Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 04, 2005, Page 13, Image 13

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    May 4.2005___________________________________________
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R eligion
C lassifieds
Corporate Communications
Leatherman Tool Group, a leading
m a n u fa c tu re r
g lo b a l
m a rk e te r of m u lti-p u rp o s e ,
c o m p a c t to o ls is s e e k in g a
C o rp o ra te C o m m u n ic a tio n s
The Corporate Communications
S pecialist will optim ize media
c o ve ra g e th ro u g h p ro d u c t
p la c e m e n t, fa v o ra b le m edia
c o ve ra g e and c re a tio n of
communication materials. Key
d u tie s in c lu d e c re a tin g or
managing the resources used to
cre a te e xte rn a l and in te rn a l
customer communications.
S u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te s
demonstrate the ability to:
w ill
• W ork w ith new s o u tle ts to
obtain fa vo ra b le cove ra ge of
Leatherman products.
• Proactively generate company-
product-related story ideas and
press releases/kits.
• Create content for in-house
c o m m u n ic a tio n s
communications with customers
including the company Web site
e xte rn a l
com pany
• Write and edit copy for a variety
of product marketing literature,
p a c k a g in g , a d v e rtis e m e n ts ,
displays, and promotional items
to promote sale of product.
Qualified candidates will have a
BA or BS in Advertising, Marketing,
Journalism , English, or related
fie ld . T h re e ye a rs o f w ritin g
e xp e rie n c e in a d v e rtis in g ,
m a rk e tin g or re la te d fie ld
required. Must have a working
knowledge of M icrosoft Office
p ro g ra m s or o th e r re la te d
software, have the ability to read,
analyze and interpret all forms of
information and be able to meet
W e o ffe r e x c e lle n t b e n e fits ,
competitive wages and a friendly,
professional work environment.
Pre-employment drug and alcohol
s c re e n in g is re q u ire d . Equal
O p p o rtu n ity
E m ploye r.
Interested candidates can send
their resume and cover letter by
May 11, 2005 to fax #503-253-
7830 orjobs@ leatherm an.com .
P.O. Box 20595
Portland, OR 97294-0595
Vlvcrtise with diversity
j.ln rt latti» O b s e r v e r
Call 503-288-0033
M etro
Construction Coordinator,
M e tro p o lita n
E xp o s itio n -
Recreation Commission $58,617
- $82,033/annually. FT. Deadline:
05-12-05. Provides construction
coordin ation ; supervision and
Adm inistrative
(2 inspection services for assigned
positions/Full-time) NE Portland M ERC con stru ctio n or capital
Servingthe chronically mentally ill projects. This opportunity is open
this position is responsible for to First Opportunity Target Area
g re e tin g c lie n ts , a n s w e rin g residents (Colum bia Boulevard
phones, data entry in a fast paced on the north; 42nd Avenue on the
environment. Requires 2 yrs plus east; the Banfleld Freeway on the
front office experience preferably south, and North Chautauqua
in a m e d ic a l s e ttin g . G ood Boulevard on the west), whose
understanding of MS Office. Staff total annual incom e does not
of color strongly encouraged to exceed $25,000 as an individual,
o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire
h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a st 12
Administrative Floater (On-call) This
p o s itio n fills in d u rin g s ta ff months.
v a c a tio n s and a b s e n c e s at To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
various locations. Responsible for a n n o u n c e m e n t and re qu ired
front office clerical, answ ering a pplication process, v is it our
phones, greeting clients, data website at www.metro-region.org/
entry and filing in a fast paced jobs or pick up a complete packet
environm ent. Requires 1 year at Metro Human Resources, 600
previous front office experience NE Grand Avenue, Portland.
preferably in a medical setting.
AA/EEO Employer
Pay is $8.00 - 9.00/hr depending
on experience. Applicants of color
Portland State University
strongly encouraged to apply.
Position Announcement
L ife W orks
Children’sTherapist(20hrs/wk) N.
Portland This position works in
residential setting in a program for
African Am erican wom en and
children (ages 0 - 3 ) who are in
recovery. Provides mental health
a s s e s s m e n ts and in d iv id u a l
th e ra p y fo r c h ild re n in th e
program . R equires MA, prior
experience working with children
of chemically dependent parents.
Experience working with 0 - 3 yr
olds preferred.
Residential Care Facilitator (On-call)
N. Portland Project Network is a
program fo r p rim arily A frican
American women in recovery who
are with their small children. This
p o s itio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r
p ro vid in g support, fa c ilita tin g
activities and acting as a liaison
with clinical staff. Candidates
must be able to set boundaries,
pass a criminal background check
and be able to work evenings and
Kierra Sheard
has accom­
plished more
before high
school gradua­
tion than many
achieve in their
Portland State University seeks
tw o Advisor/Coordlnators for
Student Activities and Leadership
Programs with a background in
w o rk in g
w ith
s tu d e n t
o rg a n iz a tio n s d e d ic a te d to
academic, service, multicultural
and sp iritu a l stu d e n t groups.
Almost 130 student organizations
emerge each year with about 30%
re ce ivin g su b sta n tia l fu n d in g
from the student incidental fee
allocation process. Professional
s ta ff ta rg e t th e ir one to one
professional advice, supervision,
and In itia tiv e s fo r e ve n t or
p ro gram
m a n a g e m e n t,
le a d e rs h ip
d e ve lo p m e n t,
co m m u n ity b u ild in g , stu d e n t
learning, and academic success
w ith
s tu d e n t le a d e rs of
organizations organized via seven
primary cluster areas (Student
G o ve rn m e n t,
G reek
Academic, Fine and Performing
Arts, Multicultural, Spiritual, and
Service & Advocacy).
Gospel’s Kierra Sheard Wins Dove Award
Equal Opportunity Employer
• Immediate opportunities for highly motivated, flexible
and talented people. 24/7 environment. Criminal
background check, drug screen required.
• Paid training
• Excellent advancement opportunities
• Career development
• S TOP BY TODAY for an interview - I ree Valet Parking!
To apply: Please subm it cover
letter, resume and the names and
a d d re s s e s o f at le a s t th re e
references to:
Kate Bonsignore
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751,
Office of Student Affairs
Portland, OR 97207-0751
(503) 725-5341
(503) 725-5344
tour across the country.
for Urban Recording Song o f the Y ear at last
m onth’s G ospel M usic A ssociation Awards.
The K ellogg C om pany fam ous for their
In tw o m onths, she will graduate from high
cereals has nam ed Sheard as the sp o k esp er­
school. T here are m any things to look fo r­
son and celebrity ju d g e for the inaugural
w ard to for the young gospel sensation.
K ellogg's G ospel Sing Youth C hoirC om pe-
She will be recording her second C D this
tition. The com pany has invited youth gospel
sum m er and the album will realize in spring of
choirs from across the country. The w inner
2006. In the m eantim e, fan can look forw ard
will perform w ith M iss Sheard during her
to her rem ixed CD titled, “Just U n til...T h e
show at the D isney’s N ight of Joy in O rlando
N ext R ecord” that com es out in A ugust. In
in Septem ber.
Forty Years of Ministry
All are invited to join in the anniversary cel­
ebration of Emmanuel Temple Church on Sun­
day, May 15. Emmanuel is located at 1033 N.
Sumner Street and celebrations begin after ser­
vice at 3 p.m. The theme for this year is “Appre­
Interested applicants may submit
resumes with cover letters via e-
c o m p le te
p o sitio n
d e s c rip tio n s
p le a se
v is it
www.hrc.pdx.edu Screening of
5 0 3 -6 9 0 -9 6 0 5 or m ail to : applications will begin May 2005,
L ife W o rk s NW , 1 46 00 NW and continue until finalists are
Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229 id e n tifie d . P o rtla n d S ta te
Attn: Human Resources. Please University is an Affirmative Action,
include in your cover letter the Equal Opportunity institution and,
p o s itio n fo r w h ich you are in keeping with the President’s
applying. To learn more about d ive rs ity in itia tive , w elco m e s
LifeW orks NW please visit our a p p lic a tio n s from d iv e rs e
web site at www.lifeworksnw.org. candidates and candidates who
support diversity.
addition to recording she will also do a m all
K ierra “ K iK i” Sheard garnered the Dove
Get Made
Over By God
The Highland United Church
of Christ is having their annual
Women’s Conference on May 6
to 8.
