in
Montgomery Park. No paybacks
or financial commitments.
The first step is to attend an
O rie n ta tio n , held w e e k ly at
Montgomery Park on Wednesdays
at 2 PM. Call 877-JOB-CORPS
(877-562-2677) to reserve your
Job Announcement
Childcare: Head Teachers for the
Toddler and Preschool Room at
Peninsula Children's Center; a
n o n -p ro fit ch ild c a re in North
Portland. Must have CDA, at least
ye a r
c e n te r-b a s e d
e xp e rie n c e , and s u p e rvis o ry
experience. Competitive wages
and benefits. Call 503-280-0534
Childcare: Teaching Assistants/
Subs. Must have at least 6 months
center based experience with
children 0-12 yrs. Com petitive
wages and benefits. Call 503-
Development Assistant
PT, 20 hours per week. Assist RD
Manager with clerical functions of
department. Maintain fundraising
database: process all donations,
generate thank you letters, and
other database functions. Strong
o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills , d e ta il
oriented, requires a high aptitude
and experience for com puter
database system s. 3-5 years
e x p e rie n c e w ith d a ta b a se s.
Experience with fundraising and
FR databases preferred. Cover
le tte r and re su m e to : Kay
H utchinson; REACH; 1135 SE
Salmon St.; Portland OR 97214
by June 30th. www.reachcdc.org
Subsidized units may be available at this time for persons who are 62 years
of age or older, or disabled regardless of age. If subsidized units are not
available qualified applicants will be placed on a waiting list. These are
elderly units with Federal assistance.
Rental Range from $0 to $639/m
Guardian Management LLC is committed to Equal Housing Opportunity.
This institution is an Equal Opportunity provider.
Canby Village
488 NW 6*
Canby, Oregon 97013
(503) 266-4434 TDD# 1-800-735-2900
Notice of 30 Day Comment Period and
Public Hearing on Barriers to Fair Housing.
The Housing and Community Development Commission (HCDC)
will accept public testim on y on barriers to fa ir housing in
Multnomah County, including discrimination based on race, color,
religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation,
source of Incom e an d/or the presence of children in the
household (family status). Individuals and organizations are
invited to testify on any barriers to fair housing and housing choice,
including any bias encountered in financing, renting or buying a
home. In addition, testimony will be accepted related to the City
of Portland’s policy for the location of new publicly funded
affordable housing units will also be welcome. The public hearing
will be held at the Multnomah Building, 501 SE Hawthorne, First
Floor, Boardroom on:
July 6, Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Testimony will be used to develop a new Analysis of Impediments
to Fair Housing (Al), a report that describes current barriers and
makes recommendations for addressing them. The Al will also
include an updated location policyforthe City of Portland. TheAl
will be Issued in Fall 2005.
The hearing will be accessible to people with mobility impairments.
Translation services and sign language Interpreters will be
available upon request. Please notify Ruth Benson, Bureau of
Housing and Community Development, (503) 823-2392, (503)
823-6868 (TTY) at least seven days before the hearings if you
need these services.
Te s tim o n y can a lso be s u b m itte d
by e m a il to
bhcdinfo@cl.portland.or.us or by letter attention Fair Housing,
Bureau of Housing and Community Development, 421 SW 6th
Ave., Room 1100, Portland, OR 97204. All testimony must be
received by July 29, 2005.
The City o f Portland, O regon,
Police Bureau seeks a full tim e
P o lic e D e s k C le rk . T h is is
specialized service work in the
Police Bureau. Employees In this
class work directly with the public
providing information, responding
to Inquiries and complaints both
in person and over the phone.
This person must provide support
to officers on the street and in a
p re c in c t by a c c e s s in g and
providing information as needed.
R e qu e ste d
in fo rm a tio n is
accessed and retrieved by using
Bureau com puter files, LEDS,
NCIC, PPDS, DMV, CAD and other
In fo rm a tio n s o u rc e s . Th e se
positions are located in precincts,
Traffic, and Records divisions
within the Police Bureau. Many
of the contacts are of a sensitive
or stressful nature. Police Desk
Clerks may be required to work
day, e ve n in g o r n igh t s h ifts ,
w ee ke nds or ho lida ys. Som e
Positions m ay require a valid
S ta te D riv e r's Lic e n se and
a c c e p ta b le d riv in g re co rd .
Approxim ate m onthly salary is
$2,004 to $2,770. For additional
information or to apply online visit
http://ww w5.ci.portland.or.us/
Checkroom Attendant, P ortland
Center for the Perform ing Arts.
$8.76/hour, PT. Deadline 6/27/
05. Greets and directs patrons,
c h e c k s c o a ts and c o lle c ts
checkroom fees.
Gate Attendant or Usher. Portland
C e n te r fo r P e rfo rm in g A rts .
$10.07/hr, PT. Deadline 6/27/
05. Gate Attendants take tickets;
m on itor doors d urin g events;
direct patrons: occasionally patrol
sp e cia l e ve n ts. U shers g re e t
patrons with seat locations: give
c u s to m e r s e rv ic e ; d e v e lo p
k n o w le d g e
s e a tin g
arrangem ents: enforce facility
rules and regulations.
