May 4, 2005 $ o rtIìtn ì> ^ B s e r ü e r page C3 ___ 1-------------------------------------- W om enin Careers Trading Corporate for Copies ê n h u n e i n g T h e T lo m e O w n e r s h i p ( E x p e r ie n c e " □ 3ohn £. .Scott " real estate Karmen Baricevic CSP .fi. WA" Direct 503-380-3315 MLS Selling in your neighborhood! DISCOVER MARYLHURST S u m m e r t e r m s t a r ts J u n e 2 0 ™ . PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT INFORMATION SESSION Ask Me A b o u t Earn up to 45 college credits (one year) toward your bachelor's degree for what you've already learned from work and life. TUESDAY, MAY 10 th , 6 :3 0 p.m . - 8 p.m . Room 2 0 0 , BP John Adm inistration Building To reserve a place, call 503 699 6260. 50% OFF Cujtom Banners SAMPLE MARYLHURST photo by K atherine K ovackh Monica Makin is the proud operator of The Parcel Place, a copying and mail services business she co­ owns with her husband Wes, located in the Wild Oats shopping mall at Northeast 15,h and Fremont. Entrepreneurial couple finds niche K atherine K ovacich T he P ortland O bserver Burned out from the corpo­ rate w orld, M onica M akin and her husband Wes decided to make a life fo r themselves on their own terms. So they sought advice, found a space and bought by a bunch o f copy machines. T h e ir business. The Parcel Place, is doing ju s t fine since its opening three years ago. S itu ­ ated in the W ild Oats shopping m all at Northeast 15,h and Fre­ mont Streets, the couple pulls in a lot o f clientele sim ply because o f where th e y ’ re located. “ There was nothing like this in the area,” M akin said. “ We both live in north Portland so it was kind o f an easy place to set up shop in terms o f where we live and being continued on page C8 Experience Marylhurst! Meet with the chair of an undergraduate program. At the graduate level, learn more about Art Therapy Counseling. SATURDAY, MAY 2 1 st , 9 :0 0 a .m . - noon Room 2 0 0 , BP John A dm inistration Building To reserve a place, call 503.699.6268 ★ US Mews & World Report BEST COLLEGES 2 0 0 5 "N u m b e r one in the N o rth w est fo r sm all classes" MARYLHURST UNIVERSITY N o rth w e s t C om m ission on Colleges an d U niversities accredited In te rn a tio n a l A ssem b ly fo r C o lleg ia te Business Education accredited 1 7 6 0 0 PACIFIC HIGHWAY (HWY. 43) MARYLHURST, OREGON - JUST 10 MINUTES SOUTH OF PORTLAND Serving students since 1 8 9 3 . w w w .m arylh u rst.e d u 8 0 0 .6 3 4 .9 9 8 2