^ J o rth u tò ODhseruer May 4, 2005 page C7 'Women™ Careers Optimism for Self Employment continued from C2 ness owners and the overall small business segment,” said Hadley Robbins, small business seg­ ment manager for Wells Fargo in Portland. Survey respondents also show tremendous confidence in expec­ tations for theircompany’s future growth on three key success fac­ tors: revenues, cash flow and job hiring. Expectations for growth over the next 12 months exceed the performance from the previ­ ous 12 months on all three points. Additional findings include 63 percent of minority owners re­ porting they are in a good posi­ tion for retirement. Forty-three percent say their company has increased its overall productivity over the past 12 months while only 19 percent say it has de­ creased. Also, 85 percent of mi­ nority business owners say they would become a business owner again. ó u /e ij 421 SW 6,h Ave located between Washington and Stark phone: 503-796-9250 website: www.avalonflowerspdx.com e-mail: avalonflowers@msn.com Cori S te w a rt-O w n e r A table fills with area students filling out job applications at a Youth Employment Institution job fair SneW-Designer Your Care Our First Priority in southeast Portland. Stampeding for Jobs R e p re s e n ta tiv e s fro m 25 H undreds o f youth w aited em ployers attended the A pril p atien tly in line to get th eir 20 ev e n t to recru it persons n am etag and attend a recent Y outh E m ploym ent Institute from ages 16 to 24 to career jo b fair held at the R efugee p ath s an d let the p o te n tia l C om m unity O rganization cen ­ w orkers know the future can begin w ith their com pany. ter at 10301 N .E. G lisan St. Advertise with diversity Call 503-288-0033 T h e e m p lo y e rs sa id e x c e l­ le n t o p p o rtu n itie s fo r y o u n g e r w o r k e r s e x is t in e n try -le v e l p o s itio n s in in ­ d u s trie s su ch as h o s p ita lity , fo o d s e rv ic e , re ta il, call c e n ­ te rs an d th e tra d e s . in T1"|.lortlanì» (Obstruer ads@portlandobserver.eom Dr. Marceline Failla Chiropractic Physician Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 We a r e lo c a te d a t 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd. ) We specialize in: Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries