Page A3 ^^^ortlaxtb (Observer May 4, 2005 New Jefferson Model Studied Local community would govern high school In a joint partnership betw een Self Enhancem ent, Inc. and Jefferson High School, it was announced last week that SEI received a $35,000 Parent, Fam ily, and Com m unity grant from the Portland School Foundation to study the potential o f a com m unity “governance” model for the school. G eoff Brooks, a retired educator and m em ber o f the north and northeast Portland com m unity has been hired as the facilitator for the project. “The intent o f the C om m unity Involvem ent G rant is to bring lots o f ideas together w ith a com m on goal of long-term sustainability” said Larry D ashiell, principal o f Jefferson High School. “It is my hope that this project unifies the com m unity, and truly becom es a com m unity effort to support a com m unity school.” In a “governance” m odel, a com m unity governing board would have full responsibility and authority for ru n n in g Jefferso n High School includ­ ing curriculum , hir­ in g , s c h o o l im ­ p ro v e m e n t p la n s, and overall direction o f the school. “This is a unique opportunity to look at the possibility of re a l c h a n g e at J e f f e r s o n ” sa id -T o n y Hopson, president and CEO Tony H opson, of Self Enhancement, Inc. President and CEO ---------------------------------------- o f S e lf E n h a n c e ­ ment, Inc. “For m any years, the com m unity surround­ ing Jefferson has been left out o f conversations con­ cerning the future o f our neighborhood school. W e think its time to look at w ays to get the com m unity re­ engaged in a away that truly effects change. But keep in mind, this is a planning grant. W e may discover that this type o f model d o esn ’t w ork for our com m unity.” As part o f the grant, SEI and Jefferson will convene a core group o f com m unity stakeholders. This core group will be charged with studying the viability o f a governance model in the Jefferson school com m unity, including research o f sim ilar efforts taking place around the country. It is anticipated that this phase o f the grant will take up to one year. Several com m unity forum s will be held during the research and planning phase to keep the com m unity abreast o f the core g ro u p ’s developm ents and findings. This is a unique opportunity to, look at the possibility o f real change at Jefferson. V photo by I saiah B olie /T he P ortland O bserver A Portland Police Bureau van is using photo radar to record the speed o f m otorists on North Fremont Street adjacent to Boise-Elliot School. Safety Promoted in School Zones by I saiah B oijie T he P ortland O bserver Portland Police O fficer John Pot­ ter sits in the photo radar van on North Frem ont Street and makes sure that all the equipm ent is w ork­ ing correctly to enforce the school zone speed lim it in front of Boise- Elliot school. A ccording to May or T om Potter, “ K eeping our children save is the single most im portant issue in our com m unity.” In Portland during the 1990’s, over 1,000 children aged 17 and under were struck by a m otor ve­ hicle. An im pact with a m otor ve­ hicle at 20 m iles per hour kills 10 For the last few weeks, P o tter’s van has also w orked school zones at Faubion, V ernon and A lam eda schools in northeast Portland, and G lencoe in southeast Portland. The Police Bureau is stepping up the use of photo radar to m easure the effectiv en ess on traffic speeds, safety and public attitude. percent o f victim s. The death rate more than triples once the driver hits 30 mph. The fine for speeding varies d e ­ pending on how fast a person is over the lim it, but ranges from $ 141 to $201. The message: Don’tspeed, itsaves children's lives and your wallet. Minority Entrepreneurs Host Trade Show The Oregon Association of Minority Entre­ preneurs will be hosting its I? “1 annual Entre­ preneurship Luncheon and Trade Show at the Oregon Convention C enteron Thursday, May 12 from 10a.m. to 11:30a.m. and from 1 4p.m. The event will feature 150 exhibitors doing business with small and disadvantaged firms. Admission is free. The keynote speaker for this year’s lun­ cheon is Preston Pulliams, Portland Commu­ Preston Pulliam, Portland nity College president. CommunityCollege president A Small Business and Employee Health Samuel Brooks, OAME board chairman Insurance Workshop. “What do you think of when someone mentions insurance?” will be lead by Christine Zinter of Avalon Solutions. She’ll discuss how to shop for insurance, how to know if you’re paying a competitive rate, how to understand what the policy says and how to get the insurance your business needs. The workshop is from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in room C l 26 of the convention center. Tickets for the luncheon are $45 each and can be purchased on site or in advance by calling O A M E at 503-249-7744 or visit S [ new S E A S O N _____ -J M A R K E T | Straiofarru Sfaorkak&s F O R E V E R S a tu rd a y • 1 1 :0 0 a m -5 :0 0 p m E n jo y a S t r a w b e r r y S h o r t c a k e t h is S a t u r d a y a n d jo in th e c o m m u n it y e ffo r t to s t o p d o m e s t ic v io le n c e . W e ’ll g iv e y o u r $ 3 .7 5 to th e S o r o p - t o m is t N o r t h w e s t R e g io n . T h e y ’ll d is t r ib u t e it to lo c a l d o m e s t ic v io le n c e o r g a n iz a t io n s in th e P o r t la n d / M e t r o a re a . The friendliesT store in town. E A S Y & C O N C O R D IA N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o tt f in d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 .2 8 8 3 8 3 8 FU N TO ORENCO S H O P S T A T IO N C o t n e ll ¿i N E 6 1 s t A v e 1 l i l l s l x ) t o O R 9 7 1 2 4 503 648 6968 • LO C A LLY R A L E IG H O W N E D & O P E R A T E D SELLW O O D H IL L S 12 14 S E T a c o m a P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 503 230 4949 7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n H il ls d a le P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 2 5 503 292 6838 I SEVEN CO RNERS 1 9 5 4 S E D iv i s io n S t r e e t P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 503 445 2888