To a c c e ss th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ired
application m aterials visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a complete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Avenue, Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
C ity o f P o r tla n d
B ureau o f P u rc h ases
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
L egal
N otices
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
Need to p u b lis h a c o u rt
document or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or e-
mail your notice for a free price
Fax: 503-288-0015
The Portland Observer
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtlme/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drugtest/Background check
New hires must have acceptable
documentation to confirm both
Identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
& Thurs at City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland.
intoxicated individuals, and overman travel. We currently have an
Inspector vacancy at our main office in Milwaukie. The applicant list may
also be used to fill additional vacancies as they occur at our other offices
throughout the state. Candidates must have investigative experience
Salary is $2.792 - $3,877/month. Please refer to Job Announcement
P LE 040881B fo r a d e ta ile d e x p la n a tio n of th e m inim um
qualifications. Announcement and application materials are available
a t www.oregonjobs.org (Job category: "Regulation. Enforcement,
Inspection & Public Safety") or by calling the OLCC's Job Line at
(503) 872-5238. This recruitment closes on July 5.2 0 05 .
These are just a tew of the current job openings available
with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement
listing, application forms, and additional job information are
available at; a) local Employment Department field offices,
or b, the Oregon jobs page at: www oregonjobs.org. The
State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and
comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health
insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal
leave: membership in the Oregon Public
Service R etirem ent Plan (O PSRP); and
opportunities to participate in the Oregon
; -**-
Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon
and all its divisions are proud to be equal
opportunity employers.
Appraiser I
$ 3 ,1 1 3 -$ 3 ,7 8 5 / month
Closes June 24, 2005
Management Analyst II
Sheriffs office - Patrol
• District Access M anagem ent and Engineering Coordinator
Salary $3.160 - $4,525/m onth
Announcement #0CDT5096 Portland
• Quality Assurance Specialist
Salary $2.357 - $3.375/month
Announcement #0CDT5119 Coquille
• Assistant Project M anager
Salary $3,720 - $6,035/m onth
Announcement #0CDT5161 Tigard
• Jr. Laboratory Technician
Salary $1,868 $2,645/m onth
Announcement U0CDT5006B Salem
• Development Review Traffic Engineer
PERS covers nearly 300.000 members and administers retirement,
disability benefits, health insurance, and deferred compensation plans
statewide. We strive to serve our members by delivering retiremeni and
health benefits, effectively and efficiently.
Management Analyst II
Salary $3,661 - $5,242/month
Announcement H0CDT5106A Roseburg
Find out how you can becom e An
► A r m y
O f
O ne
a t
G O A R M Y R E S E R V E .C O M , or c a ll
Where- Army Recruiting Station
When Monday Friday 9 00 am 5 00 pm
Who: SFC Raymon Collett
Call 503-284-4005
Salary $3,160 $4.525/month
Announcement H0CDT5185 La Grande
• Design Bulkt Coordinator
Salary $3,160 - $4,525/month
Announcement #0CDT5317 Salem
Direct, monitor, and control the work of the
Customer Service Center In Tigard.
Salary range: $3,720 $5.486/m onth
Announcement «LE050411
Closing date: June 27,2005
Ask About
Enlistment Bonuses
• Local Agency Liaison
• Principal Executive/M anager 0
Customer Service Manager
sheriffs office - Research/ Planning
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b site :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
$4,188 - $ 5,090/ month
Closes June 24, 2005
$4,188 - $5,090 / month
Closes June 24, 2005
ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation. If great
benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and
career growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT. Current
recruitments include:
2003 Pa d loi by tin?
I In tod Stall 's Army
Al I q ’ its r > f ’isC"I
• ADU Document Control
Salary $3.160 $4.525/month
Announcement #OCDT5314 Salem
• Inspector/Surveyor
Vou can obtain job announcements, which may include test questions,
and the State of Oregon application form (P0100) from the local
Employment Department, the state website: www.oregonjobe.org PERS
website www oregon.gov/para or call PERS Human Resources al
503-603-7794 (TTY 5 0 3 4 0 3 -7 7 6 6 ) Criminal history will be checked
prior to hire. EOE/AA.
Salary $2.728 - $3,911/month
Announcement 4OCDT5O42A Salem
• Property Agent
Salary $3.303 - $4.310/month
Announcement 40CDT5307A Salem
• Design Build Program Manager
Salary $3,903 - $5.486/month
Announcement 40C0T5315 Salem
Liquor Regulatory Specialist
The Liquor Commission is looking for people with excellent investigation,
report writing and interpersonal communication skills. Liquor Regulatory
Specialists perform compliance and/or license investigation duties in
their work with the alcohol beverage industry, community and moderation
groups, taw enforcement agencies, and the public Some positions
involve night and weekend work schedules, interactions with angry or
Working « ODOT The Way to Oo. Detailed job announcements include
qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these
Go to wwwodot.stafeorus/jobs for a complete copy or call
503-986-4030 (TTY 5 0 8 9 8 8 3 8 5 4 ] to request by ma». ODOT is proud
to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer
Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request:
(503) 3 786202. TTY 1-8089936898.
e g o n
o b s