Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 04, 2005, Page 14, Image 14

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May 4, 2005
S ports
Driven by Volleyball, Academics
Henley headed
to Jackson State
W h e n A m y H en ley w as a
fresh m an at De Le S alle N orth
C a th o lic H igh S chool, she could
b arely serv e a v o lley b all. N ow
fo u r y ears later, to say she has
im p ro v ed w o u ld be an u n d e r­
sta te m e n t.
A first team selectio n in the
N o rth w est L eag u e and a m ost
valu ab le p lay er fo r top rated
team s at De Le S alle N orth,
H e n le y ’s ta le n ts are not o n ly
re c o g n iz e d on the local level
but a lso by the head v o lley b all
co ach from Jack so n Sate U n i­
v ersity in M ississip p i.
A fter g rad u atin g this y ear,
she p lan s on atten d in g the u n i­
v e rsity on b o th a th le tic an d
a c a d e m ic s c h o l a r s h i p s . A
m id d le b lo ck er on h er v o lle y ­
ball team , she w ill m a jo r in
elem en tary ed u catio n o r m ass
co m m u n icatio n . Jack so n State
is p a rt o f th e S o u th w e s te rn
A thletic conference and a N C A A
D iv isio n I school.
H enley is p art o f the first
g rad atin g c la ss from the De Le
S alle N orth, w hich o p e n e d fo u r
Detroit Pistons'
Ben Wallace (3) is
guarded by
76ers' Chris
Webber (4) in
Conference first-
round game
Sunday in
(AP photo)
NBA Defensive Best Again
photo by
M ark W ashington TT he P ortland O bserver
Local student Amy Henly holds the colors o th e r new school, Jackson State University. The De Le
Salle North Catholic volleyball standout earned both athletic and academic scholarhips.
y ears ago.
A lo n g w ith volley b all, she
m a in ta in s a 3.0 grade point a v ­
e ra g e , is v ery in v o lv e d w ith
cam pus a c tiv itie s like yearbook
and black stu d e n t union, and
se rv e s as v ic e p r e s id e n t o f
C h ristian Y outh F ellow ship.
P o rtla n d
H er coach D ennis C arline and
p a re n ts M y tris and C la re n c e
B eal said they very pro u d o f her
a c c o m p lish m e n ts.
(AP) — Pistons center Ben
Wallace won the N BA ’s Defen­
sive Player of the Year award for
the third time in four years Mon­
Wallace also won it in 2002 and
D uring the regular season, he
ranked fifth with 2.38 blocks per
game, second with 12.2 rebounds
a gam e and 23rd with 1.43 steals
a game. The 6-foot-9,240-pound
W allace ranks second in the
playoffs w ith three blocks a
Philadelphia coach Jim O ’ Brien
has marveled at W allace’s ability
to pressure players rebounding
the ball, then harass the point
guard as he dribbles up the court.
Tested vehicle inform ation: Price $18,494; E n ­
gine: 2.0L D O H C 16 Valve 1-4; Transm ission: 4-
speed automatic.
The Forenza em erged in 2004 m arket as a four-
door notchback sedan. Suzuki added the five-door
w agon version for 2005. It has room for five passen­
gers w ith plenty o f legroom to stretch. Suzuki
b e lie v e s th a t th e F o re n z a w ill co m p e te w ith
M itsubishi, Volksw agen, and Subaru in the com pact
wagon m arket. Pininfarina, who has designed some
o f the most beautiful cars in the w orld, designed the
Forenza. The base price o f the Forenza S is $ 13,949,
r v
e v ie w
2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon E X ABS
LX is $ 15,849, and EX is $ 17,449.
There are three trim levels - S.LX and EX, each level
of trim offers more. Standard on all are four-wheel disc
Vehicle News and Reviews
( *
brakes, speed-sensitive power steering, heated exte­
rior mirrors, a tilt steering wheel, power door locks and
windows, plus a stereo with CD and eight speakers.
The Suzuki Forenza wagon comes loaded with fea­
tures at affordable price with an exterior full o f Italian
The Forenza Wagon EX is aluxury compact vehicle
that had a great feel to it. It was very comfortable to
drive. The lumbar of the buckets seats hit just right. It
maneuvered around whining road with ease. This wagon
is another reason why the Japanese auto makers are
rising in U.S. sales market.
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C A N N O N 'S
photo by
J ennifer B rinkman /B rinkman P hotography
John Benenate o f Portland and the cyclists in Team Marshall, the African-American women's team he helped coach.
BreakingtheColor Barrier'" Cycling
fro m Metro
had a house fire.
“I w anted to appear to be ris­
ing like a Phoenix, you k n o w ...
out o f the ashes,” Benenate jokes.
“I hate when people feel sorry for
me. It’scom m on in the paraplegia
business, you know ?”
Soon Benenate had arran g e­
m e n ts w ith P o r tla n d S ta te
U niversity’s Dalton M iller-Jones,
head o f the Black Studies D epart­
m ent, and G rant Farr, head o f the
Sociology D epartm ent to travel
to B loom ington and for college
credit, w rite a book about the
“place” o f the bicycle and the
legacy o f the turn-of-the-century
black world cycling cham pion
M arshall “M ajor" Taylor.
H ealing from second degree
burns and m anaging the details
o f the insurance claim and the
ensuing rem odel of his home was
a dem anding job. but in response
he m oved to dow ntow n Portland
and becam e a student at PSU.
W hen Benenate finally arrived
in Bloomington in March, his pres­
ence becam e a boot cam p. Side
by side, he helped teach the
y o u n g w om en th e b a sic s o f
ra c in g te c h n iq u e s ; d ra ftin g ,
pace lines and tim e trials. At the
end, the team had their com peti­
tive edge.
The Little 500 is a relay race
and is sim ilar to a track relay race.
One person at a tim e, around a
444 m eter track ‘handing o ff’ to
the next rider by touching elbow s
or hands in their ‘p it’ so the next
rider can take off.
For 100 laps, the cyclists pedal
hard and fast with speeds up to
25 mph, drafting, trying to stay in
the front. Falling off the back and
riding alone in the wind can be
brutal, and usually m arks the end
o f any hopes for the win.
The race was founded by Indi­
ana U niversity Student Founda­
tion, and has a lw ay s been a
fundraiser for student scholar­
ships. The com petition has be­
com e fierce with 32 w om en’s
teams com peting this year.
Laughter and nervous energy
were prevalent at the fam ily lunch
before the race. As they rode off
to the event, formed in a pace line,
the excitem ent and anxiety rose.
Catering & Take-Out
O ur S pecialty :
R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q
as Team M arshall's dream o f be­
ing the first all A frican-A m erican
tarn to com plete was about to
come true.
Benenate was the first w heel­
chair driver to coach and Team
M arshall head coach A utum n
Drew was the first woman to coach
at the “Little 5.” All the way
around, they were a team o f firsts,
how ever num ber 22 is the place
they finished. The rest is history.
Jennifer Brinkman o f Portland
traveled to Bloom ington, Ind. to
write about and photograph the
race. She a professional ph o to g ­
rapher and owner o f Brinkm an
Photography, 813 N. R ussell St.
She can be re a c h e d a t 503-
2 8 7 -7 4 0 5 o r b y v is itin g
brinkm anphoto. com
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