This year's theme is “Extreme
Makeover: Righteousness + Obe­
dience = Promised Land.” There
will be workshops, guest speak­
ers and guest psalmists.
Worship will take place at the
Highland U.C.C located at 1737
NE Alberta and other events will
take place in the Rose Room at the
Rose Quarter. Everyone is invited
to attend for more information
pleasecall 503-287-9567.
ciating Our Past, Anticipating Our Future” and
Pastor Steven King from Oakland California
will be this years keynote speaker. For more
information please call 503-287-2223 or visit
*$8 increases to $9 on 5/15/05
Mon. - Fri. 10am - 4pm
Sat. 10am - 3pm
(5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 -1 1 0 3
(5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6
6 5 27 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland, OR 97217
Wally Tesfa
Residential and
Commercial Broker
503.267.7586 cell
503.249.1903 office
503.249.6527 fax
wtesfa l@ com cast.net
O p e n H o u s e In te r v ie w s!
( L f l/K - .* , excellent
> 9 / H r + bonuses
Zion CME Church Presents
Multi-Million $ Service
Precious Memories
C ro w Your C areer At:
A Gospel / Jazz Brunch
Li v e B rid g e
Recently ranked number ” in Customer
Interaction Solutions magazine*«
lii'fiitittli Annual Top SO Inlumntl
Tflttervitet Agrttctrs Ranking.
7303 SE l-akc Rd.
Portland, OR 97267
Phone: (503) 972-6949
Email: retruiter-poriland^livebridge.tom
I ivtl^rwlgt ia « i equal opportunity employer.
The Port of Portland is a regional government operating airports,
marine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland
metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive
cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing the
region's quality of life.
To view current job openings and to access the application form,
visit the Port's website at www.portofportland.com or call (503)
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO employer committed to
workforce diversity and affirmative action.
Honoring Matrons o f Motivation
Community A .M .E.
Zion Church
3605 East 131*1 Street Vancouver, WA
Sunday May 8th, 2005
8:00 am to 10:00 am
23rd Annual W omen’s Day Celebration
4733 NE. Thompson Street
(off Sandy Blvd)
Portland, Oregon
THEME: Women of Purpose - Living for God
— Esther 4:13-14
Three-D ay Celebration
Keynote Speaker
Guest Vocalist
Spoken Word Artist
Marilyn Keller
S. Renee Mitchell
Rev. Helen Haynes
Portland Oregon
Nappvroots Press
Allen Temple CME Church
Friday 5-13-05 7:00 p.m.
Workshop conducted by Rev, Dr. Mildred Hines
Pick up your complimentary ticket
And order your Mother s Day
Commemorative Candle at
Ross HollyMood Chapel
4733 NE Thompson St
Killingsworth Little Chapel
of the Chimes
430 N Killingsworth
Co-sponsored by
.Allen Temple CME Church
Melodies from Heaven
(KKSL 1290AM)
Portland Obseivei
basiq blaq productions
For more information call
Pastor Renee Ward
503-281-1800 or 503-283-1976
Saturday 5-14415 Noon - 2:00 p.m.
Crazy Hat Luncheon ($8.00)
Special Guest Rev. Dr Milked B. Hines
Rev. Dr. Mildred
B. Hines of
Los Argeles, CA
Sunday, 5-15-05 3:30 p.m.
Closing worship services
Guest speaker Rev. Dr MildredB Hines
360-693-4566 or 360-891-0972